I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After the first episode of White Album 2 was broadcast, the discussion about this work on the Internet was very hot.

It is not news that Shui Xin once again created an animation work that makes everyone feel amazing. After all, everyone is used to it, but Shui Xin has created a work that feels ordinary, which is quite hot news.

However, in any case, it is generally compared with Chu Yu's past works. In the evening of the next day, the first day of the first episode of White Album 2 was released.

Seeing the 2.6 million broadcast volume on the first day, the major forums were also silent.

After all, before the broadcast of Chuyu's White Album 2 and Miss Huiye, among the dozens of animations broadcast in the autumn animation market, the works with the best data on the first day were only 2.4 million.

Although this result of White Album 2 may be obtained by its reputation and fan bonus, but who told you that other animation production members have no such appeal!

Those who used the White Album 2 episodes to broadcast in major forums, and those who did not seem to be highly evaluated to Heishuixin disappeared again.

After all, the results of your analysis and analysis are not convincing.

Generally speaking, this autumn animation market until now, the animation works launched by various companies are still under the pressure of the two works of Shuixin.


On the other side, Huang Ming and the members of the animation studios are quite satisfied with this result.

Although Huang Ming knows that the white album 2 animation will be followed by a show operation, it is true that this animation has no advantage over other romance animations when it starts. It only relies on the characters of Yukiso Ogiso and Touma Kazuza. Can't let this animation become popular, the audience are not fools.

But after all, if there is such a result at the beginning, when the plot of this work turns, a considerable part of the fans can also be gathered.

As for Chu Yu, he was more casual about the results of White Album 2 and even Miss Hui Ye who wanted me to confess.

Although these two animations are very popular works in the parallel world, they are still far behind the rebellious Lelouch's animation.

What Chu Yu is really interested in is the honor of the annual popular animation. I want to come here and only rely on the rebellious Lu Lu Xiu to obtain it. After clarifying this point, Chu Yu is not so utilitarian for the achievements of these two works.

The focus of his current work is always on the rebellious Lelouch and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

After all, whether it is Miss Hui Ye or White Album 2, Chu Yu can't make his influence in the dragon country animation industry further, but the two works of Lelouch and Jojo are different... .. As long as the two works can have the influence of one copying in the parallel world in the Dragon Kingdom, then Chuyu's goal will be achieved.

So in the following days, with four works entangled in the situation, Chu Yu gradually became busy, and often took the initiative to work overtime until late at night before going home, which became a labor imitation.

All works are being created methodically.

In this case, three weeks passed in a flash!


For Chu Yu's various works, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, the first stage of the foreshadowing has finally been completed.

In order to save his mother who was cursed because of his blood, Sorajo and his grandfather Joseph, Joseph's friend Abdel, and Hanakyoin Noraki who wanted to revenge Dior after releasing Dior.

In addition, Polunaev was also included on the road, controlled by Dior Granulation.

In the third part of jojo, the five-member group of classic hitting **** is officially assembled!

Now, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has been serialized to the tenth chapter, but because of the early stage of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, the rhythm is slightly slower in order to gather the **** group, so the popularity has not been tepid.

But in general, Jojo's Bizarre Adventures ranks 15th or 6th in popularity on Xuanjing in these issues. From this point of view, the fans of the Dragon Kingdom have unexpectedly quickly accepted Jojo's. The style of Bizarre Adventure, after all, has not dropped in the ranking, it shows a lot, and Tianji Comics has received letters with readers, and more and more people are supporting Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

The public opinion about this work on the Internet has gradually changed.

Although most people don't think this comic is really comparable to the initial D, after the plot of the main story is serialized, the plot and rhythm are indeed much better than Jojo's bizarre adventure prequel.

And now the setting of the stand-in system is basically laid out, and the fans of the Dragon Kingdom are also very curious about this novel and imaginative combat system...

For Chu Yu, jojo's bizarre adventure can have this start has satisfied him.

After all, this comic is a type that looks better as it goes to the back. A typical late-stage comic, as long as the audience stays behind as long as the audience is not scared off by the style of painting, as long as the serial content increases, the plot becomes more exciting, and they can't even run if they want to run. Lost.....

On the other hand, Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess to this animation because it is gaining popularity in the summer animation market.

This kind of sand sculpture style love battle animation is undoubtedly very appetizing for the animation fans of Ryukoku. Although it is the same as Natsume's Friends Account, it is an animation in the form of a unit drama, and there is not much continuity in the plot.

