I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

So many people on the Internet support Lelouch and Euphemia group cp! Even if it's ambiguous or disgusting, it's all right!

But Chu Yu saw Euphemia's rising popularity and the favorability of this character among Lelouch's fans.

There is no doubt in his heart, after two weeks, these rebellious Lelouch fans will be hit hard.

At that time, fans who like Euphemia will feel unparalleled depression.

That's right..... Although this animation of Lelouch the Rebellious is generally a war tactics animation, in fact... some of its plots are abusive. Ren Lai will definitely not lose all of Chu Yu's past works of abuse that have been criticized by others.

And in the parallel world, Lelouch's rebellious animation, to say the most influential plot, should belong to Lelouch's final words, the ending of Xia Li's love affair with Lelouch, and Euphemia's ideals are shattered. This is definitely the full story of this animation and ranks in the top three gloomy scenes.

This is a classic plot that allows the screenwriter to get rich by selling blades, and it also makes countless rebellious Lelouch fans in the parallel world cry that the screenwriter is not a human being.

Of course, these plots also transformed the character of Lelouch and enriched the character's flesh and blood. This is also the reason why Lelouch's animation can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is called a work of God.


But no matter what, these things will only happen after two weeks.

And now...

August 22, Qixi Festival!

In all, Chu Yu and Gu Yan have been dating for more than half a year, but they basically have things to be busy at ordinary times. Even if they have time, they spend their time playing games, so the two date very few times.

And now, after finally meeting this opportunity, Chu Yu finally let go of all the work at hand, and took Gu Yan out on this day.

The two drove a car to meet in the magic city commercial area to buy a few couple clothes and two sets of newly released game keyboard and mouse packages, and then went to join in the excitement to visit the scenic spots in the magic city, but basically there are crowds of people, almost nothing Squeeze out the masks of the two of them. If it was true, Chu Yu guessed that the identity of herself and Gu Yan would be exposed and she would definitely be unable to leave.

As for the bags that girls like, Chu Yu originally wanted to go to those so-called luxury stores to buy a few to give to Gu Yan. Anyway, a few bags are about hundreds of thousands, which is just a day for him. According to the salary level, it seems that many girls on the Internet like this stuff, and Chu Yu thinks Gu Yan should like these things too.

But actually... after learning that Chu Yu was going to buy the thing, Gu Yan hurriedly pulled him away.

In Gu Yan's words, the thing is expensive and worthless. It is not as good as the small backpack she carried on the home. It is useless except to use it to show off wealth in front of friends, although Gu Yan knows that Chu Yu doesn't care about it. Money, but if you have money, you can't take it to luxury stores.

Although from this point of view, Chu Yu felt that Gu Yan and his three views were the same, Gu Yan's attitude of doing nothing made Chu Yu difficult.

After all, it's hard to celebrate the Qixi Festival. Other couples are full of flowers, jewelry, and gifts. They think they are small assets. After Chu Yu and Gu Yan, who had come out to spend money, went back empty-handed?

"What are you doing here with a sad face?"

Seeing Chu Yu shaking her head and shaking her head, Gu Yan kept asking her whether she likes it or not, and she laughed out loud.

"It's nothing, I just feel that I came out to play on Qixi Festival, and it's over like this, completely different from what I imagined!" Chu Yu took a deep breath and could only respond.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Gu Yan took Chu Yu's hand, leaned his head on Chu Yu's shoulder, and part of his body weight also rested on Chu Yu.

"Originally these festivals are like this. As long as you like me and I like you, that day will be no different from the Qixi Festival. It doesn't make much sense for you to make any tricks during the festival!"

"It seems that you make sense, but after all, it is considered a traditional festival in the Dragon Kingdom. Otherwise, I will buy a bunch of flowers for you! How about performing my boyfriend's most basic duty!" Chu Yu was not hypocritical. Anyway, knowing that Gu Yan's true thoughts were like this, he didn't force it.

Although, the main reason he wanted to buy a gift for Gu Yan to give her was that he wanted Gu Yan to be happy, and then gave him a few kisses, but they weren't interested anymore, and it was boring to give it by force.

