I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Euphemia than Britannia..." Lelouch's eyes lit up, and he was about to use Geass's power to make Euphemia shoot at himself.

"I have returned that name..."

"It will be published soon in my own country. I gave up the right to inherit the throne..." At a critical moment, Euphemia's words disturbed Lelouch's mind.

"Why?" Lelouch asked.

"Following my waywardness, I must pay a price!" Euphemia said.

"Is it so simple to give up? You can't do it for me!" Lelouch said in a deep voice.

"Still so confident..." Euphemia smiled.

"It's for Nanali... She said that as long as I can be with my brother, I don't need anything else!"

In the animation, Lulu Xiu's expression finally shakes.

Seeing Feng Jing and a group of Lelouch fans here, my heart was shaken.

This girl, Yufimia, is really good. She is smart, beautiful, and kind, and she is willing to give up for the Japanese people who have nothing to do with her and Lelouch and Nanaly who have not seen them for many years. Own succession to the throne!

If... it was Euphemia, Lelouch gave up his hatred of Britannia, and for his sister Nanali, leading the Black Knights and Euphemia to govern the administrative district of Japan would not Not acceptable.

Although I still feel that this ending is a bit unpleasant, but at least Lelouch's character design has not collapsed! Although it still feels a bit unfinished, it's okay!

In fact, when Lelouch in the animation heard Euphemia talk about Nanali, his attitude was no longer as firm as before.

After all, for Lelouch, dignity, hatred, etc....what is it to compare to Nanali?

Moreover, Euphemia's move to abandon the throne also proved that she was not poor Lelouch who gave this result to him. She had the same idea as Lelouch, like creating a person to let Nana live a happy life. Comrade, for this, she also fought and made sacrifices.

So Lelouch was convinced by Euphemia!

"You... are so stupid, so stupid!" Although it was a mocking word, it was the most relaxed sentence of Lelouch of the two.

"You are the worst enemy to me...you have won!"

The utterance of this sentence also symbolizes that Lelouch is willing to cooperate with Euphemia to promote the establishment of the administrative special zone Japan.

Lelouch's face showed a rare gentleness, and Euphemia's face finally showed a full smile.

Sure enough, is this the end?

Feng Jing took a deep breath. Although everyone thought the plot would come to this point before episode 22 was broadcast, Feng Jing didn't feel too uncomfortable at this time.

It's just a pity that Lelouch really gave up his revenge on Britannia, and the rebellious Lelouch should be gone for the second season!

The following plot should tell the story of Euphemia and Lelouch who established the administrative special zone Japan together!

Oh, yes, and Xia Li. In these two words, she found her diary in the past, which recorded the words Lelouch was zero.

Although she had forgotten Lelouch, she did not forget that Zero was the thing that killed her father and enemy. This foreshadowing must also be filled in.

But in a nutshell......The rebellious Lelouch who has accompanied Feng Jing for five months is ready to end like this!

Although the plot has regrets, it is not the worst prediction after all.

Just when Feng Jing and the fans of Quan Long Guo Lulu Xiu relaxed their minds and forced themselves to accept the plot.

What they couldn't think of was that the show operation of this work had already been paving the way at this moment!

"By the way, Lelouch, what you just said... Do you think I will shoot Lelouch if you intimidate me?" Euphemia was in a happy mood, so By the way, I was curious.

"It's not like that.... If I seriously give orders, no one can disobey!" Lelouch relaxed after accepting Euphemia's proposal.

Wow, what a trust, to Euphemia.

Can you even tell her about Geass's ability? Feng Jing looked at the computer screen.

"For example, when I say, attack me... Destroy Suzaku... no matter what the order is," Lelouch continued.

"It's a joke..." Euphemia took Lelouch's words as a joke!

"Really..." Lelouch turned to look at Euphemia, and explained seriously.

"For example, if I kill a Japanese... you will do it seriously."

After Lelouch said this sentence, the bgm of the entire animation changed drastically.

In Euphemia's eyes, a faint crimson light was revealed, which was a symptom that only appeared in the eyes of people controlled by Lelouch's Geass ability.


The spicy strip in Feng Jing's hand fell on the table, her expression a little awkward.

This bgm is accompanied by Euphemia's expression so obvious that it has hit Geass, and Lelouch's words.

Killed... Japanese?

Feng Jing suddenly reacted... Could it be said that this is the so-called turning story of Teacher Shui Xin?

It's a bit nonsense!

"I don't want to kill them!"

Yufimia's voice was helpless and her expression became distorted, but in the end...... it still couldn't match the power of Geass.

She raised her head, her eyes were simple, her expression was calm, and her tone of voice was so natural.

"Yes, the Japanese...have to kill!"

Damn it!

What the **** is this plot?

At this moment, countless rebellious Lelouch fans of the Dragon Kingdom had guessed a terrible idea.

Outside the room where Lelouch negotiated with Euphemia, there are a large number of Britannia's troops and tens of thousands of people expecting zero to negotiate with Euphemia, hoping to establish a special administrative region, Japan..... ...The Japanese who hope for peace!

As long as Euphemia gives an order...

At this moment, Lelouch had realized that his geass... was out of control!

"Forget the order, Yuffi..." Lelouch's voice was so flustered for the first time.

But Geass's ability can only be used on one person once, so Euphemia did not obey his orders, but took Lelouch directly into the negotiation room, preparing to control the one that Euphemia shot at him. The gun...rushed to the venue outside the room.

Wearing a court dress and high heels, Euphemia's speed is unabated.