But I can't stand everyone, who likes Kaguya's personality, so I can quietly watch how she schemes to get Bai Yin Yuxing to confess to her, and how Bai Yin Yuxing relies on her strong straight male talent to give her the chance to get out of the singles. Slip away, this is undoubtedly the most anticipated laugh of many Chuyu fans this week.

In addition, in the third chapter of the animation, Chu Yu asked Huang Ming to copy in ed the secretary dance, who was so hot in the parallel world.......

Just as Chu Yu expected, the dragon country in this world and the Chinese country in the parallel world, the animation audiences are basically the same in terms of aesthetics.

During the two weeks in the Dragon Kingdom, Chika Fujiwara, Kaguya's natural friend, always destroys Kaguya and Bai Yinyu's ultimate light bulb, and is regarded by Kaguya as the best tool person's superficial girlfriend, in ed The dance of the secretary...... is also on fire in Long Country!

With lively music, cute singing, and lovely dance, this extraordinary and magical ed dance quickly spread in the second element circle of the Dragon Kingdom.

In the video websites of the big house forums, those well-known dancers imitated one after another.

Therefore, for a time, a bunch of videos of dancing secretary Wu Meng appeared in the entire Dragon Kingdom two-dimensional circle.

In the comment area under these videos, there are all awsl, or my comments about finding a way to marry this woman!

And when Miss Kaguya wanted me to confess the popularity of this animated character, Fujiwara Chika bucked the trend because of the existence of this secretary dance, directly surpassing the male protagonist Shirogane Miyuki and the female protagonist Shinomiya Teru. In the night, the top most popular character in this animation work!

Taking advantage of this opportunity to help propagate the animation, Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess the popularity of the animation quickly. Now the average broadcast volume of episode 4 has exceeded 5 million after the broadcast..... .. This makes those in the animation industry who have never made a performance animation of this kind in their entire life in the industry feel bitter!

What is this!

We know that Miss Huiye will definitely achieve this kind of results in the follow-up, but we never thought it would come so fast, and it was only with an ed... So we worked so hard to make animations, and it is not as good as water to spend money on publicity. Heart guy wants an ed dance to be effective?

During this period of time, the popularity of Miss Hui Ye who wanted me to confess once reached the level of the rebellious Lelouch, which surprised the animation industry!

Miss Hui Ye's surge in popularity is a lesson in Long Country's animation industry. It turns out......Can animation still be played like this?

I don't spend money on advertising, I just create a magical dance, leading a large wave of online democracies to imitate, so as to completely spread the popularity of the work!

What is this operation?

Originally, after the third episode of Miss Hui Ye was broadcast, everyone laughed at the fact that Shui Xin Qian could not find a place to spend. What is the meaning of changing to ed.

But now I see this hot secretary dance situation in the Dragon Kingdom two-dimensional circle...Masaka, are all this in your Shui Xin's expectation?

At the animation studio, Huang Ming and the other studio members were equally dumbfounded.

When Chu Yu asked them to change ed in the third episode, and also asked to make such a dance ed, Huang Ming and everyone didn't understand what Chu Yu was doing?

It costs money to change to ed, and the animation is only the third chapter, what ed to change, is it not good to have this money to improve the quality of the picture?

But when the secretary dance became popular ~www.mtlnovel.com~ everyone admired Chu Yu's ideas, but also admired......At the same time, they were ashamed of their short-sightedness!

Why else can someone Shui Xin have achieved so much, and be a boss at a young age, but she is just a part-time worker? The boss is indeed the boss!

At the beginning, Chu Yu was in the animation studio, in order for them to intuitively produce the ed of the secretary dance of Fujiwara Chika, he really bought a beret and danced in front of everyone about seven or eight times before letting them understand him. At that time, everyone thought that Chu Yu had money and no place to burn.

But looking at it now... the boss is really a god... not only is a genius of anime and manga creation, but also choreographed so well, and he fully understands the dead houses of the Dragon Kingdom. The cute point, just a one- or two-minute dance can achieve a publicity effect that you can't compare with spending tens of millions on advertising!

Even though the secretary dance was made by him, he also danced too badly...Compared with the secretary dance of all kinds of cute girls on the Internet, the boss jumped out at the time. The effect is simply spicy eyes...