"Forget it, I don't want to spend..." Gu Yan shook his head quickly.

"I bought those flowers and put them in my room. They withered in a few days. It looks weirdly sad! I never like others to give me these picked flowers. I can keep them by myself if they send them potted plants... "

"Then it's late at night, where can I buy you potted plants! Otherwise, I can take a pot of the potted plants in the flowerbeds of the square. I will come here tomorrow to lose money to the relevant units!" Chu Yu looked at the vegetation in the middle of the square Asked.

"I've said it, don't be so deliberate! I've been together for such a long time, you have to understand my character clearly!" Gu Yan quickly stopped Chu Yu's thoughts of being unreasonable.

"Why not?" Gu Yan rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something.

"If you have to give me any gift, then you can just promise me one thing!" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu with a smile in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yu asked.

"Then you promised me to accompany me to this Qixi Festival next year?" Gu Yan said, staring at Chu Yu.

"If I'm not with you next year, who else will be with you!" Chu Yu thought for a while and said nothing.

"You make another request!"

"What about the next year?"

"It must be me!" Chu Yu thought for a while and reacted.

"What are you worried about! You have no confidence in me!"

"Although I can't be called handsome, I shouldn't have a scumbag face!"

"What you said is contradictory. When you are not handsome, you have no relationship with a scumbag. After all, a girl is also a good-looking animal. How can a person who is not handsome can be a scumbag with n boats?" Gu Yan The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled happily.

"Then why did you like me in the first place, I was not handsome, and I didn't have much money at the time.......The first time you ate the meal, it was your treat. In the words of a girl, you don't have a man's demeanor, right? !" Chu Yu mumbled.

"I don't know. I feel that I pay more attention to you and I am gradually attracted? And speaking, when I started chasing you, didn't you treat me like a scourge? Then how did you change? What about it?" Gu Yan asked curiously.

"I can't make it clear, I can only say that people change quickly!" Chu Yu thought about it carefully, but couldn't figure out why she fell in love with Gu Yan. Anyway, when she realized it, it seemed that she had already had a huge impact on herself. Appeal.

"Well, you don't want gifts or anything, don't blame me for being stingy in the future!"

"I know... Then Chu Yu, will you accompany me to Valentine's Day in your new year?" Gu Yan returned to this question again and asked for the last time!

Chu Yu was speechless, took a deep breath and said.

"No! The next year will be four years later. I will definitely not spend Valentine's Day with you at that time..."

Chu Yu wanted to pause and tease Gu Yan, but when she saw her face quickly turning pale, he said hurriedly.

"Don't change your face so fast! You must be married to me in the next year. What kind of Valentine's Day... It must be Wife's Day!"

"Knot... get married!" Gu Yan didn't react at once, his expression stunned.

But then his face flushed suddenly, and his heartbeat speeded up quickly.

"Knot, get married..... Are you already thinking about this kind of thing? This, this is too advanced..."

"Of course, if you and I should be twenty-six years old in four years, and have reached the age of marriageable age! I don't want to spend so long with you or maintain a simple boyfriend and girlfriend relationship! Why? You Haven't thought about it? Then you are not playing a hooligan?" Chu Yu looked at Gu Yan and said.

"No...Of course, of course I thought about it! It's just that I think you should be the kind of person who is less than 30 years old and doesn't consider marriage..."

"That also depends on the situation! I am a man, if I stay single, it doesn't matter when I will get married, but isn't it with you now? Other circumstances must be considered," Chu Yu said.

Even though Gu Yan had been with Chu Yu for so long, she was still a little uneasy in her heart.

Although she is very good, Chu Yu is better than her. She has always been worried that Chu Yu will meet a more beautiful girl one day and then break up with her. Although she feels that Chu Yu is not that kind of person, this But the thoughts cannot be eliminated for Gu Yan, who is insecure.

After all, if she didn't associate with Chu Yu, Chu Yu would still accept her refusal, but if one day Chu Yu asked not to be with her, Gu Yan really didn't know if she could bear it by then! So although she thought about marriage, it was only to the point where she thought about it, because once she thought about it deeply, the fear of another possibility would spread uncontrollably.

