I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Good teacher Toad, good teacher Wenjue, good teacher Sun Man, we haven't seen each other for a long time! How are the three teachers in physical condition these days?" Ye Chun was walking by.

However, when he said a word, a group of people frowned. Tianji Comics was not supported by three bosses. Such a group of people are sitting here, everyone is senior, and you only say hello to three of them. , Other people don't even want to say "all the teachers"?


   "It's OK!"

   "My body is tough!"

The three people also responded to him. Although I think Ye Chun is not a good person, but other than that, at least he is really talented. With his current momentum, he will develop and grow to them in another ten years. Nowadays, the status is normal. The circle of cartoonists has developed to a certain extent and is narrow, so the basic respect is still given to him, but that's it, the three of them have no intention of talking with Ye Chun.

   But it was obvious that Ye Chun didn't come for these three people.

   He quickly turned his eyes to Chu Yu.

   "Teacher Shui Xin, in retrospect, I haven't seen you for many days! The last time I met, I still remember that I was in Xuangui a year ago, and everything seemed like yesterday."

   As soon as Ye Chun's words came out, everyone knew what he was going to pull.

After all, the incompatibility between this guy and Shuixin has basically spread in the industry. Although there are no large-scale friction incidents, there have been several small-scale network sprays. Originally, Ye Chun and Shuixin had a relationship with Shuixin. Contradictory, but Shui Xin at that time was not as influential as his, so he basically had the upper hand.

But later, the water heart has developed step by step, until it grows to the present way...It can be said that this year is the year when Ye Chun's influence has increased, but the water heart Why don't you come to sing?

In this year, Madoka Magica, the rebellious Lelouch, Miss Hui Ye, White Album 2, and the initial D animation... and the explosion of the heart of water. Compared with the growth of influence, Ye Chunna can only be said to be insignificant. For Ye Chun, seeing Chu Yu grow up like this, he is undoubtedly full of jealousy. The saddest thing about a genius is that there is a god-level figure on his head that covers his light, if there is no Chu Yu. If so, then he is very likely to be in the position of the animation industry now! So he naturally saw Chu Yu upset...

   But fortunately, Chu Yu's influence is more in the field of animation, and this celebration is a celebration of a comic company. He came to show up just to disgust Chu Yu, looking for a sense of existence.

   "Who are you! Do I know you?" In the face of such a person, Chu Yu began to ignore it daily.

   As soon as Chu Yu spoke, many people knew that he must be an old yin and yang person, and indeed, Ye Chun was irritated by Chu Yu's words.

   Gu Yan beside Chuyu couldn't help laughing.

   "Teacher Shui Xin is really an honorable person to forget things?" Ye Chun took a deep breath and said with a smile.

"I am different, but I still remember that when Ms. Shui Xin left Xuangui Comics Club, he threatened that your new Jo or something comic would eventually exceed the initial D... But...how does it feel as if this manga is not as magical as Teacher Shui Xin said! I have been looking forward to it!"

   "Also, the girl next to Mr. Shui Xin's girlfriend is right? Although she is indeed beautiful, she needs to be strengthened in terms of quality. Just smile!"

Speaking of it, Jojo's main article has been serialized up to now, and its popularity is quite high, but according to normal experience, such a development curve develops, at best, it is at the level of the seventh or eighth place in the Xuanjing comic periodical, so Ye Chun naturally has confidence. Let's talk about this with confidence. After all, when he was in Xuanjing, his works were often ranked in the top five... Now he ran to Xuangui, and he had won many works. The first pick, but Chu Yu came to the secret, the comics performance was not as good as he did at the beginning... He simply stopped pretending, and directly ridiculed. After all, in his opinion, at least in terms of comics, This year, he completely exploded Chu Yu.

   Chu Yu originally didn't want to talk to him, but Ye Chun did have something to make Chu Yu a little angry, and shook Gu Yan's hand.

   The eyes of the invited reporters in the venue were naturally sharp. The two talented cartoonists, Shui Xin and Ye Chun, seemed to be having a conversation. Of course, this kind of news should not be let go.

   Among these, many reporters who are on the live broadcast also joined in.

  Tianji Comics' own live broadcast room cannot point the camera at Chu Yu at any time, but in the live broadcast room opened by these reporters, the broadcast of this kind of content naturally attracted a large group of Chuyu fans.

   "Damn, what are teachers Shui Xin and Ye Chun doing so close together? I always feel that the smell of gunpowder is a bit heavy!"

   "A confrontation between two Dragon Kingdom comic geniuses? The reporter sister, get closer, listen to what they say?"

