I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Lin Jing took two deep breaths, trying to calm down the depression in her heart.

But the more I wanted to dispel this feeling of depression, it gradually became heavier.

The plot of the eleventh episode of White Album 2 puts all the things in front of this animation together and explodes.

At this moment, the audience felt not only the despair of Dongma Hessa, but also how Kitaon Haruki betrayed Ogiso Yukina. He has been mentally derailed, but this time he couldn't help kissing Dongma. After the yarn was wounded, it was in fact a physical semi-derailed state, which made it very uncomfortable for Harunuki Kitahara to close the door, because this kind of thing is for the male protagonist with a strong sense of justice...... .Betraying Ogiso Yukina must have suffered both physically and mentally!

And there is Yukina Ogizou... She is waiting for the hero to go over and celebrate her birthday tonight! However, the male protagonist actually came here to do these things with Dongma and Sa...

Thinking about it this way, Xue Cai is too miserable! What did she do wrong?

No... Lin Jing thought about the details that he wanted to see in the eleventh chapter.

If Dongma Kazuya kissed Kitaen Haruki at the campus festival, she was indeed seen by Ogizou Yukina, and then Ogizo Yukina would confess Kitaen Haruki's results.... It looks like, Yukizou Ogizou is not as simple as the white lotus in your imagination!

Of course, even if this is true... Actually, it is not good to condemn Ogiso Yukina too much.

May you Dongma Kazuya like Kitahara Haruki, but my Ogiso Yukuna can't do it?

At most you can only say that Xuecai, knowing that Dongma and Sa like Kitayuan Chunxi, is too despicable to attack first, and in the process, too impatient and selfish.

After all, Yukina and Dongma and Sa are good friends, good girlfriends... and seeing that now, Dongma and Sa are sad and angry, but after Kitaen Haruki and Ogizo Yukina dated I never thought of destroying the relationship between the two of them. Comparing the two, it seems that Xuecai has some green tea!

But... isn't the emotional thing like that?

Dongma and Sha don't take the initiative, who can be blamed?

Although Lin Jing is a winter horse party, but the plot has developed to the present, she thinks carefully, the relationship between the three of them from the best friend to the current separation and collapse, everyone is wrong... . Everyone's mistakes are not so serious, but these mistakes have some reactions to each other and finally lead to such a plot development!

So, who is to blame?

After thinking about it, the person Lin Jing wanted to scold the most was the screenwriter Shui Xin!

Hole is better than water...Do you really have no feelings for the characters you create?

Obviously the first half of the animation plot of music and love is so well portrayed, when did this animation become like this?

As an old fan of Shui Xin, Lin Jing already knows what kind of reaction will be caused in Shui Xin's fan circle after this episode is broadcast.

I opened the Shuixin Penguin Group and Weixin Group that I had joined, and sure enough... the whole speech was all...proficient!

Then click into the Weibo comment area of ​​Shuixin, and the comment with the most likes instantly makes Lin Jing amused!

"I turned on the computer proficiently, and clicked on the newest words of Teacher Shuixin's animated white album 2... Finally, I came to the comment area of ​​Teacher Shuixin's Weibo expertly. .....Mr. Shui Xin's technique on fan abuse is undoubtedly very skilled!"

"Skilled +1, although this word is only two words, but it is the finishing touch to the plot in White Album 2, which fully brings out the connotation of the animation, the plot, the entanglement of the characters and the helplessness, here , At this moment..... I can hardly suppress my admiration for Teacher Shuixin. Here, I only hope that one day, Mr. Shuixin can meet the woman who is proficient in him... ."

"You guys can still play a joke? I'm going to throw up! After reading the eleventh episode of White Album 2, I posted it for ten minutes, do you know? I'm so stupid... .. I thought that this was a statement by Brother Chunxi waving the snow vegetables and embracing Dongma around his waist, but I couldn't think of it... Teacher Shui Xin could actually come up with this kind of plot. "

"Yes, I was still thinking about the romance of the romance animation and what the memory plot is so good, and I also made such a long plot... But after the proficiency of that sentence, my whole person is very uncomfortable! Shui Xin The teacher used the plot in the second half of Chapter 10 and the plot in the first half of Chapter 11 to discuss how Dongma Kazuya likes Haruki Kitamoto in such a long time. I think there is more than just watching it. I alone think Dongma and Sa are too cute! But... if you say it skillfully, the grief and anger in Dongma and Sa are completely conveyed to me at this time!"

A group of fans of White Album 2 were discussing the plot of White Album 2 there, making other people who have not seen this animation very curious.

"What's the matter, why are so many people doing proficiency under Shuixin teacher Weibo tonight, is this a new stalk?"

"I heard that it is the latest line of the animation of Teacher Water Heart's White Album 2 "Why are you so proficient!" "I don't know what plot it is that makes this group of people so boiling!"

"Skilled... um... eh? I seem to have thought of something, did Teacher Shui Xin actually put welfare in the animation?"

"What is the relationship between welfare, welfare and proficiency?"

"I don't understand this?... The kid is going to do homework, what animation to watch!"

"What are you guys thinking? The real situation is that this animation has a burst in Chapter 11. Fans of White Album 2 are emotionally excited and can't help it."

"Breaking point......interesting, what else would a love animation have?"

"Looking at their comments, it is estimated that Teacher Shui Xin is playing Yin again...it must be another depressive plot!"

"To Yu..."


"Ms. Shui Xin's depression animation...a bit scary!"

"Although I just watched this animation and didn't watch it, but this kind of romance animation can also make you feel depressed? Really or not... This success aroused my uncle's interest!"

"No, Mrs. Shui Xin's Miss Hui Ye stopped being funny, why did the White Album 2 that was broadcast at the same time start to feel gloomy......it won't! As a Hui Ye fan? I'm a little flustered......"

"Brothers~www.mtlnovel.com~ I went to try the water and read the comments of the fans of the White Album 2. This animation seems to be quite interesting... the plot of the eleven episodes It's only four hours to finish reading, brothers, we'll see you at one o'clock in the morning..."


It has to be said that nowadays, the Chuyu Weibo commentary area can be regarded as a gathering place for a large animation fan of Longguo.

After all, Chu Yu's work has been leading the wind in the Longguo animation industry during this period. Even if many animation fans don't pay attention to the heart of the water, will they come to visit!

Naturally, among this group of people, there are also many people in the animation industry.

The commotion caused by the fans of White Album 2 was naturally noticed by these people.

Like most fans, isn't it just an ordinary romance animation? What kind of turning point can there be in the later period?

Many people also prepared to watch this animation all night with a research attitude.

After all, looking at the results of Shui Xin's past works, it is too scary. Although the results before White Album 2 were very mediocre, the average broadcast volume of the entire web collection is only at the level of more than 4 million... .But Shui Xin's works are not one or two super gods in the later period.

Now White Album 2 has caused a commotion in the fan community all of a sudden, making these people who care about the heart of water dream about it in an instant!