I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess, the geniuses' love and brain warfare! This animation is a comical animation in parallel time and space.

Most manga animations are different. The popularity of the comics in this work in the parallel world can only be said to be average, but after being changed to anime, the popularity quickly rises, which is very typical and suitable for being changed into anime. works.

With this in mind, Chu Yu directly handed it over to Huang Ming to make it into an animation before he got the work.

For this animation, Chu Yu is not very worried about its performance. After all, love light comedy works have a large audience, and the tastes of the animation audience in this world are basically not much different from those in the parallel world. Take Miss Huiye's In terms of style, it doesn't make sense to rush, just to see how popular the results can be.

It may be difficult to achieve the same results as Moyuan and Lelouch, but it shouldn't be a problem if there is a craze in a short period of time.

After all, the perspective of this animation is indeed very strange. There is no boring hero and heroine from the procrastination of meeting, knowing, confessing and falling in love. People told you directly from the beginning that the heroine Shimiya Kaguya and the hero Baiyin Yuyue are the same. Mutual love and admiration.

But because both of them are the kind of people with high IQ, high self-esteem, and then arrogant, they both want the other to confess to themselves first, so as to get an animation of the initiative between couples in love...

In terms of style, it's a bit like a unit drama in the style of Natsume's Friends Account, but the whole story does make the audience feel sweet in their hearts, and then suddenly look back.......I remembered that I didn't. The "male/female" friend eventually became a single dog who was tricked into the plot to kill.

At this moment when eight o'clock arrived, many Chuyu fans, like Chuyu, clicked on the playback page of this animation with a sense of anticipation.

As soon as the animation begins, it introduces the history of Shinomiya Kaguya, the sole heir of the so-called Japanese island's great chaebol Shinomiya family, and the vice-chairman of the student union of Shuzhi Academy.

And even though he is a commoner, but because of his excellent personal ability, he overpowers Shinomiya Kaguya, the president of the student union of Xiuzhi Academy, Shirogin Yuyuki.

This is the first dialogue between the two people...

"It seems that there are some rumors about us? About, what we are dating..." Shigiya Teruya.

"Just listen to it!" Bai Yin Yuxing.

Although the wind is light on the surface, but in fact the next second...the painting style changes suddenly!

[I actually said that I was dating Sigiya Huiye, really a group of idiots who are passionate about boring love and gossip...]

This is Shi Yin Yuxing's view on this rumor in the animation.

Gu Yan picked up the bottle of milk and drank it, nodding at the same time.

That's right, this is what I imagined Chu Yu's attitude towards love. This male protagonist has nothing to say, it should be a character created by Chu Yu as a prototype.

[But.... If the fourth house wants to associate with me anyway, then I will reluctantly accept it! ]

Bai Yin Yuxing thought triumphantly.


Gu Yan was almost choked.

No, what's the matter with the S2 breath that overflows all the screens?

"What's the matter with you?" Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan with a look of confusion, but then his eyes moved down, looking at the some exposed pajamas on Gu Yan's chest, without looking away for a while.

"It's nothing...just a little surprised! I thought...it's nothing!" Gu Yan took a deep breath.

Later, Shigiya Kaguya had the same attitude towards Baiyin Yuxing, although on the surface it was a supreme posture, in fact... is also a duplicity.

[If the president bows to my knees and devotes my body and soul to my hometown, then I will reluctantly train him to be a man worthy of me..... How could there be men who don't love this eldest lady? It's still a matter of time! ]

The two in the animation are immersed in their own fantasy world and can't help themselves, smiling confidently there.

When humans think about it, God laughs, and for the two-dimensional creature's Baiyin Yuxing and Sigiya Kaguya, the audience may be equivalent to another-dimensional god.

At least, seeing the thinking of these two people, many viewers of Longguo who watched this animation also laughed out of pigs!


After only a few minutes of appearance, the two male and female characters of proud sand sculptures were completely established.

Even Gu Yan suddenly focused on the animation!

The two in the animation are sure that the other party will be fascinated by them, and neither of them is ready to take the initiative, and want to wait for the other party to confess.....

In this case, half a year passed......

The sound of this narration in the animation once again mobilized the audience's laughter.

Are these two fools? It's pretty simple........

The animation entered the formal plot, because the student union secretary Chika Fujiwara issued two extra weekend movie tickets, which he wanted to give to the two male and female hosts to use. Originally, Shirogane Yuyue invited Kaguya to be together...but But in turn, Huiye asked Baiyin Yuxing whether she was invited because she wanted to associate with her because of the legend that men and women can go to watch the movie together in this movie theater.

