I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   Tonight, Chu Yu has difficulty falling asleep, but it is also a sleepless night for fans of White Album 2!

   If the first seven episodes of this work are an ordinary romance animation, then starting from Chapter 8, this work drags the atmosphere into a depressing rhythm a little bit, even more.

   At the end of the twelfth chapter, the scene where Kitaen Haruki and Touma Kazuza cried and kissed, to be honest......Even the Winter Horse Party is not happy at all.

Although, the party fight with the Xuecai Party is very fierce, but the Dongma Party hopes that the hero and the Xuecai will be with Dongma again after breaking up, rather than like this...this Nima two Isn't the person cheating?

   And the water heart is big, you come out and explain to us what the ending is all about?

   Dongma Kazusha and Kitaen Haruki are kissing in the downstairs of Kitaon Haruki's house... and Kitaon Haruki is a high school boy who lives alone.....


   Shui Xin, did you make one minute less of the plot?

The pure fans are still immersed in the plot unfolded by the gods, a little confused, and the room is still full of stomachs, but the old driver has faintly guessed that this night...maybe Chunxi and Hesha. She will completely betray Ogiso Yukina.

   It can be said that in just a few short words, Touma Kazuya, who was considered by fans to have become a defeated dog a few weeks ago, has now faintly surpassed Ogiso Yukina's position in the animation.

   And even though both the Winter Horse Party and the Yuk Choi Party are very distressed by Yukiso Ogizou, there is no ambiguity when it comes to party disputes and team issues.

   "Yukina is a scheming girl. Without her, Dongma and Sa and Kitaon Haruki would live happily!"

   "Xucai scheming? So what is Dongma Hesha's behavior? Knowing that Xuecai is still in a relationship with Chunxi, and going to Chunxi at night, this is the unique white lotus in the hearts of your Winter Horse Party?"

   "Xucai is scheming, what's the matter? Love is selfish. Did she have a problem with her confession when Chunxi Beiyuan was single? Why don't you fans of winter horse understand this?"

   "Xue Cai knows that the two are happy and still go up and kick it sideways. It's too bitch. What's the psychology of you fans?"

   "What about Dongma? The night party girlfriend boyfriend, but also kiss......maybe next week after the 13th episode is broadcast, she and the hero will have to go to bed? She is not a bitch?"

   "It was Xuecai who became Bitch Dongma first to do these things with Chunxi so painfully. Can Dongma be blamed for this?"

   "Can this sort of thing come first and then come later? Xuecai has some caution in his relationship and didn't deliberately hurt others, right? You can also wash Dongma's minor three acts?"

   "I don't care, Xue Cai is a green tea bitch, Bitch!"

   "Don't you always look for the black spots of Xuecai, no matter how dark the Xuecai is, it can't compare to the fact that Dongma cheated on his girlfriend and boyfriend and became a junior!"


   People from the two parties have started tearing up on the Internet, various two-dimensional forums, websites, Weibo, comment areas, and the Penguin. This week, the tearing up of the two parties has become more fanatical than the previous week.

   And the classic Winter San, Sprite Speech, also officially appeared in this world!

Although the number of fans of White Album 2 is relatively low among Chu Yu's many works, it is low. In other words, this is an animation with an average playback volume of more than 5 million...A group of weekdays Fans who just watched the animation silently and did not speak, after being depressed by this **** animation plot tonight, they have nowhere to vent their depression, and party disputes like this......Naturally, it is easy to hook This group of people's desire to comment arose, so... things developed until 11 or 2 o'clock in the evening.

  White Album 2, Stomachache, these keywords are also registered in the top 30 Weibo search.

   The foundations of the two heroines are at war, attracting a crowd of passersby eating melons.

This scene also appeared in the words "Proficient!" last week, but the momentum was not so great, and after a week, the fans of White Album 2 once again made such a public controversy. Those who had eaten two The passers-by of Zhou Gua finally became interested in the work of White Album 2.

Is    really so good-looking?

   is just a love animation, why are there so many people discussing it?

  Looking at their discussion, it seems to be a very popular animation content!

