I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

At the end of the first season of the rebellious Lelouch, and before the second season was broadcast, Chu Yu's focus on his works was automatically transferred to the other two animations, that is, Miss Hui Ye thought. Want me to confess and...on white album 2!

For Miss Hui Ye who wants me to confess this work, Chu Yu has nothing to worry about. After all, the popularity of the work is rising steadily. It not only attracts the love of a large group of male compatriots, but also guards the dog food on time every week... .....

   also has a huge popularity among women.

   Now the world is not only in society, but in schools, there is also a lot of pressure. Many people watch animations to relax and relax.

And Miss Kaguya wants me to confess, it is undoubtedly such an animation, whether it is Kaguya with a black belly and careful eyes, or seems to be natural, but Xipin always feels that he is also a senior black-bellied secretary Fujiwara Chika, or maybe it is The real man is on the rock, there are not many characters in this animation, but everyone is designed to be extremely interesting... and the plot is also spreading all kinds of dog food, it is life-death!

After the latest episode of    was broadcast, the average number of views of the anime episode has reached 9.8 million! Before the end of the work, the average number of episodes will exceed 10 million. The basic problem is not big, but that's it!

   And for the white album 2....

   Chuyu is particularly concerned. Before the ninth episode was broadcast last week, the average broadcast volume of the work was only 4.2 million, which is very inconsistent with the influence of this work in the parallel world.

   But after the ninth episode of White Album 2 was broadcast, fans of White Album 2 had a bad feeling this week.

Originally in this animation, after the confession of Yukizou and Haruki Kitahara in the seventh chapter, everyone thought that Touma Kazua had become a defeated dog, and will gradually fade into the relationship between Yukiso Ogiso and Haruki Kitahara in the following plot. In a happy life, and this animation will become a complete dog food love animation, the plot of each story is biased towards the relationship between Ogiso Yukina and Kitahara Haruno!

   But in the ninth chapter, the plot of this animation tells everyone...I am not ready to be a human being!

  The entire plot of Episode 9 is full of Yukina Ogiso and Haruki Kitaen showing affection in front of Touma Kassa...This makes fans feel serious discomfort.

After all, from the previous plot, everyone can see that Dongma and Sa have special feelings for Kitaen Haruhi. One is their favorite object and the other is their best girlfriend. Facing the combination of the two, Dongma and yarn in the animation are not entangled, nor blackened, but silently accept and bless the two.

   To be honest, for the handling of Dongma Hesha, many snow vegetables party also feel sorry for this girl, but helplessly, she slowed down Yuk Cai a step so... it can only be done like this!

   But the two of you are the first to get together first. It's fine....You still show off in front of Dongma and Sha all day. What are you doing?

And the most outrageous thing is...The actor Haruki Kitahara actually gave the audience a feeling of vacillation. Obviously his girlfriend is Yukina Ogizeng, but he has somehow paid more attention to Touma and Sasha. attitude.

   Teacher Shuixin, what are you trying to make? Ready to promote this animation to Shura Field?

   But the general love animation, if you want to shape the plot of Shurachang, then you shouldn't let the male protagonist have a real girlfriend so quickly!

The highlight of this kind of animation is that the male protagonist is always wobbly in many female characters, but in the end, due to various events, the male protagonist finally confirms his true love, breaks the Shura field and at the same time lives with his own palace without shame and shame. Go down.

But this.... Kitaen Chunxi has already dated with Ogizeng Xuecai, and you let the male lead hesitate.... Then it's not Shurachang. Such plots are collectively called scum How is a man made!

   So regarding the follow-up plot development of White Album 2, I can honestly say that this week, White 2 fans have also been arguing.

   Although the Winter Horse Party does not want her to be the loser of love like this, it is better than being unclear with the suspected scumming Beiyuan Chunxi!


   "Chu Yu, what is the follow-up plot of this White Album 2, can you tell me?"

