I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Before the airing of the 13th chapter of the White Album 2 animation, the fans under Chu Yu's Weibo had already started arguing. Both sides' words were fierce, and the number of comments made it hard to believe that this is a movie now. The average play volume is only free of more than six million animations.

However, in the parallel world, there are not many people watching White Album 2 itself, but it can still set off an upsurge about the work. It can be seen that the influence of the work is not entirely dependent on these....... The stalk of White Album 2 itself is very easy to attract attention. Now on the Internet, even if it is the second prince who has never watched this animation, they have basically been quarreling with fans of White Album 2 in the past few weeks. The works are familiar to me, and I also started to have the slogans of winter three Sprite that were learned, skilled, and stomachache, although they didn't know the specific meaning of these, but this did not prevent others from playing stubbornly.

However, with the advent of the broadcast time, everyone did not want to quarrel under Weibo. Instead, they clicked on the major websites and prepared to watch this Shuixin annual depression masterpiece for the first time.... .. The final words of White Album 2.

That's right, after the baptism of the last two episodes of animation, Chu Yu's image of healing sugar for fans through Miss Hui Ye's confession has disappeared. For everyone, Miss Hui Ye's love comedy. The animation style is just a presumptuous one of Shui Xin's old love, like the death of the rebellious Lelouch Euphemia, the complicated love triangle in White Album 2, and the development of various stomach pains are his normal state.

It is completely different from the melancholic works produced by other animation production companies. Once the works of those companies involve dead protagonists, dead supporting characters, or plots that make the audience uncomfortable, the audience's choice is...... Lord doesn't watch it, there are so many animations to watch, I have to come over to eat Xiang Xiang?

But Shui Xin has been feeding his fans with poison for so many years, every time he abused the fans to death, but the fans still continue to follow his works, although it is depressed, although the stomach hurts, but his works It still attracts so many fans into the pit like moths to the fire, maybe... this is the true meaning of the title of the soldier of love!

   After the animation went live, at this moment, a group of people who had been away for a week, who had recovered their stomach problems, clicked in.

   real-time barrage also burst out.

   "Here is coming, let's see what the last words of Master Shui Xin's masterpiece for Yu are done!"

   "Sep Vegetable Bitch!"

   "Even if I am dead and nailed in the coffin, I will still be in the tomb and use this decadent vocal cord to shout... Dongma Xiaosan!"

   "It's starting, eating melons and watching monkeys, smiling and watching the two parties fighting, I am Zhan Chunxi and good friend Wu together!"

   "The rotten girl gets rough!"


  The barrage entering the target is varied, making Yu Ling's mouth a hint of smile.

She is an old fan of Shui Xin, the kind of mental fan who has been abused by Shui Xin's works every time, but who loves to follow all of Shui Xin's works. She manages five of them. Shuixin fans, in addition to going to work every day, the biggest hobby is water.

   The people around her are very strange. For a girl with a better appearance, why doesn't she become a fan of celebrities or a manga artist?

   But she can't say this kind of thing, anyway, the first intersection between her and Shui Xin probably started with Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance!

This famous work by Shui Xin, created four years ago, made her fall in love with this work completely. By the way, for the author of the work, this young cartoonist who was two years younger than her was also flooded. Countless curiosities, time, and feelings for Shui Xin are getting deeper and deeper, just like chasing stars......and because of this, I was depressed for two days after learning that Shui Xin had a girlfriend. After all, , Gu Yan's appearance conditions are true, so that people can't fault it. Even if she is a little beauty among the people around, she is still incomparable... Sure enough, all men are big trotters and have not yet graduated. Just sigh in love, even the water heart of a cold-blooded animal can't resist the temptation of beauty?

   Depressed, she has poured her feelings for Shui Xin into his works.

   And this white album 2, when she first watched it, she thought it was too idealistic campus love animation.

  Campus idol Yukina, why does the talented girl Dongma like the characterless man of North Park Chunxi?

   Just rely on him to learn? This is too nonsense. In fact, in real life, people who study well are generally more likely to be single. On the contrary, those mischievous students may hug each other during high school and are already on the road of a scumbag before graduating. Go deeper and deeper!

   But I see now... Yu Ling has torn off the label of the school animation with some routines in this work and changed it to Teacher Shui Xin's fraudulent love animation...

   After all, no one can think that the final outcome of the sweet trio will be in the direction of fragmentation!

   This development is both melancholic and interesting...Of course, these distracting thoughts of Yu Ling disappeared after the beginning of the animation for nearly two minutes after the **** scene between Kitaen Haruki and Dongma Kazuza.

  They...How can this be? Are you really going to betray Ogiso Yukina to the end?

  The plot converges to the end of the twelve chapters. As predicted by some old drivers, this night is really not easy. Kitaen Chunxi really brought Dongma and yarn to her small apartment...

   But this plot development has made it difficult for many cute newcomers to accept. In their understanding, these two people are just high school graduates. Even if they kiss, are they really ready to completely betray Yukiso from the spirit to the body?

What's more... At this time, Ogizou Yukina called. She must be worried that Chunxi didn't find Dongma and Sasha and she was depressed, so she was going to call to comfort the hero. !

   However...At this moment, the man she loves most and her best girlfriend are having the first experience of love...

  Emmm......Many people feel that the familiar stomachache is coming up again!

   The phone rang, Dongma and Sa waved the phone to the bed, the two of them...

   One night passed~www.mtlnovel.com~ Dongma and Shafuqiang left the home of Chunxi Beiyuan, preparing to fly to Vienna in the afternoon.

   And Kitaen Chunxi, this is sitting on the ground with a sad face, as if griefing Dongma Kazuya's departure, and condemning her betrayal of Yukcai.

   Yu Lingchang breathed a sigh of relief, this plot, the opening lightning strike!

   on the barrage at this time...

   "Xue Cai is still developing online, but I didn't expect Dongma and Sha to steal the house spiritually and take the FirstBlood of the base camp Chunxi brother!"

   "Will there be children? It is impossible for a high school student to keep a small umbrella at home!"

   "It's possible to have certain Enbei brand cold spirit granules! I hope Chunxi Beiyuan suffers from infertility! Otherwise, the plot is too much!"

   "No way, then it's boring! I feel that the urinary **** of Teacher Water Heart will definitely not let go of such a **** plot!"

"I've guessed it, so the plot of the second season is that Dongma flies to Vienna to complete his musical dream. Beiyuan Zhanan seeks to reconcile with Xuecai. Both of them have forgotten the existence of Dongma and yarn. After many years, Dongma and New Year Sa is holding a child and asks Beiyuan Chunxi to recognize her father?"

   "emmm.......it seems possible!"

   "Why is such a heart-wrenching plot caused by your barrage? Not only did I hold back my tears, but I also wanted to laugh!"

   "We are having fun in hardship, don't you understand? What should we do otherwise? Stomach medicine is so expensive, and I can't afford it, so I can make a little bit of laughter to reduce the feeling of depression!"