I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the original anime, "Session No love!" (Affection that cannot be conveyed!) This song is a love letter written by Kitaon Haruki's secret love for Touma Kazuya when she was lonely and lonely, and then used the content of the love letter. Adapted into lyrics, Dongma Hesha composes the song after joining the Qingyin Hobby Club, and is an original song by three people sung by Yukina Ogiso!

   This song can be said to be the finishing touch of the whole work, expounding the relationship between the three incisively and vividly.

   And this is fully realized in the lyrics.

   "Could it be that you are pretending to be lonely? Why does your heart affect you so much! I'm unconsciously recovered! I have been deeply attracted by you! How can I take my heart

   is reflected in the mirror for you to see clearly? Even the love that has become a luxury in the end! Is there a day reflected in the mirror too! Before the faint light can be seen! This love is still hard to move."

   Judging from the lyrics, Chunxi brother is actually a bit boring, but his love for Dongma and Sa is really on the paper!

   It's a pity, this song appeared out of time!

  Animated ed this song, from the words to the music, to the singing voice sung by Ogizo Yukina, every detail will be seen by fans whose hearts are deeply depressed by this animation will stand up and lash out.

After all, it is the work of Parallel World, which is known as the **** of the house. Although the first season of the animation only tells its prologue plot, which is the high school plot of the male lead and the two female leads, the essence of the work is only the tip of the iceberg, but it is only This part of the show...has already made fans of this work feel a strange feeling!

   The plot was abusive at the beginning, but it was a little numb at the end of the abuse. At the end, there was a feeling of wantlessness. Suddenly, I felt that love, animation, and the second element were all garbage.

Anyway, I can't meet girls as good as Yukina Ogizo and Kazuya Touma in the animation. Even if I do, I have to choose one of the two perfect girls and hurt the other... When you When you have this kind of feeling, you will feel the urge to just get out of the house and be a salted fish in this life!

   This feeling is mainly because the perspective of the male protagonist Kitaen Haruki is too deep!

   The time will be restored once, but only now...emmm!

   The thoughts in the minds of these fans who have just watched the first season of White Album 2 are.

who am I?

where am I?

   What does this work say?

  What did I watch?

   Although they were confused, the unerasable feeling of depression in their hearts made them blocked the drought!

   "Wow, brothers, can anyone comfort me? I'm vomiting!"

   "I didn't expect this ending. After the first season of the rebellious Lelouch, Mr. Shui Xin showed us what is called the magical chapter of the work!"

   "This is the first time I saw the out-of-page plot of Teacher Shui Xin, and I didn't have the urge to watch the follow-up plot. The story of nm is too bad, and I feel like I can't sleep tonight!"

   "That's the way it is said, after the second season of White Album 2 is broadcast, you will definitely be dangling and chasing after it!"

"Of course, the winners and losers of Xuecai and Dongma have not been separated yet, I must chase after them, but... I think that the water heart will be worse than in the second season. My beloved Xuecai and Dongma...I felt my heart trembling. I would definitely see it, but I'm really afraid that Teacher Shuixin will come up with some other show operations!!"

"Although I already feel that this statement is already very gloomy, in the love animation, it should be difficult to have any plot that can compare to this statement, but I reserve this opinion if the creator is Teacher Shui Xin. ...From now on, who would dare to say that Teacher Shui Xin has changed his sex? The works are full of truth, kindness and beauty. I will give him two big mouths when I backhand it!"

"I am convinced with Teacher Shuixin. I have carried the Dragon Kingdom for more than half a day in the Depression world. On the classic works of heart abuse, I feel that the so-called masterpieces before Longguo are probably not enough for Teacher Shuixin to play alone. of!"

   "Now when the white album 2 was first serialized, it was said that this work was the most boring work of Mr. Shui Xin, and was there anyone who seemed to want to sleep? Did this make you fall asleep?"

   "So, what's the situation with this work? Did Xue Cai win? Or Dongma's big victory?"

   "Xucai got Chunxi's body, Dongma got Chunxi's heart, is that right?"

"Anyway, Brother Chunxi didn't lose, nor did the two heroines lose. It was audiences like us who lost, and in the dark corners of the Internet, watching us, the Shui Xin teacher who was so uncomfortable by the plot... His goal has been achieved, and he is the winner!"


The development of    works is as expected by Chu Yu.

  His Weibo has fallen, one-third of the fans of the White Album 2 are spraying him, and the other two-thirds of the fans are the Snow Vegetable Party and the Dongma Party are spraying each other.

  For the members of the two parties, I thought that tonight would be the night for both parties to decide the outcome, but who knew that Teacher Shui Xin had such an ending...

   is also right. If the destination of the two heroines is concluded early, what content can be broadcast in the second season of White Album 2?

   Teacher Shui Xin is so scheming! In order to have a plot to tell in the second season, did you specifically arrange for the two heroines to end?

   But for the Winter Horse Party and the Snow Vegetable Party, which have been grieving for a long time, such an open ending is providing them with a battlefield.

   You said Xue Cai Bi Chi, I will spray Dongma Xiaosan!

   You said that snow vegetables are fake, I'll spray winter horse dregs!

Xuefan knows that Dongma and Chunxi have a crush on each other, and they squeeze in between the two of them not to talk about their girlfriends. Then Dongma and Saming know that Chunxi is a good girlfriend boyfriend, and they play part-time guns with others, and the airport is still ecstatic. Kissing Chunxi in front of Xuecai...Where can Dongma get better?

   In short, the chaotic plot of this work, the green and anti-green relationship between the three, let it accompany the passionate mutual spray between fans, and it is completely famous in the second element circle of the Dragon Kingdom.

   This night, I don't know how many fans of White Album 2 didn't even sleep, and they fought directly on every corner of the Internet.....

   So the next day...

   Everyone woke up after sleep~www.mtlnovel.com~ found that the wind direction of the second element circle of the Dragon Kingdom had changed drastically.

Before the final episode of White Album 2 was broadcast, although the popularity of this animation was quite high, at least the discussion of several works in the winter file was not low. Several works have their own merits, and no work has completely become the public opinion of the Longguo animation circle. Wind eye!

   But after waking up from sleep, many people opened the familiar penguin group of animation lovers, various forums, post bars, websites...

  The purpose of entering is all Dongma Xiaosan, Xue Cai Bi Chi, why are you so proficient, and so on.

   And Bai learned the Bible, "Why is it like this? The first time I had xxxx, then xxxx, two copies of xxxxx" The starting sentence pattern was also used in various scenes!

   White Album 2 animation, it can be said that after experiencing the baptism that Chapter 13 brought to the fans, it went viral overnight!

   A large number of people who eat melon are curious about the comments of these stubborn people. After all, they are all people in the house circle. I don't know what you say, so I am not very faceless? No... I'm going to make up the fan, otherwise I don't have a common language with my friends!

Many pink and tender new people were recommended by countless ill-intentioned fans of White Album 2 and quickly entered the pit, and then...the abused died to death, and then under anger, they also went to pit other cuteness. new!

  In this kind of friendly communication among fans, the fans of White Album 2 have grown proficiently and rapidly!
