I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

As time entered November, the weather in the magic city also faded from the previous intense heat, and occasionally the weather would feel a bit of chill when it was overcast.

   The bunch of news surrounding Chu Yu gradually cooled down under Chu Yu's salted fish attitude.

   For people in the two-dimensional circle, the memory is very short. Compared with the gossip news of a genius creator, they are more concerned about the latest anime.

Of course, the incident of Chu Yu has made everyone more impressions of the comics he serialized in Tianji Comics, which led to a large number of curious babies entering the pit. Indeed, during this period of time, there have been many discussions on the comics about jojo on the Internet. A lot.

   A comic with a **** style and **** grades, compared to 99% of people are not interested.

   But a comic with obvious style defects can achieve considerable results. Old man fans know that this work must have more business trips in the storyline.

   So for those old manga fans, jojo manga only has little effect on the style of the comics, and many people can bear it for a while.

   For those younger comic readers, indeed, Jojo's style of painting is very difficult to accept.

   But in the parallel world, there are a lot of comics with unacceptable styles, but they are very popular. One Piece is a typical example. After seeing the plot, the style of painting is of secondary importance.

The most comforting thing about jojo's comics is that those fans who entered the hole earlier, after being attracted by the comics, many people have spontaneously recommended this comic on the Internet, and it is only in the development stage... .. Soon after the word-of-mouth effect comes up, even those comic fans who are picky about the painting style will quickly enter the hole, otherwise they will not be able to keep up with the borrowing rhythm of those comic circle friends.

In fact, this situation has already appeared now. Many jojo comics fans have gradually emerged with the same fan culture as in the parallel world. With the main story serialization, in the prequel plot, the characters such as the three pillars of the moon and Dior have also appeared. Gradually began to spread.

  Especially Dior's phrase "I'm not a man!!!" is often used by Chu Yu fans to complain about his frenzied depressive plot.

   Generally speaking, Chu Yu feels that everything is okay. Eight months is very short, but with Chu Yu's comic serialization speed of two episodes a week, it is enough for him to completely serialize the plot of Jojo's third part.

This work will also be fully presented in this world. If it goes well, not to mention the full influence of this work in the original world on the plane of the Dragon Kingdom, as long as it can reach 60 to 70% of the impact in the parallel world. Li, Deng Tianji Comics Comics is not a big problem in Chu Yu's view.

   On the other hand, after the serialization of White Album 2 ended, the entire animation studio took a break and devoted themselves to the production of the two sequel animations.

  Because the advance preparation work started a long time ago, basically everything is proceeding as planned.

   Like the rebellious Lelouch, the second season is scheduled to be broadcast on January 1st next year. It can be said that there is no problem.

Moreover, during the deadline, there are no sufficiently competitive opponents. After all, the spring is not the main time period for Longguo Animation Company to fight, and...Several large-scale animation works are learning about Lelouch. After the broadcast time of the second season, he also took the initiative to adjust the first broadcast time to summer or autumn. When the time comes, under the enthusiastic impact of the Lelouch fans, he will lose his money.

   The second season of White Album 2 is scheduled to be broadcast in December, and there is only one month left.

It can be said that for fans of White Album 2, the mood is very complicated, and they want to know the fate of the three main characters in the work, but they are inexplicably panicked, for fear that Shui Xin will be in the second season of White Album again. Turn on the inappropriate mode, and the depression will be carried out to the end.

Of course, up to now, the storm caused by the end of White Album 2 has basically stopped. The current episode of this animation has basically slowed the growth of the average playback volume, and in the end it did not exceed 10 million, only 9.3 million. Around this year, it failed to become the third part of the Dragon Kingdom this year, and it was also the third animation of Shuixin that broke through this achievement this year.

   But even so...this year's Chu Yu is even more exaggerated than last year.

   Last year's Chu Yu only won the honor of an annual popular animation for her magical girl Madoka.

   But this year, Miss Hui Ye, White Album 2, and the rebellious Lelouch's first season three works have basically locked the top five positions in all animation broadcasts throughout the year.

   First of all, this year's popular animation of the year must be the rebellious Lelouch. There is no doubt that other works cannot compete.

And secondly, it is controversial... In the winter file, there is a late animation "Summoned Magic Boy!". Although it was not very optimistic at first, it was It is quite the meaning of Madoka Magica last year. With the narrative mode of selling meat spoof and brain-dead from the fourth chapter, she quickly gathered a bunch of traditional cute otaku.

   If you look at the current growth rate of popularity, maybe the final result is a match for Miss Hui Ye.

   But regardless of the outcome of the competition between these two works, the fifth position of the year in the first season of White Album 2 cannot be escaped.

   As for why it is fifth......because the fourth is the initial D animation!

   It can be said that the performance of White Album 2 in this world far exceeds the parallel world. Of course, this is not only related to its own quality, but also to Chu Yu's current influence in this world.

With Chu Yu's current popularity, even if the system gets him a few c-rated anime broadcasts, there is a high probability that his sales will be hot, and his fan stickiness is indeed very high. In this case, White Album 2's Success is not so difficult to understand...

   With the income of White Album 2, Chu Yu's total assets finally broke through the 500 million mark, a big step away from the ten-digit deposit.

In Chu Yu's home, the president of his deposit account bank visited Chu Yu one after another in just a few months, giving various gifts and greetings, and asking him to trust his branch with various hints, and the deposit interest was also directly increased. It even made it clear that if any friends or relatives of Chu Yu wanted to come to work, they would go straight in and start from the middle-level management position to manage Chu Yu's account. I only hope that Chu Yu would not be tempted by other bank branches of those coquettish **** and transfer deposits!

   After all, for a bank branch... Chu Yu's deposit may represent whether they have outstanding performance this year and whether the year-end bonus is generous! Such a large customer is really rare. The annual salary of a managerial position is not as good as one-tenth of Chu Yu's annual deposit interest ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ Counting that Chu Yu's funds are loaned out in the bank The income, that is not worth mentioning.

   Chuyu didn't feel much about it himself, that is, he felt that he just had a girlfriend and settled down, but unknowingly, he has grown into a pivotal person in the animation industry of Longguo.

   Everyone no longer despises him because of his grade, but instead treats him as the existence of those senior tycoons in the animation industry.

   But for Chu Yu's colleagues, the animation industry is already a little numb after realizing the situation in the Long Country animation market this year.

   There are hundreds of animations throughout the year. Among the top five popular works, Chu Yu either directly served as a screenwriter or the original author has four works.

   Although 2023 will not end until more than a month, it is basically clear to everyone that this is the situation in the Long Country animation industry this year.

   Therefore, many media have referred to the situation of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry this year as the year of the water heart, and even called the water heart the leader of the Dragon country animation industry.

Of course, this kind of statement has some meaning to kill Chu Yu, just like the movie star Stephen Chow in the parallel world in the 1992 film market, the top five box office works are all starring Zhou Xingchi, but you have to It is said that Stephen Chow has been the first person in the film industry on Hong Kong Island since then, and it is estimated that many people will refute it.

   Of course, if Chu Yu can come up with such a situation in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry for the next four or five consecutive years and dominate alone, then this kind of title will basically be confirmed by Chu Yu even if there is no media.

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