I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The next day, because of the fatigue of last night, Chu Yu slept until noon and got up.

Looking back, Gu Yan beside him didn't know when he had already gotten up. Needless to say, he must have dubbed cc in the dubbing room!

Chu Yu washed her face, brushed her teeth, bathed and dressed, everything seemed to be the same as before.

But after his head was sober, Chu Yu also discovered what was different...

In the system space, there are rewards in the account!

After all, it's already at the beginning of August. The rebellious Lelouch was first broadcast in the summer. In terms of its popularity, it is naturally the most popular animation in summer animation. According to the system's judging criteria, an A-level prize draw for popular summer animation works has been It was distributed to Chu Yu.

Of course, for the rebellious Lelouch, although the work is not over yet, it is the first animation in the summer. The system rewards will only be paid for the current quarter, such as spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the current year, so it is determined by the system. , The rebellious Lelouch has nothing to do with the autumn animation!

But for the current Chu Yu, the reward that the rebellious Lelouch received in the summer animation market makes him not excited.

After all, Chu Yu, who has won many S-level lottery opportunities, will naturally not pay as much attention to the a-level lottery opportunities as before. What he is more looking forward to is to see if the rebellious Lelouch can be like Madoka Magica this year. Won the title of an annual popular animation, after all, looking at it now, two-thirds of the past 2023, the animation that can be a little bit wrist-stretched with the rebellious Lelouch is also his own adaptation of the initial D, but in After the popular plot of the rebellious Lelouch is rolled out, the animated version of the rebellious Lelouch beyond the initial D is also coming soon.

The animated version of the initial D is about to come to an end, and it will be broadcast to the end of his manga within a month or two, drawing an end to this work.

In addition to the initial D, now, this year's Long Guodong Market can produce such a little threatening work against the rebellious Lelouch who won the championship of this year's animation... !

But it's still too early to say this. After all, October is coming soon. Judging from what Chu Yu understands, like last year, many powerful animation works were born in October this year, but whether those works are right? Nowadays, the rebellious Lelouch, whose average broadcast volume has reached 12 million, poses a threat, or... can any of those works become the rebellious Lelouch and the initial D animation After this year, the third episode of the Dragon Kingdom had an average broadcast volume of over 10 million, and most people were full of suspicion.

Don't look at Chuyu's work after it was made into animation. Three of the works have achieved this kind of result, but in fact, the average playback volume of the animation collection has exceeded 10 million... For personnel, it is still an unattainable achievement.

It is mainly the new generation of Longguo animation professionals in recent years. There are many people at the mainstay level, but the real animation genius is much less than the previous generation. I want to create such a level as Lelouch and Magic Circle. For animation works, hard work alone is obviously not enough. It depends more on the talent of the creator! As a result, although the audience of the entire Longguo animation industry is on the rise, the quality of the works is at least one level lower than that of ten years ago.

Ten years ago, there were still a few animations with an average playback volume of over 10 million in a year. Now... if Chu Yu didn't get involved in the industry, one animation in a few years might be the norm!

But no matter what the situation is in the end, for the current Chu Yu, serializing four animes at the same time really doesn't have the energy to produce other works, otherwise the energy is really not enough.

Therefore, Chu Yu also placed this lottery chance in the system, and will talk about it later when there is a chance.


Soon, one day passed.

After Chu Yu got up, he drove to where his animation studio was.

In Huang Ming's office, he waited nervously for the broadcast of Miss Huiye's first episode on the first day.

"Brother Huang, don't be so nervous! I think your expression is too serious!" Chu Yu said.

"Do you think anyone is like you who always use Piaorou? So confident! Middle-aged people like us will look more conservatively at things. Although I think the response of Miss Huiye's animation is so good after the broadcast, the results should not be rushed, but I'm still afraid of it!" Huang Ming said angrily.

After all, I have been with Chu Yu for the past few years. Although Chu Yu is still unsmiling as usual, the tempers of each other are clear, and there are not so many scruples.

However, it is obvious that Huang Ming's consideration is unnecessary. Under the call of Chu Yu's current fame, coupled with the super high quality of Miss Hui Ye's animation itself, the probability of this work hitting the street is very low.

Soon, Miss Hui Ye wanted to get statistics on the first day of my confession.

The first day's broadcast volume was 2.79 million......

After seeing this result, Huang Ming felt relieved.

After all, their animation studio has never created works since its establishment. Huang Ming naturally wants to keep this record.

Obviously, this result cannot be regarded as a flutter. It can even be said that this is a big hit, and in the 42 animation works broadcast so far in the fall, Miss Hui Ye's first day is 2.79 million. The broadcast volume score is also no suspense and won the first place again.

Unlike Huang Ming's joy, in the industry, a group of people in the animation industry saw this achievement of Miss Hui Ye and they were all silent.

This is really...too shocking...

The initial D of Shui Xin's comic work is the popular champion of the animation market this spring, and his rebellious Lelouch is the popular champion of the summer animation market. Now, although the autumn is not over yet, his new animation Miss Hui Ye wants to make I confessed but I started painting to achieve this kind of results... Could it be said? Shuixin is not even going to let go of the honor of the popular animation champion in the autumn animation market?

We all know that you are a genius with water heart, but you don't have to be like this too! Anyhow, give others a chance to shine!

What's more, in this autumn animation market...this guy actually produced two animations to compete.

Last night, the animation broadcast was Miss Hui Ye who wanted me to confess, and tonight... is the day when White Album 2 premiered.

Many people are thinking angrily, is this Shui Xin not only satisfied with the quarterly animation popularity champion... even the runner-up is not going to let it go...?

While everyone is complaining that Shuixin is really inappropriate~www.mtlnovel.com~ In fact, most people in the industry have gradually developed resentment towards Shuixin. Although this resentment is not deep, it is rooted like a seed. In his heart, this is human nature, even if Chu Yu does not contradict them, this emotion is still born!

But after all, Chu Yu didn't have a deep interaction with these people, so naturally it was impossible to care about their opinions of themselves.

He just moved the works to this world! Those people might as well improve themselves a little bit instead of having time to blame him!


It was another familiar night, and it was eight o'clock in the evening, and the huge number of Chu Yu fans stood in front of the computer waiting for the update of White Album 2.....

The quality of Miss Hui Ye and the enthusiasm has caused many Chu Yu fans to have a strong curiosity about this work.

After all, they are all created by one person. Miss Hui Ye is already so good-looking, what about White Album 2?

I just want to quietly draw the manga chapter list