But now Chu Yu's words tell her clearly, Chu Yu's relationship with her is very serious... In contrast, Chu Yu's promise is compared to any gift he gave. Make her happy.

Excited, Gu Yan also stood on tiptoe and quickly kissed Chu Yu's lips.

This is what made Chu Yu a good one. Although the two of them often kissed each other, no matter how many times they kissed, Chu Yu didn't get tired of it. Then the thought of going shopping suddenly faded away!

Chu Yu stopped and looked at the sky and time.

"It's so late now.....not as good as us..."

"Do you go home? Anyway, I don't think it's interesting anyway. It's okay to go home and rest early!" Gu Yan's thoughts were still immersed in Chu Yu's words.

"Go back to what home?" Chu Yu looked speechless.

"Why do you go back after the Qixi Festival? Isn't it good to change the environment?"

"Change the environment?" Gu Yan questioned.

"I booked a couple's deluxe room at the hotel in front of the opposite street. It is said that it is very large and comfortable, and there is also an oversized couple's bathtub and couple's bed in the room, and the most important thing is that the chef's cooking skills are very good. Yes, cough cough... How about we try it tonight?" Chu Yu blinked and said with a frank expression!

"..." Gu Yan.

So having said so much, is this your real purpose?


Soon, a week passed!

The rebellious Lelouch Chapter 21, which was updated this week, completely disrupted the plot of this work.

The Black Knights led by Lelouch had grown into a giant-level rebel force in the Eleventh District, and even directly confronted the main force of Britannia led by Cornelia.

Lelouch also officially considered expelling the forces of Britannia within the eleventh district, and then restoring the eleventh district to the past Japan, of course, the country he ruled.

But because of the Isle of Gods incident, Euphemia knew that Zero's true identity was her half-brother Lelouch.

In order not to let the people of the 11th districts and the Britanian people shed blood, in this remark, she announced the establishment of the Japan Special Zone as the deputy governor of the 11th districts, recognizing the status of the 11th districts and the legality of local conquest .

In this case...... the meaning of the Black Knights led by Lelouch disappeared. After all, the original intention of the Black Knights was to let the people of the 11th district no longer suffer from oppression and discrimination, and can make their own decisions. Own destiny.

And Yufimia directly used the privileges of her emperor to return these things to the people of the 11th district.

She thought that by doing so, there would be no more bloodshed. Whether it was the world that Lelouch wanted to create for his sister Nanaly to live in peace, or the demands of the people in the 11th district, all were resolved under her proposal.

Therefore, she invited zero to the whole world to come forward and discuss this matter with her......

If Lelouch agrees to her proposal, the Black Knights will not collapse. After all, Britannia has recognized the Japanese government. Why should the Black Knights fight? But if Lelouch does not agree with her proposal, then Lelouch will become a sinner in the eyes of the people who want peace in the 11th district...These people are all the main members of his Black Knights!

This is Yangmou! There is no way to avoid it, no matter what Lelouch does, the black knights he formed to avenge Britannia will be disintegrated!

And this operation in the plot made countless Lelouch animation fans notice the unfinished atmosphere.

After all, the information disclosed in the whole work is only twenty-five episodes, and now there are twenty-one episodes. It is impossible for Lelouch to overthrow the Britanian Empire and complete his ambition in the four-chapter plot.

So during this period of time ~www.mtlnovel.com~ everyone is speculating whether this animation has a second season, otherwise the story will not be finished at all.

But now... the plot of Chapter 21 told them, you guys think too much, as long as my heart wants to end, I will end it in minutes for you to see!

If Euphemia's proposal succeeds, the eleven districts will be liberated, Lelouch will lose the Black Knights, and the outcome of returning to the academy as an ordinary student can be fully told in the remaining four plots.

But such an ending... How can you accept it?

The name of this work is "Rebellious" Lelouch...... Lelouch was recruited by Euphemia?

Is this plot broken? Still not unfinished?

Isn't it funny that you have created more than 20 episodes of Lelouch's hatred of Britannia?

The whole set is broken!