I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After Ye Chun left, the atmosphere gradually eased.

   The cartoonists in this area have also resumed their normal bragging conversations.

   Qin Bei shot his eyes and greeted a bunch of cartoonists one by one, especially for the three pillar cartoonists such as Liu Cheng, even he was extremely sincere.

And when he talked with Liu Cheng and Sun Man, his face smiled a lot. After all, he was able to become the editor-in-chief. It was also related to the three pillars of Xuanjing Journal's comics that he served as the editor of these two cartoonists. He dug out the two works that year.......With this credit, he can sit in this position and convince the public. Although he is now the editor-in-chief, he is not directly responsible for the two major comics, but in the past The friendship is naturally extraordinary and profound!

   Then, he looked at Chu Yu, he was attracted by Chu Yu's potential in the first place.

Like the parallel world, after the peak of an organization like the comics club, there is a trough.... The three pillars of Xuanjing comics are an important cornerstone that supports the journal's weekly sales of more than 10 million, but these three works have been serialized. For many years, in order to prevent premature ending at the request of the comics club, it has been in the daily water plot, but how long can the water plot be water? The issue of the alternation of top comic works has always been the biggest headache for the comics, and a periodical that doesn't work well will crash! Otherwise, Liu Ling would not know that Chu Yu had a higher potential than Ye Chun and would still act like this. Everyone knew that they had to take a long-term view, but how could it be so easy to implement?

If at this time, Qin Bei can help the comics club find one or more comic artists of the same level to join.... Let the old group of pillar comics slowly replace, this kind of credit is enough for him to continue to climb up. !

   And Chu Yu... is a person he is very optimistic about!

   "Teacher Shui Xin, I haven't seen each other for so long, but you are doing things as soon as you meet!" Qin Bei said cheerfully.

   "It's still normal!" Chu Yu said.

   "I'm not doing anything, but I happened to have such an opportunity to express my thoughts! Even without Ye Chun, I would definitely want to reach the top of the journal Xuan Jing!"

   Qin Bei was silent for a moment after hearing this...

"Sure enough, Teacher Shui Xin is ambitious. I feel more and more that it was the most correct decision I made to draw you over. I don't know why you have such confidence in Jojo's comics, or even think it can be published. Top Xuanjing, but...I was infected by your words. At this moment, I also developed strong confidence in this work, and I look forward to the day when you reach the top of Xuanjing!" Qin Bei earnestly Said.

"Okay, I'm done with the kind words, let me say something from my heart... This time I invite you to participate in this celebration just because I want you to get to know more people in the comics club and broaden your interpersonal relationship. One point, feel the strength of Tianji Comics, a little sense of belonging and hope that you will stay here after you have a good impression of Tianji Comics, but now, it may be a little unpleasant... But I hope you don't blame me After all, Xuangui is also a big company in the industry. They come to congratulate me and it is impossible not to let them come...the editor-in-chief does not have that much power!

   Qin Bei is worthy of being a human being. He knows that there are different ways to deal with different people. At least he said a bunch of things, and Chu Yu himself sounded very comfortable.

   "These things are my personal affair with Ye Chun, and it has nothing to do with the editor-in-chief!" Chu Yu said with a smile. Could it be that he would blame Tianji for inviting him when he meets annoying people here? Chu Yu is not so unreasonable.

   Qin Bei nodded. As the editor-in-chief, he was very busy on such occasions and couldn't keep chatting with Chu Yu. Soon, he also left here and went to other areas to talk with important guests.

  Chuyu didn't take this seriously either. He took two drinks from a passing dining car and drank cakes and other food, and ate with Gu Yan. After all, he was a little hungry.

   Although Chu Yu himself felt that these were not an issue, in fact, his remarks on reaching the top of the mysterious mirror quickly spread on the Internet.

  Many people in the media are already conceiving the content of the manuscript. How to add more energy and jealousy to write wonderfully the grievances between Chu Yu and Ye Chun!

   At this time, after Ye Chun's Weibo talk came out, it made the people who eat melon feel the sweetness of this melon.

Teacher Shui Xin threatened to reach the top of Tianji Comics, Ye Chun directly questioned him, and then contacted the friction between the two in the past and the deeds of Tianji and Xuangui digging corners with each other. If Shui Xin jojo's work failed to reach the top, he would lose face. It's a big deal!

   These news spread quickly on the Internet. Gu Yan, who was the first to find out, found Ye Chun's Weibo post and asked Chu Yu to take a look.

   Now the celebration begins. The chairman of Tianji Comics, an 80-year-old man, is giving a passionate speech on it, telling the story of Tianji's development and hardships.

  Chuyu is naturally not interested in this kind of thing. After learning about Ye Chun's small actions on the Internet, he smiled.

   This guy knows that this matter will spread out today and can't wait to make these moves. His speech is also strange and he obviously wants to let more people know about it.

   But Chu Yu naturally would not refuse this behavior. More people knew about it, which meant that Jojo's bizarre adventure was also promoted in the process.

   Chu Yuba didn't want him to do this, just like the White Album 2 animation, it was all because of party disputes and quarrels between the two factions.


   There are many people in the venue, and various forces are complicated. Chu Yu did not pay too much attention to the personnel of other companies in the venue.

   But what he didn't notice was that beside his cartoonist area, among the crowd of animation companies who came to congratulate him, a man kept looking at Chu Yu with interest.

   "What's wrong, Chairman Yin, is there anything good over there?"

   "Hey, look at that boy... He is Shui Xin, the one who we invited twice to buy his animation studio, but never came to talk!"

   Tianxing Animation's acting chairman, Yin Tian said slowly.

   After all, his grandfather, the founder of Skystar Animation, and the talking old man on stage are also friends for many years. It is normal for him to come to congratulate him as a grandson!

   "Do you want me to call him over?" the man next to him asked.

   "No, today's celebration is not suitable for talking about these things. In the future, I will have time to talk with him slowly!"

   Yin Tian stared at Chu Yu, but he didn't have any special behavior.

   "And this kind of thing can't be rushed! He will always think clearly..."

   "Then what if he doesn't figure it out clearly?"

   "I said everything, I have a lot of time!"

   This blockbuster is all people from major animation companies who came to celebrate~www.mtlnovel.com~ But everyone is far away from the workers of Skystar Animation, so you don't have to be worried about it by this guy.

   The main reason is that no one is afraid of legitimate competition, but Tianxing's well-known affiliate animation company, today's development depends on his grandfather's connections in the Longguo animation industry, everyone is still afraid of him, so you don't need to be troubled!


   Chu Yu didn't even know that he had been missed again in such a short time!

   On the other side, in another area of ​​the venue, a middle-aged woman was sitting there, but a group of people surrounded her for no reason. Among them, there was even the vice chairman of Tianji Comics.

  , after all, is the wife of the deputy leader of the River Crab Bureau. It is rumored that the current leader may retire within a few years, and the successor will most likely be her husband.

Unlike the current leader, this deputy leader is still young and is said to be very capable. It is rumored that the two had disagreeed on whether to open up the Dragon Kingdom animation market and introduce excellent animation resources from Japan. The two did not deal with it!

   But in any case, this woman's husband may lead the changes in the environment of Longguo animation industry in a few years. It is no wonder that so many people come to cheat him.

On the other hand, after the chairman of Tianji Comics finished his speech, he began to invite guests to speak and discuss. Naturally, the cartoonists of Tianji Comics were the first to bear the brunt... After all, the audience at the live broadcast. This is what we definitely want to see, not something like an old man's speech!

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