I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   "Ah, so tired!"

   At night, Gu Yan entered the door with a tired look, and saw Chu Yu who was happily playing games, and his heart became unbalanced for a moment.

   took off her high heels and put on slippers, she sat next to Chu Yu decisively, not watching Chu Yu play a game, resting her cheek with one hand, and staring straight at Chu Yu.

"what's happenin?"

Chu Yu was surprised by her. It just so happened that the game score was already far behind, so she gave up the idea of ​​confronting her teammates, and decisively beat out /ff, and ended the match amidst the scolding of four teammates. .

"It just feels like I'm exhausted with just such a little work a day, and sometimes I make mistakes. You are responsible for so many works a day, and you have energy and time to play games, but you always complete your work perfectly. Suddenly you feel that you have some It's incompetent!" Gu Yan sighed and said in a depressed mood.

   Chuyu saw her in this way and knew that she must have encountered something unsatisfactory in her work.

   Even if she is now the top-famous voice actor in the Dragon Kingdom, being famous does not mean she has no troubles.

When you are not famous, you have to laugh for an opportunity. When you are famous, your every move will be talked about. It's like many people in the seiyuu industry actually think that Gu Yan has so many opportunities and resources because of the fact that there are so many opportunities and resources. Good boyfriend's backing support...if they have Chu Yu as their boyfriend, so can they. Economic companies will often ask Gu Yan to use Chu Yu's reputation on various occasions to add some exposure to the company. , Gu Yan also had some conflicts with his boss for this.

   Like Chu Yu, there are indeed fewer people who have lower desires and ignore small troubles.

   "What's the matter........tell me?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly feel a little upset and confused, and the mood swings! The reason why I have been looking at you just now... is actually a little envious of you, since I knew you until now, I haven't seen it. You are in this state, no matter whether it is your career or outside comments, it has never affected you at all!" Gu Yan smiled.

   She is indeed a bit annoying, but it is useless to talk to Chu Yu, it is nothing more than turning one's troubles into two people's troubles!

   Chu Yu was a little embarrassed when he heard that, Gu Yan imagined him as the kind of person whose heart was as firm as a rock, and that he was unwavering.

   Truly speaking, Chu Yu is a person of Buddhism. If he is not possessed by the system, he may also be an ordinary young man who works hard in the Longguo Buddhism department. It is naturally best if he can succeed. It is also good if he cannot succeed in a few small lives.

   Therefore, whether it is the outside world's perception of him or the works extracted from the system space, Chu Yu's goal is naturally to work in a positive direction, but if things go against his wishes, he has worked hard anyway, and everything depends on God's will.

   "Would you like to come and play games together?" Chu Yu didn't know how to comfort people, and after holding back these words for a long time.

   "Forget it......I'm not in shape today, I'm too tired, I want to rest early!"

   "Are you tired from work?" Chu Yu asked.

"Yeah! Several animation production teams run around every day, as well as meetings with colleagues, parties, and sometimes drinking...how do you say? Pure voice acting is my hobby, then It's pretty good, but all kinds of entertainment outside of business are more annoying!" Gu Yan mentioned casually.

   "Then...Have you ever thought of resigning?" Chu Yu blinked and asked.

   "Resigned......what did you resign?"

   "Just like this, play games with me every day, and eat and play together. It's better than work!" Chu Yu said shamelessly.

   "Stop......In that case, you pay for everything I eat and drink every day. Then I will become the woman you keep?" Gu Yan joked.

"What's wrong with that! Isn't it like this in many families in Longguo? The husband works outside and the wife manages the home. It is normal if you feel tired at work and don't want to work anymore, don't worry, cough cough... ..... I think I can still afford family expenses."

   "The beauty you want...I don't want you to dislike me in the future. After kicking me away, I have no love or career, and I'm a waste person!"

Gu Yan glanced at Chu Yu, but there was a warmth in his heart. Whether it was Chu Yu's metaphor of husband and wife, or Chu Yu's appearance of pretending to be a big man, she actually didn't want her to work hard. Although clumsy, Gu Yan Understand, this is already Chu Yu attaches great importance to her performance.

"You make me Chu Yu too unbearable! I'm not a big carrot, otherwise, why would you play games here when you come back tonight? I'm not afraid that you are worried... Where did you go to play!" Although Chu Yu knew that Gu Yan was joking, she was unhappy, and simply pulled her from the half of the chair to sit on her lap and hugged her. She was full of sweet fragrance, and her heart suddenly became hot.

   Gu Yan struggled, but couldn't get rid of it.

"But don't always just focus on your work, you are too popular now... In fact, many companies are very dissatisfied with you and your animation studio works!" Gu Yan Turning his head and staring at Chu Yu, his tone was a little weak. After all, Chu Yu's hand moved in a random way and he had reached into her clothes, and his tone was difficult to be tough.

   "Dissatisfied?" Chu Yu frowned slightly when he heard this.

   But this kind of thing is easy to understand.

Although the Duplicator Animation Studio established by Chu Yu and Huang Ming has been in the Dragon Kingdom for a while, their works have achieved great success. Even in the current Longguo animation industry, the name Shuixin is compared to those big animations. The company also has a lot of appeal.

   On the surface, this is the recognition of Chu Yu from the fans of Dragon Kingdom Animation, but for the major companies in the animation industry, Chu Yu's existence is too eye-catching.

   One person, single-handedly, formed a gang of miscellaneous troops to grab meat from the mouths of major companies...

   It is obviously just an animation studio with less than a hundred people, but it has produced an explosion of animations one after another, earning huge profits in the Longguo animation market.

You know, the market is a cake. If Chu Yu gets a bite from the top, others will naturally get a bit less. Among them, those who resent Chu Yu deeply are undoubtedly those who broadcast the animation every quarter are ranked second in popularity. The third-placed works......if Chuyu's works had not absorbed popularity and interest in the front, then the income of their works would increase by at least 20%!

   If Chu Yu and his team have a solid foundation... it's hard for others to say anything.

But things are on the contrary. The team can say that the professionalism is limited. The ability of the work is not based on the studio's channel relationship, the means of publicity, and the production level.......The ability to fire depends on only one person, Chu Yu !

  Under this situation, more and more companies are dissatisfied with the copying animation studio. After all, they not only have reasons for dissatisfaction, but also have the confidence to dissatisfy.

   They really can't fight the works, but they want to mix well in an industry. In addition to the product itself, there are also many other factors. The copy studio is much worse than these companies in those factors!

   Chu Yu is not stupid, UU reading www. uukanshu.com also knows these situations, but he is not a business genius. Even if he knows that these problems may be hidden dangers in the future, it is difficult to deal with them.

   As for the envy, jealousy and even hatred of those practitioners in the animation industry, it is impossible for Chu Yu to let those people dispel these views of him. It is impossible for Chu Yu to retire.

   As long as they don't mix in the animation industry and don't create new works to divide the cake, those people naturally think that Chu Yu is amiable...but that's too stupid!

   Therefore, this is incomprehensible. Chu Yu knows what those people think of him, but it is impossible to make any changes.

   As for Gu Yan's worries, maybe it was because of the company's attitude towards her Shuixin girlfriend at work. Maybe she is a little sentimental and bad mood today. There are also reasons for this.

   "Don't think so much! It's good to have a sense of crisis, but don't worry too much!"

   Chuyu's loss of consciousness was only a moment, after kissing the person in his arms, with a strong force, under Gu Yan's slight struggle, he picked her up and walked into the bathtub.

   Chu Yu didn't understand business matters very well, but it was really troublesome, so I saw the tricks, and now the beautiful scenery...he didn't bother to think about so many things.