I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The scorching sun is like a fire, and the air in the street is covered with waves of heat, and the streets are extremely crowded with people coming and going.

But even in this kind of weather, there is still a crowd of people gathered in the big bookstore of the magic city. Of course...the people in the bookstore mainly buy entertainment books and periodicals, those textbooks Few people are interested in counseling secretaries and the like.

Lu Ning, a well-known comic critic in the magic city, basically buys and watches the mainstream comic journals on the market, and then finds materials to write and publish.

In recent times, he has been quite concerned about a comic.

Picking up the Xuanjing comics periodical issued this day from the bookshelf, and after lining up to pay the bill, Lu Ning found a fast food restaurant, ordered a set meal, and sat down to read it quietly.

Looking at the catalog, Lu Ning quickly flipped through the contents of the latest issue of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

As always, this manga has been serialized in the rhythm of solving an enemy in two episodes.

To be honest, when Lu Ning saw the style of this comic, he refused. The exaggerated style of the muscular man, the wonderful posture of the characters...all made Lu Ning have such a good style of work. It's hard to accept what you are after.

It is hard for him to believe why the effect of painting in Jojo's comics is such that the painting skill shown by the water core at a speed of five centimeters per second is like this.

Do you think Shui Xin can't paint more exquisite characters? That's certainly not true. Looking at all of Shui Xin's works, the characters are very exquisite. Even if it is a comic like the initial D, although the male will draw a little more angular and angular, but the female character... that is absolutely nothing. Say.

What made Lu Ning most admired was Shui Xin's paintings of Xuedaiba and Kenshin Himura in the Remembrance of Rurouni Kenshin, so that as long as he thinks of this comic once, the characters in it will pop into his mind.

In the first few weeks, out of boredom and lack of writing materials, Lu Ning picked up the comic jojo that he had given up in the past and read it.

After all, in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry nowadays, Shui Xin is definitely a name that can attract a large group of insiders to discuss as long as it appears.

Anyway, no matter what your style of painting is, I want to hold back looking at it. If the work really has some advantages, or there are many shortcomings in it, just write a random commentary on this point, and I want to read it.

But... After reading the first fourteen episodes of Jojo's serialization, Lu Ning had a strange feeling about this work in his heart.

As a comic commentator, Lu Ning also dabbles in a lot of things, and he also knows a little about tarot cards from the western side. First of all, he finds it very interesting that the alias names in the comics are all tarot card names.

Although the ability of the stand-in may not necessarily be linked to his name, it always gives people a very mysterious feeling. After a few weeks of long serialization, the protagonist Jotaro finally gathered a team of five people. On the journey to Egypt to defeat Dior, during this fifty-day journey, Dior kept sending his subordinates to attack and kill the protagonist group. The plot also made the comic readers understand the main plot at a glance.

Unlike those in the Dragon Kingdom Fighting comics, where hundreds of comics are serialized and readers don't know who the final boss is, Jojo's bizarre adventure has made it clear from the beginning that the final boss Dior is.

Looking at it all the way... Lu Ning had an extremely peculiar feeling in his heart for this comic.

You said how good this comic is, but that's not the case. There is nothing too eye-catching about the character setting. At that time, when you looked at it, there was an inexplicable desire to read it.

And seeing now, Lu Ning no longer feels uncomfortable with the weird style of this comic, even seeing the characters in it, making all kinds of strange poses with this style of painting, Lu Ning often at home I will try to imitate it, and I want to see if a human body can make such an action!

All in all...It is very emotional. Although the work is about solving an enemy in two episodes, it is inexplicable. After reading a series of comics, there will be a faint sense of expectation in my heart.

What kind of enemy will come next week?

What is the enemy's ability?

Is there anyone who can make the protagonist Kora Jotaro's invincible face show a trace of movement and change?

When Lu Ning came back to his senses, he realized that he was actually a little fascinated by this comic.

Now let's go back to thinking about the style of painting. Is such a comic book interesting if not for this style of painting?

Jotaro is a handsome boy, Hwakyoin was also painted as an idol, and Abdel painted as a handsome African...

Uh... disgusting!

It's better to be a muscular man. When he fights, he fists to the flesh, and some scenes in this comic are really bloody. Unlike those teenagers, a villain can never die. After playing a few times, he was directly washed by the author. Bai, the villain came out cleanly, and then led a lunch box cleanly. This kind of rhythmic comic Lu Ning did seem to feel quite comfortable.

I quickly read this issue of Jojo comics in the store.

The comic title Demon......The content of this issue of the comic is a special performance of the protagonist's companion, a silver-haired Frenchman Poluna Lev.

In the hotel, he was stared at by a stand-in messenger sent by Dior. He couldn't think that the weird doll next to his pillow in the hotel room was a stand-in for the enemy.

Borunaev, who was tied to the bottom of the bed by a doll and could not see the direction of the enemy's attack, was chopped by the enemy in his hands and feet. In a crisis, he used a stand-in to smash the hotel wine bottle with the help of the reflection of glass fragments Anti-kill.

He also clamored for the enemy to bite his little brother with a substitute and kill him cruelly. Polunaev also slaughtered the enemy like a melon, leaving only a whole piece of flesh of the enemy little brother in return. , Let the other party become a real leftover old man.

To be honest, the jojo picture of this sentence is very bloody, but Lu Ning is very happy..... The real fighting man should be like this, those who are specially designed to attract elementary students to enter the pit, the undead in the works , The combat comics without **** images are simply an insult to the IQ of the veteran comics.

Close the manga journal, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, Lu Ning breathed a sigh of relief. He decided to write a commentary on Jojo's comics when he went back. Lu Ning could feel that Jojo's comics The potential is by no means limited to the tepid state of today, it may not be long before fans accumulate to a certain extent and there will be a wave of popularity.

Of course, there are a lot of comic fans who share common ideas with Lu Ning throughout the Dragon Kingdom, and the discussion about Jojo's bizarre adventure has gradually increased. Those who like this comic are basically people with a certain age. For them, the style of the work has little effect. The point is that the comic should look cool. At least in this comic, the male protagonist Cheng Taro's yelling phrase "Oula Oula Oula" when he knocked down the enemy Euler..." It just made them look very emotional.

Few people in the Dragon Kingdom comics world at this time noticed the change in wind direction.

Even within Tianji Comics, apart from the editor-in-chief Qin Bei, the other editors only regarded Jojo's manga as a slightly failed work by Shui Xin.

At this time, they couldn't guess what kind of craze jojo's bizarre adventure could set off in the dragon country comics world in the following days.