I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In any case, he is a genius cartoonist of the Dragon Kingdom and a masterpiece of animation screenwriter Shui Xin!

I claim that this is a comic that does not lose the initial D, but the first issue is 18th.......

On the second day after the first issue of jojo, many good news media have opened a mocking mode.

All of a sudden, Chu Yu became a little angry, and Chu Yu was tired of listening to the rhetoric of the fall of an old manga genius.

These media like this kind of headline alarmist talk to deceive traffic. Chu Yu is used to it and doesn't want to bother them.

Chu Yu and Qin Bei, the editor-in-chief of Tianji Comics, both felt that Jojo's results in the first issue were okay, but these media and a group of practitioners who had conflicts with Chu Yu in the comics industry came out to criticize him for various interests.

Even if you are a top cartoonist, the new comics want to regain the glory of the past works, at least it will take a few months to serialize, let's talk about the plot unfolding!

But fortunately, under Chu Yuweibo, his fans were not affected by these remarks at all, and instead discussed the jojo plot with great interest.

"It seems that there is something in the main story. Before Mr. Shui Xin said that the main story of the jojo manga can exceed the initial D, I didn't believe it... But now I do believe it a bit!"

"Why? I bought the Xuanjing Journal and read this jojo main story. It seems that it's the same. Aside from the style of painting, you can't see anything now. See you are all working on Dior, Joseph. , I haven't read the prequel, are these two very powerful?"

"The two people are still very attractive anyway. The reason why they said they have confidence in the main story of jojo is that the main reason is that Teacher Shui Xin changed the combat power system. The combat power system of the previous prequel was ripple. Anyway, I think ripple qigong is meaningless. , It's not innovative enough. On the contrary, this stand-in system is obviously more interesting. If the quality of the follow-up plot is high enough, I think the main story will definitely be much better than the prequel."

"Dior is the main villain, I didn't expect that. I thought he died in the first movie. But speaking of it, he should not be a strong man. Joseph even defeated Katz, and now It's really boring to see him fighting Dior!"

"It's not necessarily. After all, even the stand-in system has been integrated in the main story. Don't use past combat power to judge Dior and Joseph at this time."

"Now when I think about it, Mr. Shui Xin said that the prequel to Jojo was a slightly immature work when he was a boy. The part of the plot of this work that he really puts **** is still in the main story of Jojo! If Mr. Shui Xin is not deceiving. ........The potential of this comic may indeed be underestimated by everyone. After all, judging from the fact that the combat power system has been replaced, the main story of jojo is indeed very different from the prequel!"

"Anyway, I will endure this strange style of painting for a few issues before I say it. I hope that, as you said, after all, it has been deserted recently. What I can look forward to is this work by Shui Xin!"


Chu Yu put his gaze away from the evaluation of Jojo's main article on the Internet, and let out a long sigh.

Fortunately, it seems that there are not many people who spray jojo's main story. Even if some media discredit Chuyu and jojo, now Chuyu has energy not only in the comics industry, but also in the animation industry. He is also a pivotal existence. Those who praise him There is no market for utterly exhausted remarks, so for the jojo main story, which has been controversial for half a year, as long as the opening evaluation is not one-sided, most fans have the patience to catch up for a few months to see the situation.

For Chu Yu, a few months is enough. After all, he is serializing two comics a week, and a few months have allowed him to serialize the main story of Jojo comics to the wonderful climax. At that time .....Chu Yu believes that with the fascinating and imaginative plot in Jojo's third Star Fighter, it should be impossible for them to retreat!


On the other hand, in the office of the editor-in-chief of Xuangui Comics, Liu Ling and Ye Chun are studying the comic story of Jojo's main story!

"Ye Chun, what do you think?" Liu Ling looked at Ye Chun.

"Nothing to watch, any stand-ins, what Dior, Joseph, all are frying cold rice, very boring! I don't believe that Shui Xin, he cannot let these characters and works become popular in this comic prequel plot, in the main story. What wonderful story can these people have? And as a comic, its style is too rubbish. If Shui Xin changes the style, I still think this comic is interesting, but this is it? From my experience Look, in three months, those picky comics fans in the Xuanjing Periodical will feel fresh, and what kind of **** jojo will face the end of being slashed..." Ye Chun said with a confident expression on his face. .

"Aunt Cousin, don't worry, no matter what Shui Xin's achievements are in the animation industry, but with this cartoon, I dare say he will do it!"

Liu Ling sighed and looked out the window, dispelling a lot of doubts in her heart.

"hope so!"

If the main story of the jojo manga comes up, not to mention reaching the initial D level, even if it reaches the level of Natsume's friend account, then Liu Ling will have to bear huge pressure from public opinion...


