I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

One is that the music in White Album 2 is very good. After all, putting aside its romantic nature, this work is considered a half-musical work.

In the animation, the relationship between the male and female protagonists and the supporting actors are also closely revolved around the school celebration music performance.

In addition, after Haruki Kita in the animation tried hard to learn guitar for the honor of the group (pickup), the scene of the show at the school celebration performance was also very passionate and refreshing. It must be no problem to get to the hearts of the second and second youngsters in Longguo!

The plot of the first episode of White Album 2 is not complicated. The light music club, where Haruki Kitaon, the first-ever top student in the 10,000-year-old grade, is in the light music club because of the lead singer Tomo Yanagihara's willfulness, and the bass drummer retires with anger, and she sees In this situation, he immediately slipped away, leaving only Haruki Kitaon and good friend Takeshi Iizuka with a headache. What should this light music club be on the verge of disbanding?

Invited by friends from the student union, Kitaen Haruhiro went to solve the case of Yukiso Ogizou wanting to withdraw from the college beauty pageant.

After all, as the number one beauty voted by the academy for two consecutive years, Ogizou Yukina has a huge popularity in this school. If she does not participate in this event, there is no doubt that the number of followers for this event will drop sharply.

In dealing with this matter, Kitaen Haruhi left a profound influence on Ogizeng Yukina. To put it in layman terms, this man seems to be totally different from other vulgar coquettish bastards. same.

Well, there are some routines at the beginning... But it is not vulgar, at least more interesting than those anime heroines who are inexplicably in love with the male protagonist, two words are wrong or the male protagonist is caught in a single eye Much! At least in terms of the current rhythm, this is a love animation that really wants to set the story, rather than those who sell the heroine, and then open the harem to sell the surroundings.

Many viewers think so.

In the follow-up plot, it is also said that next to the club room where Chunxi Beiyuan is located, is a room dedicated to the practice of elite music students in the college.

And in that room......There is a good friend of Haruki Kitaen.

A piano master who he has never met before, but every time his crappy guitar sounds, the other party will play the piano to echo him.....

The two of them often play tunes together after school hours, separated by a wall.

Speaking of which.... It really smells like a bosom friend.

And on the second day, Kitaen Haruhi in the animation showed that he showed his superb sissy skills. With the opportunity of letting Ogizeng Yukina help him move things, the two got to know each other a lot. Let the animation audience shouted to learn.

Of course, his setting in the animation is still simple, although he actually talked happily with Ogizeng Yukina, as if he made the girl feel good about him, but in fact...this is his personality, he Not on purpose!

At the end of the animation, the setting sun dyed the sky orange-red. In the activity room, I thought that because of the uneven number of people, Kitaen Haruki, who was about to disband, had accepted this fact, and was finally ready to play whitealbum here before leaving. He expected that the music student in the next room echoed his guitar with the piano sound at this time!

Music animation?

The music clubs and plots that have been mentioned in this animation are all around the campus festival.

Music love animation?

It's a bit rare! This type of..... But seeing it now, it seems to be okay.

Many viewers nodded and kept watching.

And the tune whitealbum played together by the hero and the mysterious person next door! At the climax, in the school that was over, a beautiful song remembered and joined the ensemble of the two.

At this moment, in the animation, the male lead who closed his eyes and played the guitar in the sunset, the music that rang, and the female voice that suddenly began to sing... The rhythm is perfect, and the animation audience is brought in in an instant In the plot.

When Beiyuan Chunxi heard this singing, he asked the music student in the next room not to stop, but he ran to find the singing girl directly looking for the singing.

On the roof of the teaching building, Kitaen Chunxi finally found the singing girl, and the moment he opened the roof door, one of the classic scenes, Ogizeng Yukina secretly sang whitealbum in the sunset! The scene where Haruki Kitaon bumped into appeared.

With the blessing of the picture, the plot, and the music......the hearts of many animated audiences who saw this scene trembled......

Is this the female character in the animation? Is this the feeling of heartbeat? Loved love...

The plot of the first episode of White Album 2 ends.

But on the Internet, many people continue to discuss this animation endlessly!

"It seems a bit interesting, it's also a romance animation, but this is too different from Miss Hui Ye!"

"I feel that this should be a music love animation. I can guess that the follow-up plot should be the story of Harunhira Kitaon and Yukizo Yukina participating in the school festival together. There is nothing to guess about the plot. After all, I have already given it before. There are so many grounds for the school festival, it's just to see how Teacher Shuixin will deal with it afterwards!"

"Looking like this, the heroine of this animation is Xuecao Ogizeng. The first time I watched Ms. Shui Xin's animation, I feel that the follow-up plot is so easy to guess. After watching this work, how do you feel?"

"It feels okay. For a love animation, the rhythm of the first episode of White Album 2 feels okay, but it can't be helped. The setting and characters must be discussed at the beginning, so it seems boring and normal."

"But the first episode of the animation that Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess, I think it's very beautiful and not boring! But in the case of White Album 2, I always feel that Mr. Shui Xin's work is weird."

"Yes, as far as the first episode gave me a sense of anticipation, Miss Hui Ye wanted me to confess, this animation really made me funny, and White Album 2... .emmm, although I think it's good, but in the first episode I feel that the plot is a bit more routine, but overall I feel that this animation is still a masterpiece!"

"Me too, although I think White Album 2 is also very good-looking, but compared to Miss Hui Ye, I feel a bit worse, but I think both works are good-looking, anyway, I will keep watching, hope More interesting plots will appear in White Album 2!"


Chu Yu and Gu Yan finally finished reading the first episode of White Album 2 together.

For Gu Yan, nothing surprised her about the plot of White Album 2.

That's right, this kind of work is the style that Chu Yu can create. How could the plot of intrigue in love like Miss Hui Ye created by Chu Yu.

Gu Yanchang breathed a sigh of relief. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Chu Yu looked down at the comments of animation fans.

The plot is old-fashioned, and the heroine must be Ogizeng Xuena, and will continue to watch it.

I hope that the music behind this work is as good as whitealbum, so even if the plot is not good, I can watch it as a musical animation.

Who is the stranger in the music room next door to the male lead Harunuki Kitahara who plays songs with the male lead? The heroine or the second woman?

In general, the audience reaction of the first episode of White Album 2 is generally average, not ugly, but not much better!

But this is also normal. After all, the first few words mainly talk about the characters on the scene, and the incident has not spread. Even the other heroine Dongma and Sha did not appear on the scene. The love triangle is missing a corner...... The audience felt bored for granted.