I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Although it is raining heavily, things like establishment celebrations will definitely not stop.

   Chuyu didn't get up until noon when he slept. Because work was postponed, Chu Yu didn't rush, got up and played two games before eating today's first meal at around two o'clock in the afternoon.

   Under Gu Yan's urging, he slowly began to change clothes and set off.

   After all, Chu Yu has been dealing with animation and comics, and has always been procrastinating in other aspects of life.

   "How is it? What do you think it looks like?" Gu Yan asked, standing in front of the mirror.

   At this moment, Gu Yan put on a red dress, stepped on black high heels, and his calf was wrapped in black stockings, looking slender and attractive! I went out early in the morning to find a well-known store for my hair. It looks a bit like the ancient beauties in costume dramas. I have to say... There are two stylists. Gu Yan, who changed the brush and hairstyle, felt a lot more amazing than before, and his temperament changed from quiet and gentle to elegant.

   What shocking words could this fellow Chuyu have, and in the end, he replied to her with a very beautiful dress!

   The answer was simple and brief, but what did Gu Yan say? Get used to it too! Anyway, she had never heard any words that belittle her in Chu Yu's mouth, but the highest compliment was that Chu Yu was excited when he succeeded in catching someone in the game. In life...beautiful, very beautiful, very beautiful, basically just these three sentences, just get used to it.

   As for Chu Yu, he didn't pay attention to that, so he changed his casual clothes into the suit he bought and was done.

   Gu Yan shook his head when he saw it, changed his clothes and even forgot to tie his tie, and found one from the cabinet to help Chu Yu tie it.

   "Yes, perfect!" Gu Yan nodded in satisfaction.

   is different from Chu Yu's indifferent attitude. After all, Chu Yu thinks that this kind of celebration is just a cutscene in the past, to show the comics agency that he has been there, and to show respect to the comics agency.

   But Gu Yan knows very well that on such occasions where various media come to report, Chu Yu just sneezes and it is estimated that there will be hot media writing articles, and it is easy to be brought into rhythm! She has participated in many similar occasions, and the seiyuu will occasionally be required by the company to perform commercial performances. At least it is necessary to dress appropriately! Otherwise, tomorrow will be a bunch of news about Chu Yu, who has no one in his eyes and is proud of his talents.

   After sorting out these things, Chu Yu picked up the umbrella and went out with Gu Yan.

   The car drove for nearly an hour before arriving at the venue of the celebration, a large hotel reserved by Tianji Comics.

Although it was raining heavily, a lot of people eating melons gathered outside the hotel to watch. After all, the anniversary celebration of Tianji Comics Club, not to mention that there are so popular cartoonists in the comics club will definitely come, and it is definitely possible to stay here. Seeing my own reporters also filming in the rain, it is true and dedicated.

   Chuyu looked for a parking space for a long time before finding a parking place, and then walked out of the parking lot under an umbrella with Gu Yan.....


   Tianji Comics has always been a company that keeps pace with the times. Naturally, this anniversary celebration also keeps pace with the times. The entire venue has long deployed personnel and cameras to broadcast the entire anniversary celebration.

   And there was a wave of publicity on the whole network before the beginning of the celebration. Basically, people who follow the comics circle naturally know the news.

   Nowadays, a large number of fans of the major comics under the Tianji Comics Club have gathered in the live broadcast room.

   Among them, there are naturally many people who are loyal fans of Blade Wind, Era of Shattered, and Jie Xing, the mainstay comics of the three Tianji Comics Club.

   These three works are all super-popular works serialized in the Xuanjing Periodical for more than five years. Any one of them is more popular in the Dragon Kingdom than the Xuangui Comics Club's many years of Taizhu Zhou Qin's pinnacle of the Red Abyss!

   is a classic that has long been certified in the minds of fans of the Dragon Kingdom.

   But, the situation has changed a bit over the past two years, and the length of the serialization of works has become longer, which often makes the works look......particularly watery.

