I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   time in mid-October, today's sky is a bit gloomy, and it started to rain slightly.

   Sitting in the office, the editor-in-chief of Tianji Comics, Qin Bei, seriously studied the analysis report of serial works submitted by his employees. Water drops slid down the window glass of the office, and wisps of water reflected on the table.

"......From the replies from fans, the popularity of online discussions, ratings, and a comprehensive analysis of the number of popular voters, we believe that if the quality of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure can be maintained, it will be in the next The popularity continued to show an upward trend for a period of time, but considering the style of the work, we think the potential of this work is limited, and its upper limit may only be at the eighth and ninth level of popularity in Xuanjing Journal!"

   As one of the largest comic companies in the Long Kingdom, Tianji Comics naturally has professional team members who evaluate its series of works.

  Jojo's bizarre adventure manga has been serialized until now, although it has always been in a trend of rising popularity, but to be honest, this speed is too slow.

   has been serialized for nearly two months or almost three months, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure main article has only reached the eleventh position after the issue of this issue.

   Although this result is really good, it is still a little bit unsatisfactory compared to the author Shui Xin's current popularity in the two-dimensional circle.

   can create the water heart of comics like the initial D. Not to mention that his comic works can challenge the three pillars of Xuanjing comics, at least in terms of popularity and popularity, or lose to the next five mainstay comics.

   But since this comic has been serialized, its popularity has not exploded. Now, although the evaluation team has recognized its potential to a certain extent.

   But for Qin Bei, he is definitely not just satisfied with this.

He has never forgotten what the boy said to him, that this work will never be worse than the initial D. Therefore, although jojo has been questioned by the comics since its serialization, this result can still occupy two serials. Two words in a week for the seat? But these doubts were suppressed by Qin Bei!

   But......more than 20 words have been serialized, and now the evaluation team has only given such a report, which also shakes Qin Bei's heart.

   After all, according to Qin Bei's expectation, this comic by Chu Yu has been serialized to the present, no matter how slow it is, it should show its potential.

Qin Beidu has made arrangements. If jojo's comic shows the potential of not losing the initial D, he will immediately use the resources of the comics club to promote it in the whole dragon kingdom, not to mention that Chuyu's comic will become a Xuanjing comics periodical. The fourth pillar must be the only comic under the three pillars!

   But now... it's a bit embarrassing!

   After all, judging from past experience, the comic evaluation team of Tianji Comics is still very accurate.

   However, from Chu Yu's past experience, this guy has never been a guy measured by conventional experience.

   Moreover, although Chuyu did not perform well in this comic, his performance in the animation market undoubtedly caught everyone's attention.

After all, comics and the animation market are closely connected. It is unreasonable that Chu Yu can have such an achievement in the creation of animation scripts, but he has pulled his hips in the creation of comics in his old line. Moreover, from the feedback of Chuyu's comic editor Zhang Jing and his contact Look.... It seems that he has the same confidence in Jojo's manga as always!

Although I don't know where his confidence comes from.......but a genius who can accurately guide the trend of many anime fans in my Dragon Kingdom, he can never produce inexplicable self-confidence, confidence... .... Phase must come from strength!

The wavering in Qin Bei's heart disappeared. He still chose to believe in Chu Yu. Anyway, the popularity of this comic is steadily increasing. It is better to promote this comic in the Dragon Kingdom according to the predetermined plan and resources. Otherwise, the opportunity will be missed. It's done twice the result with half the effort. Although there may be more resistance in the comics, as long as the comics of jojo really become popular in the later period......those who questioned will eventually shut up!


   Although jojo is Chuyu's work, he doesn't care much about matters other than the work.

   He has always been more Buddhist, and he doesn't intervene or inquire about the various operations of his works in the comics club, which makes his comic editor Zhang Jing very depressed.

   The collaboration with Chu Yu is undoubtedly the most boring collaboration in his comic editing career. In the plot of the comics, he can't talk about it, and even if he cuts in, Chu Yu would not listen to him.

   About the comics club, Chu Yu can't ask anything except for his comic scores.

   This made Zhang Jing once thought that he was a tool man who came to get manga manuscripts.

   Of course, Chu Yu has never thought about it this way. Chu Yu still gives some respect to the editor Zhang Jing, but that's how it is when working with Chu Yu. After all, even Chu Yu is just a manga drawing tool, let alone others?

  Although the response of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is really good this time, Chu Yu doesn't pay much attention to the manga now.

   In Chu Yu's view, it was only a matter of time before the jojo comics became popular, and I didn't need to worry too much.

  His attention is now all on the eleventh episode of White Album 2 to be broadcast tonight!

   Anyway, in the eleventh chapter of White Album 2, there is a scene of Bai Xueming. In the parallel world, the beginning of the popularity of this animation Bai Xue started from the eleventh chapter.

Naturally, Chu Yu would not let go of the opportunity to enjoy this scene with his fans, and even the proficient Weibo preview was also engaged. Various comments suggested that there is a wonderful plot in the eleventh chapter of White Album 2, I hope fans will not miss.

Of course, after a week of brewing, the animation fans of White Album 2 have long been hungry and thirsty. The Winter Horse Party wants to know whether Dongma and Sha have a chance to rise to the top, and the Snow Vegetable Party is also nervous about whether the position of the Snow Vegetable Palace can be. Keep it.

   The lily party expect Dongma and Sa to slap Kitaon Haruki to awaken him and then elope with Yukcai...

All in all, although the popularity of this animation is at the bottom of Chu Yu's many works, the prototype of various parties has completely appeared in its fan group......Just wait for the popularity of the work to quickly attract members. Develop and grow!


  At night, when the time comes...In the mood that fans of White Album 2 are looking forward to, Chapter 11 of White Album 2 is officially launched.

   One point into the screen......


Is    still a memoir?

   Lin Jing reacted as soon as she saw the slightly green faces of Dongma Wassa and Kitaen Haruki in the picture ~www.mtlnovel.com~.

   This memoir is too long!

   In the last episode, I spent most of the episodes of memories introducing how Dongma Kazuya was attracted to Haruhi Kitahara bit by bit. To be honest, Lin Jing thought it was amazing for this story.

Without this plot, it is impossible to explain the character design of winter horses and yarns. Why would be attracted by Kitaen Haruki? Why did they agree to participate in the campus festival with Kitaen Haruki and Ogizeng Xuecai, and why they would give North Garden every night. Chunxi's guitar skills...

  Originally, in the previous plot, when they saw these slightly unreasonable places, everyone just attributed them to the halo of pig's feet.

   But before the start of the first story of White Album 2, the two people admired each other, these disharmony can be easily explained!

   But the eleventh chapter, do you want to continue to remember?

   In the last sentence, I already know Dongma Kazuya's love for Haruki Kitaen through memories. What is the meaning of this recollection...?