I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   Generally speaking, the response of the October animation market has little to do with Chu Yu. After all, his works are not broadcast in the winter season.

Anyway, looking at the current situation, the rebellious Lulu Xiu has almost 90% chance of winning this year's Dragon Kingdom's popular animation. In the October animation market, there is no threat to Lu Lu Xiu. Lu Xiu's works appeared.

   Similarly, for practitioners in Longguo's animation industry, this year's winter animation market is also a season in which there is no water heart to intervene in the true sense.

   Compared with the initial D animation in spring, the rebellious Lelouch in the summer, and Miss Hui Ye in the fall who wanted me to confess, they are basically the king animations of the season. The pressure on everyone is undoubtedly very great.

However, fans find it quite a pity. If Mr. Shuixin also opens a new animation in winter, the popular animations of the four quarters of the year will be his work, and then he will win the title of the year's popular animation of the year. That is definitely unprecedented, and it should not be possible to have the achievements of those who came later.

   But helpless... Teacher Shui Xin is not awesome! Actually, the most critical winter animation market of the year has withered!

   If Chu Yu knew what these fans were thinking, he would definitely yell at him. Really think he would not be exhausted?

   Although it has entered the winter animation market now, many animations in autumn are not over yet, and tonight...it is the day when the tenth episode of White Album 2 was broadcast.

   Many fans have also been waiting in front of the computer screen with anticipation, waiting for the animation of Episode 10 to go online.

   A few days ago, Chu Yu's message on Weibo did make a lot of Dongma fans enthusiasm. In addition, in the ninth episode, the performance of Dongma and Chunxi did have that flavor.

Although Chunxi would be a bit scumbag if she breaks up with Xuecai and turns to be with Dongma, and feels a bit pitiful for Xuecai...but regardless of him, there will always be someone injured. Compared to Dongma, I choose Snow vegetables.

   Among them, Liu Mu is undoubtedly a fanatical supporter of Dongma.

   For the animation of White Album 2, he thinks that although the plot is fine, it is not particularly stunning, at least when compared with other works by Shui Xin.

   But the character inside, he just likes winter horse and yarn, there is no reason, just a simple otaku's choice.

   Xuecai's school idol is really not his dish, and judging from the details of the animation, he always feels that Xuecai does not seem to be so naive.

   But there is only one thing Liu Mu can't figure out, and that is Dongma Hesha's attitude towards Beiyuan Chunxi. With her personality, why would he like Beiyuan Chunxi?

   Just rely on Kitaen Haruki and Dongma to practice music together during the time? It is still the daily contact with classmates that leads to the germination of feelings...

   But these thoughts were suppressed by him right after the episode 10 of White Album 2 was broadcast.

   I want to watch anime!

The plot of the tenth episode is not muddled. In the ninth episode, Dongma and Sa seem to have a secret from Chunxi and Xuecai. After Kitayuan Chunxi went to find Dongma Hesha and met her mother Dongma Yoko... ....

   At the beginning of Chapter 10, Haruki Kitaon was at the airport, waiting for Dongma Hesha plane to fly back!

  Oh! ! !

   Could it be that Teacher Shui Xin really wanted to make Beiyuan Chunxi a scumbag?

   You need to know that Haruki Kitaon missed the party with Xuecai, and cheated Xuecai that she was sick, unexpectedly waiting for Dongma Hesha directly here!

   But why do you feel so looking forward to it? Obviously if Chunxi and Dongma are together, then Dongma will become a junior who snatches a girlfriend's boyfriend, and Chunxi will become a good old man and degenerate into a scumbag!

   Probably... I just don't want Touma Kazuya to lose to Ogiso Yukina!

   But Mr. Shui Xin's ability to create characters is really great. There is clearly this kind of plot trend, but to be honest, everyone can't hate the characters in the play.

   Liu Mu thought so!

   Of course, he is the second oldest thorn ape. It's just the trend of the plot, and it doesn't feel at all.

   But for those newcomers, after realizing that Shui Xin is really ready to make Kitayuan Haruki and Dongma Kazuya betray the snow vegetables, their heart is heavy for no reason!

   "Xue Cai is so innocent and believes in Heza and Chunxi so much, Shui Xin, I advise you to be kind, why are you doing this kind of plot? Have you ever considered the feeling of Yuk Cai?"

For the majority of Mengxin animation fans, what they want to watch is the kind of animation that will not hurt anyone, or will walk out in a short time even if injured. In short, the process can be tortuous, but the ending must be joy.

   And now, these people have gradually felt bad!

   And this is not good. In the train, Kitahara Haruki asked if Touma Kazuya decided to go back to Europe with his mother, and it reached the highest point!

   After getting off the train, the two began to quarrel. Kitahara Haruki hoped that she would tell Yukuna the news in person, but Dongma Hesha refused in various senses.

   The two people in the animation do not know each other's intentions, so they speak unscrupulously.

   But for the audience who can see from the details of the screenwriter that the two have a good opinion of each other, they are a little worried, and feel that the male lead is too inhuman!

