I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

I don't know if the system is bound to Chu Yu's body and changed his physical fitness. There is no occupational disease in Chu Yu that normal cartoonists have, and not to mention sickness, insomnia, dreams, backaches and other symptoms. Chu Yu almost never appeared on him. .

Even though the previous few days had stayed up for a few days due to various reasons, after a wave of twelve hours of sleep, Chu Yu's whole body became refreshed.

Gu Yan beside him seemed to be still asleep, Chu Yu carefully pushed her arm away from her abdomen, and ordered a breakfast takeaway for two before washing.

A refreshing day began again.

Perhaps because of the end of the first season of Lelouch, Chu Yu's mood today is much lighter than usual.

After all, as soon as he wakes up early in the morning, there are four works of workload waiting for him, even he will have a certain amount of pressure, now it is good, the first season of Lelouch is the perfect ending, he and the entire animation studio can finally relax. Tone.

One night later, Chu Yu took out his mobile phone to check the fans' comments on the end of the first season of the rebellious Lelouch.

Open the mobile browser, and on the two-dimensional push interface, as expected, various articles about the rebellious Lulu Xiu's completion related content are directly slaughtered.

"Kengshen Shuixin was born. On the plot of Lu Luxiu's conclusion, look forward to Shuixin's dark and ruthless heart!"

"The first season of Lelouch is over. After a night of fermentation, on the final words of the first season of Lelouch, the fans' greetings to Teacher Shuixin in the barrage (swearing)!"

"At nine o'clock tonight, Ms. Shuixin is taking part in the interview on Xinman.com. If you have any opinions (complaints), you can speak freely in the live broadcast room on time!!!"


And so on, there are endless articles using Chuyu and Luluxiu to attract attention.

Chu Yu casually clicked in and clicked in and took a look. Within two lines, the editor began to scold him, and the more fierce he scolded, the more artistic the scolding articles, no matter the amount of clicks or the amount of comments. Very high......

And in the comment area of ​​the entire article, various netizens' comments were very unfriendly to him. Although they were basically ridicule, it was obvious that the grievances of fans came from the screen of the mobile phone.

Chu Yu's face turned dark all of a sudden, although he also knew that the plot at the end of the first season of the rebellious Lulu Xiu was really too bad, but he shouldn't scold him like that!

And in order to consider the mood of the fans, he has already decided to start the rebellious Lelouch's second season of animation in three months....Compared with the Lelouch fans in the parallel world in the animation In terms of the eight months of suffering between the first and second seasons, Chu Yu feels that he has undoubtedly taken care of the feelings of fans.

Of course, now Chuyu has forgotten, what he said to everyone in the animation studio was... In order to give the production team a break, the second season did not start broadcasting until three months later. In fact, my real idea is to put Lelouch's second season on the air next year, so that a system that has been harvested for two years will reward goodness.

As for taking care of fans' feelings, it's pure nonsense...

Log in to your Weibo account...emmm!

Thousands of news about Aite him in the backstage space are enough to prove how active the fans of Lelouch were last night.

The increase of four to five million fans in one night is enough to show how excited fans are for the plot of Lelouch's first season's last episode.

After all, Chu Yu Weibo has set up a function that only fans can comment. Many people naturally pay attention to Chu Yu's Weibo tuba in order to spray him.

Chu Yu's entire Weibo comment area fell directly...

Chu Yu glanced at it casually, and then decisively slipped away. He didn't dare to post a comment and say hello to everyone...

Chu Yu clearly felt that for the end of the first season of Lelouch, the reaction of fans was much more intense than that of Chu Yu's other works before!

In this way, Chu Yu got up inexplicably and became the target of his fans' grievances, and it is foreseeable that the fans' grievances will not disappear before the second season of Lelouch is broadcast.

Suddenly Chu Yu was a little vacant about tonight's live interview...I won't be sprayed by fans all night!

Soon, the takeaway was delivered. Gu Yan smelled the scent and didn't need Chu Yu to shout, so he consciously got up to wash and bathe.

After taking a shower, Gu Yan's hair was still a little moist. He wore a loose white shirt on the upper body and short shorts on the lower body. A pair of white and slender legs were exposed.

When she came out of the bathroom, Chu Yu was stunned. After all, the hem of the shirt was too long, the pants were too short, and the pants were directly wrapped. The visual feeling was directly that Gu Yan wore a shirt and dangled in front of him. Toss and toss, plus the clothes are a little close to the body after the shower.......

Chu Yu was not calm at the time, and decisively read the Tao Te Ching to suppress the distracting thoughts.

