I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   Huang Ming, during this time, he also stepped up preparations for the second season of the rebellious Lelouch's animation production.

   In fact, a lot of preparatory work has been going on all the time, and basically the production staff are the original crew and are already ready to go, so everyone enters the state very quickly.

As for Chu Yu, he also returned to his daily work. Of course, when dealing with daily work, he still had to deal with the graduation project and so on. From time to time, he had to go back to school to see his mentor or something. Generally speaking, It's not easy.

On the contrary, it was Gu Yan, because the dubbing work of cc was temporarily stopped, and he did not take too much work on other works. When I was bored, I went to a yoga class to study, and I was ready to expand my body's flexibility. Chu Yu naturally raised his hands in favor of the decision.

   But before Gu Yan officially started enrolling in classes, she first went back to her hometown......and went home for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

   So in the past few days, Chu Yu basically lived alone in this big house.

  Sometimes I turned around in the middle of the night and wanted to hug someone but hugged me. I subconsciously ordered breakfast for two in the morning, but when it was delivered, I found that I was the only one.... Honestly, I'm not used to it.

   But on the other side, almost a week after the end of the first season of the rebellious Lelouch, the average number of broadcasts in the entire network episode was fixed to 14.6 million, and the growth rate was basically very slow.

And the income of this work was quickly hit on the account. The pure play volume income, under the length of the full twenty-five chapters, and deducting taxes and costs, Chu Yu made a net profit of nearly 100 million. Forty million.

   And Huang Ming, the income is divided into nearly 20 million.

   For the current Chu Yu, although there has been a feeling that money is only a number for him for a long time, he will inevitably get dizzy when he has an income of hundreds of millions.

   He bought this house for more than 20 million yuan. When he bought it, Chu Yu still felt a little bit painful. Did he feel that he and Gu Yan need to live in such a big house?

   But now only three or four months later, Chu Yu has earned nearly seven sets of worth of residence villas.

Moreover, this is only the first season of the rebellious Lelouch, and there will be the second season next, as well as the revenue sharing of Bai Ze Photo Album and Miss Hui Ye who want me to confess... There are various copyright sales of these works, these things are no less than the broadcast volume, or even higher.......Chu Yu is too lazy to forget.

   He understands that with his pitiful spending speed, he will never be able to match the earning speed of these works.

These classic works of parallel time and space have come to Long Country, a country with a large population and focus on copyright. It is hard to say whether Du Chuyu has copied the situation in the parallel world or even advanced to the next level. But when it comes to the monetary gains these works bring, Chu Yu feels that the original authors of that world definitely did not earn as much as him.

   In terms of absolute value alone, this amount is enough, but when it comes to the actual purchasing power of currency, Long Guo currency still has a considerable advantage over the world's Chinese currency, after all, the world's inflation is not that serious.

   Of course, Chu Yu and Huang Ming are not stingy after making money.

   The two together took 3 million to distribute bonuses to everyone in the studio. On average, each person gave out a bonus of 50,000 to 60,000.

It's not a lot of money, but it's just a reward to celebrate the end of the rebellious Lelouch's first season, followed by Miss Hui Ye and White Album 2, and then there is the rebellious Lelouch's second season. If this is the case every time, the various bonuses distributed throughout the year will probably be higher than their wages.

For bosses like Chu Yu and Huang Ming, the members of the animation studio couldn't love them any more. They never talked to them about poetry and distance, dreams and beliefs. Chu Yu left the shopkeeper all the time. Run over to see the situation every other day or two.

   Huang Ming is in overall planning, but as soon as he speaks, there are basically only two things to talk about. There is still money in the progress and quality of the work!

   The two are not generous people, but they are not stingy!

  From the perspective of capital, Chu Yu and Huang Ming are undoubtedly stupid operators, and they have not maximized the use of their employees.

   But from the perspective of Huang Ming and Chu Yu, I made more than 100 million and took out two or three million in bonuses. Why do you consider so much?

   It's just that the income is deposited in the bank for one year's interest!

Of course, this is also the case that all of Chu Yu's works are profiteering works. For Long Country's general animations, it's not bad if the final income can be 50% of the investment. However, Chu Yu's works are several times or even more frequent. Ten times the return on investment, otherwise it would really be impossible.

However, although the money Chu Yu took out only occupied a small part of his income, basically no one in the studio had any opinions. After all, everyone in the studio was very clear about the work... Although Huo has a relationship with them, the relationship is really not big.

   After all, in the success of these works, the most irreplaceable are undoubtedly the various super **** animation scripts provided by the boss, Chu Yu, and the various super **** bgm.

And their animation production skills...Although it is also very important, there are too many people in the industry such as Long Guoguo, so everyone is very grateful for Chu Yu's generosity. For this studio's The sense of belonging is also much stronger.

   In order to celebrate the great success of the rebellious Lelouch in the first season, the group of people also went to a well-known restaurant to have dinner.....

   Obviously, the money offensive is the most beneficial weapon to improve the enthusiasm of the subordinates. In the next few days, everyone will work hard as if they were playing chicken blood.

  Many of the flaws in the painting, some people thought that it was almost the same, but now......I found it myself, so I can solve it by myself.

   In this case, another few days passed.

   For Chu Yu's works, Jojo's bizarre adventure is serialized up to twenty chapters......

   is different from the miscellaneous fish stand-in messengers that appeared in the previous plot. In this sentence, two stand-in messengers come together...

  Emperor...and The Hanged Man!

   It can be said that as soon as the emperor, the prodigal son of love, made a strong impression on readers.

   The Hanged Man is a member of the protagonist's fight team, Poluna Lev's murderous enemy.

   is my sister again......Why are the sisters in the works of Teacher Shui Xin so miserable?

In this sentence, the rhythm and atmosphere are completely different from the previous ones. The emperor and Polunaev's heads-up scene made the readers look at them. The two are like cowboys in a duel. They laughed at each other and then killed each other. The intent came to light, and the doubles appeared.....

Polunaev thought that he could cut off bullets with his silver chariot as a stand-in... But he never expected that the emperor's stand-in would be the pistol in his hand. .

   And the bullets fired from the emperor's pistol......can be manipulated at will.

   Without knowing the enemy's ability, Polunaev was almost killed in almost one face...

   But at a critical moment, Abdel, who is the controller of the flame substitute for the magician red, came and rescued him in time!

But you can't see it in reality. You can only see the image in the puddles and glass lenses~www.mtlnovel.com~ The strange stand-in of the upside down man who attacked the protagonist and a group of people, a sword pierced Abdel's back , At the same time.... The forehead was also hit by the emperor's bullet, and the whole person fell in a pool of blood.


   is a manga in which a member of the protagonist team will die?

   Many fans are puzzled!

   Polunaev, who had a disagreement with Abudel, left the team alone to prepare for revenge. On the last page of the comic, he turned his back to Huakyoin, the expression of tears of the hunk and the line.

   "Being nosy, being pushy, that's why people get killed..."

   "I can't stand it the most, someone is dying by my side!"

   Under the treatment of Chu Yu, this painting became very sensational. The details of the character's facial expressions and the look in the eyes...expressed Polunaev's sadness and anger that he wanted to express.

  As he expected, after this issue of the Xuanjing Journal was published.......Jojo's bizarre adventure has fewer sunspots on the Internet.

   At the same time, there have been many more voices supporting this work on the Internet...