And Lelouch, who had been weak since she was a child, couldn't catch up with her either.

Feng Jing, some dare not look anymore.

Two minutes ago, she complained that Teacher Shui Xin lied to others, and the plot did not have the usual twists like what he said...but now...she can't accept it. I have to guess that.

Euphemia rushed to the center of the venue with a gun in her hand. There were a large number in front of her, and she had expectations of her. She felt that she was one of the few people-friendly royals in the Britannia Empire and was helping the Japanese to obtain Angels of equal status.

But now, she raised the gun in her hand.

"Everyone who is called Japanese...I have a request, everybody...Can you die!" Yufimia's voice spread through the loudspeaker throughout the venue.

"I hope you can commit suicide... can't you?"

"Then... Soldiers, please kill them! Slaughter them..." Euphemia ordered to her soldiers.

All the Japanese in the audience, including the leaders of the six Kyoto houses, were dumbfounded.

"Stop... Yuffi!" Lelouch's anxious voice sounded.

boom! ! !

In the animation, a crisp gun sounded!

Corresponding to it is... Opposite Euphemia, an elderly female Japanese was shot in the chest and fell to the ground.

The gun barrel in Yuphemia's hand was emitting white smoke!

This is... Lelouch's gun!

"Then... everyone in Britannia, slaughter them!" Euphemia ordered again.

And those hesitant Britanian soldiers, this time......no more hesitation.

A large number of huge robots loaded with machine guns aimed the rotating barrels at the Japanese on the scene. This was a tragic massacre......

And the many rebellious Lelouch's animation fans in the Dragon Kingdom... have been stupid at this time.

Although the rebellious Lelouch's animation is a war-related animation, except for the episode in which Xia Li's father died, when the audience felt the cruelty of war, other plots, whether in the screen or in the plot, tried to avoid these. The content is for the viewer's viewing experience.

But now...In order to highlight the tragic situation of this situation, Huang Ming's production team made extra surprises. In the animation, hands and feet fell on the ground everywhere, and Japanese people were sitting in the entire venue. On the stands... the blood flows down the upper steps like a red carpet and gathers into blood channels.

And because of cc, the fainted Suzaku also woke up at this moment and saw this miserable image!

Even Yufimiya shot Shumu Suzaku at this time, because he... is also Japanese.

"Zero...our...savior! Only you...is hope!"

On the ground, an old grandmother who hadn't completely died saw Lelouch wearing a zero suit and a mask, and raised her head to look at him with her last strength.

At this moment, in the minds of these Japanese who have not yet completely died and are lingering, they already believe that this is a conspiracy by Britannia, and that they are using the news of the administrative special zone Japan to trick ordinary people like them to come over in order to unify the massacre. trap.

This woman died with hope for Lelouch and Zero.

But... how did they know that Yufimia was controlled by his out-of-control geass to make this order, and the first Japanese to die on the scene was by Lulu? Xiu passed the gun to Euphemia and killed him.

"Don't...I'm not the savior..." Lelouch's heart was also on the verge of collapse.

This tragedy, it can be said that all the responsibility lies with him!

But... his strong will makes him ignore these emotions. The activist knows very well that things have been done and are irreversible. The administrative special zone of Japan is definitely out of water...that Next, the battle between the Black Knights and Britannia was inevitable.

If he does nothing here, then only death awaits him.

The images in the venue were soon contributed by hackers and broadcast live to the world.

At this moment, all the major Japanese forces that had been almost successfully appeased by Britannia were shocked.

Lelouch got on the robot driven by CC, and Suzaku was also looking for Yufimia who ran out of the stadium in the chaotic battlefield, preparing to continue to slaughter the Japanese.

"Send to all members of the Black Knights, Euphemia has become an enemy, and the administrative special zone Japan is a despicable trap to kill us all at once..." Lelouch ordered the entire army.

It's done

Suzaku drove Lancelot, looking for Euphemia with anxious expression.

Suzaku was very anxious in his heart.

"Definitely, Yuffi must be treated..."

As soon as the picture turned, Lelouch's eyes burst into tears, but his orders continued.

"Find out...kill it!"


This concludes the story of the twenty-second chapter of the rebellious Lelouch.

It's just that... a crowd of animation audiences are still immersed in this plot and cannot help themselves.

It wasn't until after the ed song was finished that he came back to his senses.

This...what the **** is this?

This is the wonderful plot turning point that Teacher Shui Xin said?

This is too nonsense!

Many fans who like the role of Euphemia feel empty and uncomfortable.

The word Zhiyu popped out of his heart in an instant, and then transformed into the face of Shui Xin!

This guy.... It turns out that it has not changed!

But... Teacher Shuixin, you are too mad!

If the plot must go on like this~www.mtlnovel.com~ Whoever you want to be the executioner is fine, why is Euphemia?

She really wants to establish an administrative special zone Japan, and she really hopes that Lelouch and Nana will live happily in the administrative special zone Japan she has established.

It can be said that there are dozens of hundreds of characters with names, surnames and plots in the entire animation, and Euphemia is truly the kindest person.

She obviously wants to do something good for everyone... But now, the heavy black pot of slaughter the Japanese has been let her back...

This is too unfair!

Although good people don't necessarily have good rewards, they don't want to do good things. They are still hated by thousands of people in the world!

And looking at the order at the end of Lelouch, in order to prevent the situation from expanding, and to prevent his secret from being drawn out of Euphemia by Britannia, who has become a mortal enemy... With tears, but also made up his mind...Kill Euphemia!