"Your dress is too revealing! It's dangerous..." Chu Yu didn't think it was a big deal to himself, but thought that if Gu Yan would go out here... I'm unbalanced.

"There are no bad guys here, and I'm not going to go out, of course I want to wear cooler! This weather is so hot..."

Gu Yan didn't notice that there was something wrong with Chu Yu's eyes, and while drinking Chu Yu's porridge, he looked at him with simple eyes.

But soon, she seemed to perceive the emotions in Chu Yu's words, and a strange appearance appeared on her white face.

"Wait, you will never prepare to do bad things early in the morning..."

Cough cough cough......

Chu Yu took a deep breath. When Gu Yan said this, he was immediately embarrassed, and he still didn't intend to destroy his image as a good person in Gu Yan's mind now. If there is anything, I will talk about it after the evening interview.

"How is it possible..... I have so many things today!"

"A lot of things...?" Gu Yan thought about Chu Yu's daily work, and then reacted.

"By the way, come to think of it, the program group that came to the house some time ago to take a video, their live interview is tonight...When are you going to go there?"

"Anyway, it only starts at nine o'clock in the evening...I'll be over at eight o'clock! At that time, I will also take Huang Ming to go with him... He often participates in this kind of show, Now they are a bit like the spokesperson of the studio," Chu Yu said.

"Puff... spokesperson, people obviously did the job that you, the person in charge, didn't do. You really think he likes to promote the work on the show... ..."

"But okay, let's just do something. It was so hot today and you have finished your work this week. I also want to ask you to play games together... Since this is no way, I will meet in the evening. Watching this show, come on! Then busy yourself, I'll go to sleep and get back to sleep first..." After Gu Yan finished speaking, after finishing his last mouthful of porridge, he cleaned it up and ran back. Out of the room.

Chu Yu looked at the Fengsheng early in front of him, and suddenly felt dull...I shouldn't pretend to be a good person. I regret it!


Soon, Chu Yu drove directly to the studio, where Huang Ming was still coordinating the production of various animations as usual.

Although the first season of Lelouch is over, Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess and the production of White Album 2 is at the busiest stage, and the entire studio is full of vitality.

"Why are you here now? It doesn't feel like you at all!" Huang Ming said casually.

"Isn't this something tonight, and staying at home.... There is nothing to do, just come here and do some work that I need to deal with by the way."

In the next few hours, Chu Yu was also busy with everyone, and after five o'clock in the afternoon, he asked everyone to leave work early and have lunch together. Then, Chu Yu drove Huang Ming towards the headquarters of the new man. go with.

As the world's largest two-dimensional gathering website in the world, Xinman.com's influence in the circle is much higher than that of the B station in the parallel world. It is natural that there are often such interviews with celebrities in the animation industry. Organized.

To be honest, although Chu Yu is now well-known, he doesn't have much advantage among the big names in the animation industry interviewed by Xinman.com in the past.

But for this interview about Chu Yu, Xinman.com is very serious.

After all, perhaps Chu Yu is inferior to some bigwigs in terms of qualifications, but in terms of the appeal in the mainstream animation community today, Chu Yu is definitely top.

Just like this interview about Shuixin, a group of Lelouch fans came to leave a comment in the live broadcast room specially opened by Xinman.com for this interview from 8 o'clock in the morning. The barrage went crazy and continued until It's eight o'clock in the evening now... There is still an hour before the interview...

With the crazy enthusiasm of Lelouch's fans, the popularity of this live broadcast room that has not yet officially started has been ranked in the top 30 in the popularity rankings of all live broadcast rooms on Xinman.com.

This is unimaginable before. After all, although many works are very famous, how many fans will pay attention to the main creators of the works?

But Shui Xin is different~www.mtlnovel.com~ Being young is an advantage. Unlike the creators of his animation works, Shui Xin is a young man just like everyone else. For his interviews, many readers say Very interested.

What kind of person is that Keng Shen Shui Xin?

A person who can picture the death of Xuedaiba, Meako Honma disappeared, Takumi Fujiwara was green, the second five classic wants fans to blow the train, Madoka Puella, a character bento, and Lelouch's first season of the gods, in the end, in the end What kind of strange flower is it?

Is it really a gloomy, unsocial, and quirky guy like the rumors on the Internet?

For many of Chuyu's new fans, Chuyu's past life experience is just a few words in a media article. They have no idea what kind of person Shui Xin is.

In other words, is he... really a human?

A guy who plays with readers in this way... should be an improper existence!