After the serialization of the main part of the jojo comics, Chuyu's leisurely summer vacation life ended. Although school is still more than half a month away, the animation of Miss Huiye and White Album 2 will be broadcast immediately, although Chuyu is a Throw away the shopkeeper, but it is impossible to do nothing.

Chu Yu also gradually returned to his busy rhythm in the past, drawing comics, doing animation every day, and many other business matters such as contract negotiations, signing and signing, etc. He was present to handle it, and he was tired every day. Adult dogs usually go home.

But fortunately, every time I come back home, I am not an empty person, and it is undoubtedly better than before.

On the side of Lelouch's animation, in the plot of Chapter 17, Lelouch led the members of the Black Knights to rescue the general of the liberation front, Fujitang, from Cornelia's hands, and also the remnants of the liberation front. Under the command of income, the Black Knights led by him has become the strongest resistance organization in Japan. As popular and supported by the six Kyoto companies, and the backbone members are joined by the remnants of the liberation front, the Black Knights has become the strongest resistance organization in Japan. A force that can fight Cornelia head-on on the Japanese island!

But in the process, Lulu Xiu also learned that the pilot who was driving the white mecha had been blocking him... it was his good brother, Suzaku.

In the life and death battle, Lelouch let his subordinates let go of Suzaku once again, but he always wanted to put Suzaku under his command. Lelouch, who wanted Suzaku to help him, fell silent. After all, the reason why he I care about Suzaku Suzaku so much, not just because of Suzaku's extraordinary ability, but Lelouch really values ​​this childhood companion...

But nowadays, friends are fighting each other and their positions are contradictory. Although everyone is in the same school and in the same class, and even thinks that each other is their best friend, they are already unaware of each other. I fought several times...

The end of this remark ended in a bleak laugh after Lelouch learned the truth.

Because Lelouch knew that, in addition to losing his friend Xia Li, he would also lose the friend Suzaku Suzaku.

This plot is not only uncomfortable for Lelouch, but also for the audience. Is this the price Lelouch and Britannia paid for the enemy? Fortunately, he also has a spiritual support sister Nanali and Tsundere Queen CC to accompany him, otherwise such a person will really break down.

However, in this statement, Yufimia also under heavy pressure to determine the pivotal Suzaku as her knight, this plot makes the fans of Suzaku and Yufimia feel very pleased.

Although Suzaku is a bit annoying, everyone really likes the role of Euphemia, kind-hearted, compassionate, smart, enlightened but not the Virgin.

It is the least hacked character in the whole work.

Compared to Lelouch's same mother and sister, Nanali, her half sister Euphemia is more popular.

But... this work has already been broadcast to the seventeen episodes. The first season of the rebellious Lelouch is the most heartbreaking and the most sadistic plot is about to come...

In the animation studio, the rebellious Lelouch's latest story that happened to be being produced during this period is this plot, so CC, a voice actor, naturally knows in advance.

To be honest, this plot also shocked her... it made her feel uncomfortable!

I ran home these two days and asked Chu Yu if he had any misunderstandings about the girl~www.mtlnovel.com~ Is it too cruel for Yufimia to end...

Chu Yu was a little embarrassed. After all, even Gu Yan wondered if he was really hurt by a girl before, so that he could think of such a plot that was unfriendly to Yufimia.

It is difficult for Chu Yu to explain to her here, and can only talk about the need for the plot!

This plot can be said to be the key to the rebellious Lelouch's work. Lelouch's consciousness, the cruelty of war, and what must be abandoned if he wants to become a king, his destiny is reflected in this plot, and To a certain extent, this work has been sublimated.

At the same time, it also made Suzaku and Lelouch completely turned against each other...

Therefore, even though Chu Yu himself seemed to be heartbroken by Yufimia, the plot couldn't be changed. Otherwise, how could Lelouch have the second season? In the first season, Yufimiya and Zero Heping hand in hand to establish a nation in the 11th district!

Lelouch would also give up his hatred and ambitions... After all, what he wanted was to create a world where Nanali could live with peace of mind, and the cooperation with Euphemia was completely achievable.

As for Gu Yan, she really didn't understand what was going on in her boyfriend's mind?

A person who feels very gentle on weekdays, why this kind of sadistic plot came out lightly, she thought that Chu Yu had stopped, and wanted to get rid of the title of warrior of love, but she didn't expect Chu Yu to be that Chu Yu!

It's just that his group of innocent and cute animation fans will believe him?

Nowadays, Gu Yan is really worried about the rebellious Lelouch's 22nd episode after the broadcast... Will the large number of Lelouch fans on the Internet drown Chu Yu with their saliva? Drop.