"Speaking of which, these two people are quite grudges, right? What did Ye Chun go up to do? Still want to head-to-head with Teacher Shui Xin? But now is not what it used to be. Given the number of fans of Teacher Shui Xin, Ye Chun should be defeated! If you are ready to fire on the Internet again!"

   "I think they want real pk..."


"Quality depends on people. My girlfriend Gu Yan always has quality to people, but yes...Uh, forget it, after all, not everyone is as generous as I am. If you have offended just now, please forgive me, and I will apologize on her behalf!" Chu Yu's yin and yang also has a good hand.

   At least one sentence caused Chu Yu's fans to boil in the live broadcast room of a female reporter who secretly broadcast the live broadcast.

   "Damn, Teacher Shui Xin has started...Is this cursing Ye Chun for not being a human, and then cursing him for being stingy?"

   "There is such a program in the anniversary celebration of Tianji? It is really exciting."

   "This is the young man. It's not like that in the first grade. Everyone smiles on the surface, and then plays insidious tricks under their backs. But to be honest, I prefer this kind of young and frivolous friction."

When the cartoonists next to    heard what Chu Yu said, they were also laughing, while Ye Chun's expression became very bad.

I want to maintain my demeanor, but I want to fight back at Chu Yu, but I think for a long time I will end up with the word "Qiqiang". After all, Chu Yu is a squirting kung fu that he has trained in many years of canyon battles. Sometimes when the other party wants to be gentle , If you look rude, you won't fall for it, and Ye Chun, a cartoonist who knows how to curse is the national curse, but after seeing the camera facing him, he can't be cursed after all.

   "What's going on? Ye Chun, are you here to retell the old?" Just as everyone was looking forward to the development of the incident, Qin Bei, the editor-in-chief of Tianji Comics, ran over at some unknown time, and his sudden speech shocked everyone.

   "Editor-in-chief Qin!" Ye Chun's expression changed, and he said hello to Qin Bei, and then said.

   "I just talked to Teacher Shui Xin, nothing! They are all young people, just joking with each other together!"

   "Have you finished talking?" Qin Bei also smiled.

   "The celebration is about to begin, your seat is not here! This is the seating area for the manga artists in the Tianji Comics Club, and the seating area for the outside celebration staff is opposite!"

   "I see!" Ye Chun nodded and was about to return to his seat area, but before leaving, he turned his head.

"Ms. Shuixin's words are still sharp, that is, Mr. Shuixin's comics can be half of the level of speech... I am afraid that it will not only be ranked tenth in the Xuanjing comics." Ye Chun smiled. , Not much to say.

   "Wrong, it's the ninth! This is the latest result!" Chu Yu took a sip of the drink brought by the waiter, and said slowly.

"Is there a difference? Teacher Shuixin, you were the number one in the water margin. You can't just be satisfied with the ninth position in the mysterious mirror! After all, I thought that the fifth in the mysterious mirror was boring, so I ran. The one who came to Xuangui......and was ranked first many times during this period!" Ye Chun also found a chance to become angry with Yin and Yang.

   "Of course, but the road is a step by step! I am different from those who think that I can't do it, so I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. I want to be a phoenix head!" Chu Yu said.

   Ye Chun didn't know ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Chu Yu gave him the chance of having a strange yin and yang.

"So the reason why I left Xuangui is that people want to break through. Anyway, no matter how hard I try, Xuangui has no room to rise, so I come to Tianji Comics to develop it... Do you get to the top! As for my number one, take it for whoever wants it!"

   "Before it was the tenth, then the ninth, then the eighth, the seventh... and finally to the first!"

   "So you, you can wait and see!"

   Chu Yu spoke very quickly, and Qin Bei did not have time to stop him. Seeing the surrounding reporters' live cameras suddenly felt bad, but seeing Chu Yu's confident face, there was a shock in his heart.

He, really dare to say that in front of a reporter, he said this to the top three people in the Xuanjing Comic Journal at this time. If he can't do it... then he will lose his face. Up.

   But seeing Chu Yu's expression, inexplicably, Qin Bei felt a little relieved.

   Of course, some of Chu Yu's words do not respect Xuangui's cartoonist, and some are crazy, but anyone who does not have cerebral palsy will understand that Chuyu is only targeting Ye Chun, not Xuangui or the cartoonists above.

   "Just rely on that jojo's bizarre adventure? Teacher Shui Xin, you are too optimistic!" Ye Chun was scorned by Chu Yu.

   That chicken head talk is really hurtful!

   "Yes, just rely on this comic..." Chu Yu said loudly.

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