  Mingming Dong Ma Hesha just doesn't want to see you and Xuecai show affection in front of her, and don't want to see the person you like with your best friend. What are you doing?

   But Liu Mu was very excited to see it. He had a hunch that there was definitely an explosion in these words between the two!

   As expected, after a brief argument, the emotions between the two erupted completely.

   "Why do you want to disappear from my eyes! Do I have only this weight in your eyes? We... are not friends?"

   Kitahara Haruki's outbreak also detonated Touma Kassa's emotions.

   She turned her back to Harunuki Kitaon.

   "I'm so self-righteous! People who can't even say what they want to say, how can they be friends like this!"

   "But, you who can say this kind of thing are really ridiculous!" Touma and Sae's tone was a little cold.

   "Stop talking!" Kitahara Haruki was hit, pulling Dongma Kazuya's shoulders.

   But what he saw in front of him was not the mocking face of Touma and Sa, but a crying face blurred by tears.


  It seems...It's really not good!

   A large group of fans are already a little uncomfortable.

"It's you who disappeared from my eyes first! You are the first to run to places beyond my reach! It's obviously hard to reach, but you want me to stay by your side. You are the one who gets along with this kind of torture.. ....Why, I still have to be blamed by you now!" Dongma and Sha couldn't control his emotions and broke into tears directly.

   "Appearing in front of my eyes every day and every day makes me feel like a knife..."

   Of course, the super **** background music "AfterAll~ Feelings~" is of course indispensable. This plot and atmosphere accompanied by the sudden explosion of bgm made a crowd of animation audiences instantly bewildered.

At this moment, the foreshadowing laid before in this work recalls the calm and blessed faces of Dongma and Sa in Chapter 8 and 9 when they saw Yukana and Chunxi show their affection.... Contrast this with the cry of Dongma and Saina at this moment.

  At this moment, everyone feels sorry for this girl!

   So those are all pretends! I thought she was so strong that she could easily let go of her feelings!

   "But, you haven't before...I've always been a one-sided person. I was in vain, but I couldn't stop thinking!" Beiyuan Chunxi was also dazed.

   "Why are you so stupid, do you have nothing to do with good grades? Don't you understand if I don't say it?"

   "I'm just an idiot, I'm a Dongma Kaisa who absolutely doesn't want to pay attention to it, and is boring!" Kitahara Haruki was also panicked.

   "Don't guess my mind, I like a boring man...what's wrong!"


   confession...This is a confession!

   At this moment, countless Dongma parties are both happy for Dongma, but also uncomfortable.

  I am happy that she finally said what she was saying, but what's uncomfortable is that...it's too late.

   With the character of Haruki Kita, would he hurt Yukizo Yukina for himself? And with the pride of Touma and Sa, will she be with Haruki Kitaon and hurt Yukiso Ogiso again?

   The more they talk to each other, the more harm they will do to each other!

   So...what about the next plot preparation?

   Kitayuan Haruki will not really abandon the Yuk Choi, let's be with Dongma Kazusha!

Ok? By the way, Xuecai...Nima Xuecai prepared a banquet for her birthday. Waiting for the two of you, one is your boyfriend and the other is your best girlfriend to celebrate your birthday..... ...What are you two doing?

  Although the Winter Horse Party also hopes that Winter Horse can be on the top, it does not want to be on top in this way. This male protagonist Harunaki Kitahara is too indecisive!

But when I think about it carefully, it seems that he has nothing wrong with him. Although he has always been in love with winter horses and yarns, he is indeed a tsundere image, and he did not reveal what he meant for Kitahara Haruki. In this case, Kitahara accepted There seems to be nothing wrong with Ogiso Yukina's pursuit.

   His biggest mistake is that he clearly likes Ogizeng Yukina, but he still can't forget Dongma and Sasha, and Dongma Hesha is even more outrageous.....and likes him too.

   This relationship is too messy. If none of the three are at fault... whose fault is that?

   seems to be the screenwriter's pot!

   But when everyone was about to continue watching, the plot screen changed and the timeline jumped...

   The fans reacted after seeing it twice...

  Reminiscence plot?

   Shui Xin, this is not a battle animation, so I learned how to operate the plot of others~www.mtlnovel.com~A wave of memories at the climax?

   But there are also many people who have a sense of understanding after seeing this.

   It's weird that Dongma Kazuya likes Kita-en Haruhiro. It's impossible to get along with this wave of school festivals. During this time, the two of them are really just practicing music...

   If you recall the plot...could it be the hidden plot of Dongma Kazuya's love for Haruki Kitaen

   This animation ends here. Although there is a little abuse, it still belongs to the normal range, and the plot does not exceed the love triangle category of love works.

   But then, the sense of the work is completely different!

   It's a pity that fans who watch this animation now don't realize it at all.

   They are still in the simple thinking mode of who the male protagonist will ultimately choose. Although one person will be injured, two of them will be happy. Although it is a pity, this is a love animation!

   But actually....This whole work is a tragedy. From beginning to end, none of the three people can get happiness.

   The happyend they want, that kind of thing is not there at the beginning, some only cause depression, and even more depression!