I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Of course, Qin Bei's gaze refers to the gaze of Jojo's comics, not the person who gazes at the water heart.

Although it is in the animation industry, the rebellious Lulu Xiu and Miss Hui Ye's big words wanting me to confess have proved the strength of the boy Shui Xin.

Qin Bei believes in Chu Yu's talent very much, but if Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comic really has no potential, he must consider persuading Chu Yu whether he intends to end the work as soon as possible.

Otherwise, such a talented cartoonist would serialize a common work with the most talented and precious time in his life, and that would be a loss for both Chu Yu and Tianji Comics.

Of course..... Now Qin Bei didn't even know that when he recalled his thoughts at this time a few months later, he felt that he was a fool for the first time, and he actually questioned such a comic.. .....

On the side of Xuangui Comics, Liu Ling, the editor-in-chief of Jojo Comics, is determined to let Chu Yu go. In the long run, it must be a loss-making business.

But Liu Ling had just taken office at the time, and what she needed was to take up her grades and consolidate her position as soon as possible. If she was dismissed because of poor sales shortly after taking office, what does it have to do with Chu Yu's future creation of better comics? ?

So now Liu Ling remembered that if she really believed in Chu Yu's words, let Jojo prequel serialize, and then use all resources to strongly recommend Jojo's main article... and finally won the Jojo main article. Time results.

Then Liu Ling was too late to cry, and the company executives would definitely not trust her.

Conversely, in the current situation, although Chu Yu was let go, Ye Chun's new comics have stabilized the loss of popularity when Chu Yu's two comics ended, and her position as editor-in-chief was initially stable.

For this ending, Liu Ling is relatively satisfied, but for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, she hopes that the follow-up results of this comic will be as bad as it is. The worse Jojo's results, the more proof that her vision is correct.

After seven weeks of serialization of Jojo's main article, Ye Chun saw that the popularity of his works is still tepid, and even the popularity rank is only the fourteenth in Xuanjing, so he is not too happy to mention it.

When he didn't quit Xuangui, the comic book Guangwei had been in the ranks of six or seven in Xuanjing magazine for a long time, and now...what is the first young manga artist?

At the beginning, I said that jojo's main article is very powerful, and I didn't lose the initial D. Now it seems that it is all bragging.

Although the outside world commented that he was inferior to Chu Yu, judging from the performance of the two new comics, he far surpassed Chu Yu.

So during this period of time, Ye Chun also used various channels on the Internet to insinuate Jojo's bizarre adventure.

Anyway, he had already torn his face with Chu Yu, so naturally he didn't care so much.

Of course, in terms of Chu Yu's number of fans all over the network, his behavior naturally did not break away from the investigation of Chu Yu's fans. Basically, Chu Yu's fans spray him every day.

And Ye Chun was originally a big Internet spree, and he jumped more happily when he saw it. He often spoke on the official Weibo account of Ai Te Xuangui, and Liu Ling often responded to his interactions.

Although Chu Yu wouldn't be able to understand these things, the media always like to report these news, and Chu Yu often reads it when he plays with his mobile phone.

However, as far as Chu Yu's current mentality is concerned, it is no longer possible for people of Ye Chun's level to make him interested, and he is too lazy to respond so much.

It's like how can a master-level person go to spray those platinum players? It's not at the same level, and even the desire to fight with the opposite party is gone!

Anyway, jojo comics have entered the plot, and it may not be long... Now Ye Chun and Xuangui are interacting on the Internet to belittle his speech, and then they will become a major player in the dragon country comics industry. joke.


In the next two days, Chu Yu rarely took a short vacation for herself, did nothing but stayed at home and pulled Gu Yan into playing games.

After all, the Twenty-three episodes of the rebellious Lelouch will be broadcast in the first season. In fact, in Chu Yu's animation studio, the content of the twenty-five episodes of the first season of the rebellious Lelouch has basically been produced. , Gu Yan even finished the dubbing of cc in the 25th episode, and she also relaxed, staying at home with Chu Yu and acting as a salted fish.

There is even the mood to study ingredients and cooking, and the experimental animal is naturally Chuyu.

Of course, for the cheating ending of jojo's first season, Gu Yan can only feel silent for the tens of millions of Lulu fans in the Dragon Kingdom, Chu Yu is too ruthless......The plot is no longer It's something that God can describe......It is simply hanging.