   At home, Gu Yan was lying on the bed, looking at Chu Yu, who was playing passionately next to him, and asked.

   As Chu Yu's girlfriend, Gu Yan usually pursues all of Chu Yu's works, but in the plot of White Album 2, the male protagonist is obviously scumming, so Gu Yan also became vigilant.

   Although her attempts to reverse Chu Yu's psychological activities from the characters in her works have failed many times, women always enjoy it.

   After all, the characters in Chu Yu's works already have this tendency, so what are his inner thoughts?

   "White Album 2?" In the game, Chu Yu asked Gu Yan's question unconsciously.

   "It's the Shura Field! In the end, none of the three of them was happy...the three of them failed in a mess, both in love and friendship!"

   don't understand!

   "So... Didn't Beiyuan Chunxi finally step on two boats?" Gu Yan asked.

   "Two boats on foot? No, he is shamelessly wandering between the two heroines!"

   "Isn't that a scumbag?"

"Scumbag? That's not the case... From the result, his behavior is biased towards the behavior of the scumbag, but from an inner point of view... he is not prepared to be a scumbag. , But it's just this evil author who made him fall in love with two girls!"

   The evil author.... Are you scolding yourself? There was a smile at the corner of Gu Yan's mouth!

   "I lost..."

   Chuyu's extremely fast alt+f4, he didn't want to see four pits than his teammates even at a glance!

   "What did you ask me just now?"

   "The follow-up plot of White Album 2!" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu.

   "Follow up..." Chu Yu thought for a while, and finally persuaded Gu Yan out of good intentions.

"Forget about this animation, let my group of fans with higher magic resistance bear it, if you want to see Miss Huiye! There is no need to make your stomach hurt... ."

   "Stomach hurts..." Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu, and said in an uncertain tone.

   "Are you going to be gloomy again?"

   "What is it? I don't want to be scolded by readers all the time, but it's the sand sculpture department..." Chu Yu paused, almost saying something wrong.

   "What is it?" Gu Yan asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, even I don't want to always come up with Zhiyu works to be scolded by fans, but for various reasons it can only be so, I am also helpless! In short, if you want to have a good mood, the next In a few weeks, you should try to abandon the animation of White Album 2..."

   "Helpless? I think you are enjoying it! I often play mystery and deceive ignorance into the pit!"

   Gu Yan lay down and didn't care that Chu Yu didn't give her spoilers. Anyway, when it's time to broadcast, just watch it for herself!

"Oh, okay, okay... Don't think about it so much, go to bed now! I'm sleepy!" Chu Yu had difficulty explaining to her clearly, but anyway, he reminded Gu Yan that he would be It's not his pot to cause depression!

   "By the way, what's the date today!" Chu Yu asked suddenly before going to bed and turning off the lights.

   "October 2nd...what's wrong?" Gu Yan asked.

   "Well~www.mtlnovel.com~ That means the day after tomorrow, the tenth episode of White Album 2 will be broadcast!"

   "That's right, the timing is like this!"

   Chuyu touched his chin, took out his mobile phone, and decisively posted a post on Weibo.

   Gu Yan, who has been following Chu Yu, also received a dynamic reminder from Weibo.

   "You're really rare, and you posted an update before going to bed!" Gu Yan looked at his phone and turned to Chu Yu's comment!

   [This work is high-energy in front...Please watch it as you see fit! ] @White album2's official Weibo account is also at the end!

   "Aren't you here, there is no silver three hundred taels? It's just like smoking is harmful to your health written on the cigarette shell..." Gu Yan said funny.

   "Your fans didn't necessarily know this work, but now, it's impossible to know it or not."

   "I just want them to know! Otherwise, what am I doing with this animation? It's better to be happy at home!" Chu Yu responded.

   He didn't say much, lying down to sleep, of course, it was normal sleep!

   But this comment from Chu Yu made his fans active in the middle of the night...