For example, the masterpiece One Piece in the parallel world, if it is not so ink, it is estimated that it will not be sprayed so much in the later period, but this is no way. For the comics, the work is life, and it really wants to cultivate a platform work. It not only takes energy, but also time. Popularity can only grow over time, so the comics club naturally hopes that the comics author will draw a work until the sky is dry and the earth is old, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, but that will definitely expand the main story of the work. Naturally, it gives people different feelings......Water, in short, is water. The contrast between One Piece before and after the war is obvious.

Obviously, the three works of Tianji Comics have followed the same old path, but even so, there are still many fans of these three works, and they are unusually active in the live broadcast room. The fans of the three parties start to barrage every day. What is the comparison? This work is the first manga of Tianji Comics.

However, in the live broadcast, when the scene of a young man and a beautiful woman appeared on the red carpet entering the venue, the whole barrage instantly boiled, and the barrage of the three comics discussed before was instantly submerged in some other topic. In the barrage.

   "Fuck, Teacher Shui Xin came out, next to him is cc's voice actor Gu Yan? Damn it... my cc!"

"I admit that I'm sore. Two years after I graduated, I bought a car in Modu with my own efforts and the five million yuan given by my father. But I am still single, but Mr. Shui Xin only relies on himself. .... Before graduating, I made more than 100 million yuan a year, and there is a goddess-level girlfriend. In such a comparison... I instantly felt that my father was not good!

"Shui Xin Lao Keng Bi, if you have time to participate in this ghost celebration, it is better to quickly produce the rebellious Lelouch Animation Season 2 and White Album 2 Animation Season 2. Don't forget your identity, you Why is an amateur cartoonist coming to join in the fun? Animation production is the right way for you in this life!"

   "Teacher Shuixin, come here, I have a blade for you!"

   "Woo, when I think of Teacher Shui Xin listening to Gu Yan using the voice of cc to talk to him every day, I feel uncomfortable!"

   "Dongma Xiaosan..."

   "Snow Vegetable Bi Chi..."


   "Are you going to be a horse monkey soju?"

   "It's a pity, Takumi needs Teacher Shui Xin's money, and he won't be able to catch up with Xia Shu's Mercedes-Benz, buy a plane to hammer Xia Shu!"

   "The biggest tragedy of man is not that the falling speed of the cherry blossoms is five centimeters per second, but that the closest distance between you and your wife is minus five centimeters!"

   "Haha.......all talents!"


   The moment the whole barrage environment was aimed at Chu Yu from the live camera, the taste instantly changed.

In terms of influence in the comics industry, Chu Yu is still far behind the author of the three pillar works of Bianfeng, Broken Age~www.mtlnovel.com~ and Jie Xing. If he can write the initials D has been serialized for more than two years. With the quality of the initial D works, perhaps the popularity can accumulate to the same level as these three works.

   But in terms of the influence of the entire animation industry, Chu Yu is absolutely top-notch, worthy of anyone.

   And the fans of these three comics know this situation, these are all Shuixin's animation fans, many of them even directly incarnate Shuixin and brains, and the barrage began to help Shuixin up.

   Although this is the anniversary live broadcast of the comic club, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the animation fans of Shui Xin coming to join in the fun.

   Chu Yu, who was at the scene, recognized him as soon as the crowd of melon-eaters around him appeared.

  Although Chu Yu looks mediocre, but after making a series of gloomy animations, Chu Yu's calm, but his eyes seem to have a deceptive face, which has been deeply reflected in the brains of the fans.

   So after Chu Yu appeared, a large number of people immediately surrounded him.

Although the on-site security stopped in time, Chu Yu already received two enlarged blade-shaped rag dolls in his hand, a doll with the word "Kingshen" written on its belly, and a bunch of flowers. Among the flowers was a mixture of one. A sticker that says "To the eternal King of Depression...Water Heart!"!

   Chuyu's expression turned black right away, and these fans are really making trouble everywhere.

   Other fans are cheering and cheering. Are these people hacking him?

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