"This... is like a confession!"

When Bai Yin Yuxing in the animation realized this, he seemed to be in a crisis of life and death, and his face showed an expression of bereavement.

Is it such an exaggeration?

Black question marks appeared on the animation viewers' heads.

Just confess, what's the big deal?

However, the two people in the animation obviously did not think this way. Both of them agreed that the person who confessed first in love is the loser......is the loser in the relationship, the person who confessed first. , Will fall to **** in the relationship!

When this point of view was revealed in the animation, everyone only felt that it was too sand sculpture, but Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu with strange eyes.

Is this his true view of love? So... I, who took the initiative to confess to him, are actually a loser in his mind. Gu Yan thought to himself?

Chu Yu turned her head and looked at Gu Yan who put her chin on his right shoulder and looked at him with strange eyes, feeling strange in her heart.

"What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"No... Let's continue watching the animation first!" Gu Yan shook his head.

The two faces are very close now, Chu Yu thought in his heart, is it because watching the sweet daily life of the two male and female protagonists in the animation, they want to kiss, so they put their faces so close?

Well, it seems that work has been a little busy lately, or tonight... Chu Yu's heart suddenly heated up.

In the follow-up animation, it was revealed that the so-called extra movie ticket was designed by Kaguya Shinomiya, and she deliberately found someone to give it to Chika Fujiwara. The purpose was to get her to give the movie ticket to two people, and then Shirogin Yuyue took the initiative to watch the movie. In the end, she led the words again and made Baiyin Yuxing's intention to confess to her an established fact.

As for the Hui Ye in Bai Yin Yuxing's imagination, after he took the initiative to confess, he would look at him with a sympathetic and mocking expression!

[It's so cute! ]

This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable...

So... he must not be misunderstood and want to confess to Kaguya!

The two started a series of psychological games on this matter.

Bai Yin Yuxing told Hui Ye that he didn't care about legends or anything, and she could go with him if she wanted to go to the movies with him!

This is equivalent to handing over the option to Kaguya. If she agrees to this proposal, the two offensive and defensive situations will be exchanged, but if she disagrees with this proposal, perhaps she will never have the opportunity to watch with Baiyin Yuxing in the future. Movie!

On the other hand, Hui Ye directly pretended to be a cute skill to activate, holding Bai Yin Yuxing's hand and simply looking at him.

"Sure enough, I still easily believe this legend... If you want to go together, I hope you invite you to be more enthusiastic..."

Bai Yin Yuxing was directly cute, his brain became confused, and he almost couldn't help confessing himself.

In the end, it was the secretary Fujiwara Chika who disrupted the game, which stopped the psychological game between the two and the animation did not end in the first chapter......


The animation viewers in front of the computer have opened their mouths unconsciously.

This animation...

What a sand sculpture, but why...it is so interesting!

In the second story, Shimiya Kaguya, who uses the skill of wanting to get caught, stimulates Shirogane Miyuki with the fact that he wants to date the boy who confessed to him.

However, Bai Yinyu did not reveal his liking for Hui Ye. With this behavior, the students would be ashamed, and even the excuse for telling the teacher was spoken...

"If this is true love, I am willing to dedicate my body and mind to it......"

The so-called telling the teacher to drop out of school is simply not worth mentioning.

It is said that, but what kind of date, meeting, and accepting confession is naturally impossible to do ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ not to mention dedication to the body and mind.

It's just that... Kaguya's words deeply stimulated Bai Yin Yuxing, but this was her goal.

If you are so enlightened just because someone confessed to you...

"In that case, it's better for me to confess to you!"

"If this is the case, can you... forget the man who confessed to you?"

Shi Yin Yuxing said in a hurry...

At that moment, Hui Ye's blushing expression made the single dogs who watched this animation show their idiotic smiles!

I chased this animation!

Huiye is my wife from now on.... Baiyin Yuxing, you continue to be your single dog!

"Hmm..." Hui Ye blushed and agreed to Bai Yin Yuxing's request.

But the next picture...

"Is this kind of true love?" Bai Yin Yuxing's expression gradually became proud, and he became presumptuous and arrogant, ruthlessly mocking what Huiye had said before...

Originally, Huiye almost agreed to his confession, but this suddenly...the atmosphere disappeared.


I know why these two people like each other but can be single forever.

The male lead steel straight male, the female lead scheming woman, deserves to be single for a lifetime.

But this animation is too funny, too sand-sculpted!

And the relationship between Hui Ye and Bai Yin Yuxing is really sweet!

The animation of just twenty minutes was over, and Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is it? This animation feels okay!" Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan and said with a smile.