Gu Yan can guess what kind of wailing will be on the entire network after Lelouch's first season 25 episodes are broadcast, and how many fans will Chu Yu yell at the dog for not having a good life.

Maybe... This is Chu Yu's evil taste!

Gu Yan reviews all of Chu Yu's works.

He has always been like this, and hopes that the end of the first season of Lelouch will not cause any network disturbances.

Fortunately, according to Huang Ming, after the end of the first season of Lelouch, the production team will take a break in a short period of time and start the production of the second season, but this news has not been announced yet... .


Chu Yu spent this weekend happily while having fun.

But for his Lelouch fans all over the Dragon Kingdom, this week is a suffering week.

Almost every day, many people open Weibo to find Shuixin's Weibo and the copy of the animation studio's official Weibo, trying to get some spoilers about Lelouch's Chapter 23...... Not to mention spoilers, there is no trailer.

This made these fans feel extremely anxious this week. A large group of people were bored in the two Weibo comment areas and started to post comments to let Shui Xin always update the animation.

But such anxious days are finally coming to an end. The audience for Lelouch's work is undoubtedly the largest number of students.

For students, when is the best time of the week?

That must be after school on Friday.

And when is the most uncomfortable?

That's naturally the time to prepare the homework to be handed in to study tomorrow morning on Sunday night.

But this weekend, for many student fans, they have never looked forward to the end of the weekend and Sunday night.

As for homework and so on.... Get up early tomorrow morning and go to school to copy it and it's done!

The closer the time was to eight o'clock in the evening, the more agitated the fans' hearts. Chu Yuweibo, the number of fan comments rose sharply during this period of time, and members of the major fan groups who were daily diving members also began to speak.

The maintenance staff of major animation websites are also afraid that the number of fans who squeeze into the Lelouch's playback page at the same time will cause the network to freeze, and a group of professionals have also been arranged to handle this matter.

In the end, when Lelouch Chapter 23 went live, the fans' hearts trembled.


Click into the playback page of Chapter 23, everyone is really not interested in listening to the op song, just fast forward.

[At least with sadness! ]

This is the title of this sentence, but the title reveals a depressive atmosphere, yes... this is very watery!

The animation plot is connected to the last sentence. Euphemia is lost in the melee. Both Lelouch and Suzaku are looking for her, but their goals are completely different.

Many fans are crying out in their hearts, Suzaku rushes!

There has never been a moment when fans of this work hope that Suzaku will continue to spoil Lelouch's good things as before.

But... there are always exceptions...

In the animation, it is obvious that Lelouch moved a step faster, and found Euphemia first.

At this time, Yufimia was driving the robot, shooting at the Japanese in her eyes.

And Lelouch..... Using his own car, with absolute strength, Yuphemia was directly forced out of the cockpit.

But even so, Euphemia, controlled by Geass, still did not forget to shoot at the Japanese with a gun.

Until Lelouch appeared in front of her, while seeing Lelouch who was a Britanian, Euphemia's expression seemed to regain some sense.

"I thought about it, and together we will establish an administrative special zone Japan..."

"Hey, Japan..." Yufimia's expression became confused, and she seemed to have difficulty understanding the word.

"Ah, if possible, I want to do this too..."

Lelouch walked towards her, brushed shoulders with her, then turned gorgeously, the cloak fluttered behind him, and he took out a gun and pointed it at Euphemia.

Is not it! Lelouch, are you really ready to start?

She is your sister!

Many Euphemia parties are chanting Suzaku to organize Lelouch as soon as possible.

In fact, Suzaku did spot her.

But at that moment...

Everything is silent in the animation, only a gunshot!

boom! ! !

Euphemia's body fell backwards, her eyes looked at Lelouch, not sure why Lelouch did this~www.mtlnovel.com~why... Lelouch! "

"Goodbye, Yuffi...Perhaps, it was first love!"

This was the last time the two looked back at each other, but the ending was so cruel.

Lelouch's words are also clear, he may have liked Euphemia a long time ago, the kind of love between men and women.

But now, Euphemia must die...for his ambition, for his sins not to be discovered by the world...

In the twenty-third episode of the rebellious Lelouch, within three minutes of the opening, a lot of Lelouch's fans were just bewildered.

Lelouch really...killed Euphemia?

This plot, Nima.... It's so healing!