   When an unsuspecting person looked at Dongma Xiaosan and Xue Cai Bi Chi, these remarks only felt very interesting. As for the keywords mentioned in the comments such as stomachache and depression, they were automatically ignored.

  Only those who have seen Chu Yu's work before saw that the screenwriter of the work was Shui Xin, their complexion changed drastically, and they were hesitant to try this animation.

   As for the battle after the broadcast of Chapter 12 of White Album 2, Chu Yu's fans and colleagues in the animation industry also felt a familiar taste.

Last week, this kind of taste also appeared, but after a day or two, the discussion of this work gradually cooled down, and this week, after the twelfth episode was broadcast, the popularity of this work became hot again, and It's even hotter than last week!

   Now, many people are not calm.

   Chuyu's fans are naturally happy to see the success of the works of Shui Xin, who is a fan of their fans.

Although, many of them experienced the healing of Miss Huiye's final episode yesterday, and the next day they received a crit from White Album 2, but they cursed and saw White Album 2 seem to be on fire. , Everyone is still very happy.

   But for Chuyu's colleagues, the commotion caused by White Album 2 made many of them feel uncomfortable.

   "No, why is this guy messing up again? I have seen the water heart and water heart scream in the animation circle all the year round. It's so uncomfortable! Can't he stop?"

"Why can someone make these popular works? Right, the two-dimensional fans of the Dragon Kingdom like this guy's work. I don't know what's so good about those things. They are all tragedy. It's uncomfortable to watch.. ....."

"I worked as a screenwriter in the summer, and the comedy animation "Boom Man" that was broadcast was so funny, with an average broadcast volume of less than 3 million, but the rebellious Lelouch of Shui Xin had a final score of more than 1,400. With an average broadcast volume of 10,000, I feel that the Dragon Animation fans in this year are somewhat mentally retarded, and I don't understand the taste of this group of people at all."

"Think about the Dragon Country animation market this year. The works of these little ghosts are all on fire, especially this Shui Xin. He is not only a screenwriter, but also an investor. From top to bottom, I am afraid that the money he makes is also Not a lot!"

"Calculating the revenue of these works, five or six billion should be available! After all, the volume of the two collections of Lulu Xiu and Huiye has exceeded 10 million, and the revenue of the two works alone is at least 200 million. , As well as subsequent copyright sales, changes, peripheral income, etc. It is estimated that it is even higher than the broadcasting income.... Nima is really unfair in this world. They are all animation screenwriters. I work for ten. Years, now it's only a few hundred thousand a year. A young man in his water heart has an annual income of several hundred million, which is really ridiculous!"

   "What's even more funny is that Huang Ming, who was originally a senior producer of Jiuxing Animation Company, has now reported a thigh and resigned to become the boss!"

"When talking about industry issues, talk about industry issues. What do you do with these useful and useless things? What's the use of acid here? People have the courage and courage to invest in animation studios. Without the help of major animation companies, one person builds one. The team has made word-of-mouth recognition based on a series of works. His name Shuixin is now a signboard in Longguo animation industry. If you have this ability, you can also go!"

   "Come on~www.mtlnovel.com~ I have money to open a studio and I'm still talking here!"

"Who is born with money? You can find Shui Xin's past resume on the Internet. Your parents left early and you were living a part-time job in comics in high school to make money. Your conditions are much better than him! It's here! Sour..... Talk to you about your talents, you are going to be in your family, luck.... It's funny!"

   "Anyway, I just see him not pleasing to the eye!"

   "I think you have a red eye disease, **** it!"

"Hey, who are you, are you a local animation industry practitioner in our magic city? This group does not include outsiders. Seventy to eighty group members know each other. I haven't seen you speak before. How did you get into the group?"

"I joined in the normal way, and how many years I have joined this group, when I joined only seven or eight people, it was earlier than you joined the group. Are you questioning me here? Normally, diving, who knows to see you? I can't stand it anymore, my brother Chu is here."

   "Brother Chu?......what is your relationship with Shui Xin?"

   "I am Huang Ming!"

   "Fuck! What's the matter with this group, why is he in this group?"
