I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The next day, Chu Yu got up early in the morning.

Although I want to sleep until noon, I feel helpless. Today is noon and it is not allowed at work.

Whether it's Lelouch's animation or jojo comics, Chu Yu needs to deal with it.

While eating breakfast, Chu Yu browsed the web page to see what happened after Lulu Xiu broadcasted one night.

Unlike Chu Yu, there are many night owls among his fans, and the whole night under his Weibo is the discussion of the plot by Lelouch's fans.

Although there are many foreshadowings in the first episode, and the opening made the fans all kinds of confusing, but after reading the first episode, the fans can basically guess that Lelouch is probably hypnotized or by Brie. Tania's high-tech or other methods have been tampered with memory, and her sister Nanaly has been replaced by an inexplicable brother Lolo... but it's so funny. ? Nanaly, the younger sister of Kuang Lulu Xiu who dares to move her, even if she is the father of the protagonist, will end up miserably!

And judging from the fact that Suzaku can directly contact the king of Britannia........At the end of the first season, Lelouch and Suzaku have a pair of guns, definitely It was Suzaku Suzaku who won.

And in exchange for the promotion of the position in order to seize the credit of Lelouch.

To this guy, Lelouch's fans have nothing to say. Without Lelouch, he would belch in the first episode of the first season... Justice, but in fact it is just like that, selling friends for glory.

Although many neutral fans speak for him, in fact...there are too many fans who don't like the role of Suzaku Suzaku.

The three topics most discussed in Lelouch's fan community are about Lelouch, CC, and Suzaku. Among them, those who talk about Suzaku are all about asking Shui Xin to let this guy take the lunch.

For fans, the second season of Lelouch, which had been waiting for several months, made them very satisfied.

The rhythm and twists of the plot in the first episode greatly exceeded the fans' expectations. They thought that the opening of Lelouch's second season would be the same as the second season of most other popular works. The opening was a few words, but the truth is However, it was the beginning of the game that brought the foundations into the story.

And this... can also be felt from the heat of the work, the current Lelouch fans, no matter which website they are, click on this animation, if you don't adjust the settings, he will definitely watch it. If you don't know the picture, the whole world is full of barrages from enthusiastic fans.

It can be said that before the broadcast, everyone guessed that the second season of Lelouch was definitely very popular, but depending on the situation, maybe this work is still underestimated.

During the day, Chu Yu went to work in the comics studio until the afternoon, and then drove directly to the animation studio to deal with some things that needed him to deal with.

At night, he and Huang Ming were sitting in the office waiting for Lelouch's first day's broadcast.

Soon, this data was counted.

From the time it went live at 8 o'clock last night until 8 o'clock this evening, the views of dozens of video broadcasting websites across the entire network have been summarized in just one day..... The first episode of the second season of Lelouch the Rebellious The number of broadcasts....... It exceeded 9 million, and it was fixed at 9.34 million!

To be honest, after Huang Ming got this statistical data, his hands were teased, and his breathing became a lot faster.

This result is definitely the best performance in the first day of the first day of the sequel among all the animated works born in Long Country in the past ten years, and it has done a lot more than the second place.....

Although it was only a little short of reaching the milestone of breaking 10 million views on the first day, Huang Ming still didn't think about that kind of thing, it was too exaggerated.

You must know that in the first season of the rebellious Lelouch, the average number of episodes is only 14 million. This result shows that most of the fans in the first season have already started the second season's chasing mode for the first time. , As for the rest..... You can't allow others to have something, and don't have time to chase after it for the time being?

To be honest, this kind of fan stickiness is already scary.

"Brother, you are too good! How did you create such a great work!" Huang Ming looked at Chu Yu, whose expression was not too turbulent, and couldn't help but sigh.

This work is the pinnacle of Chu Yu's life so far, so it's not his Huang Ming. Two or three years ago, he was still making an episode with an average of more than 4 million views and a score of 8.0 or higher on the whole network. , Huang Ming, who feels that his life has reached the climax, would have thought that today he is actually responsible for producing an animation with a total of 9 million views on the first day.

Huang Ming can already guess what impact the first day of Lelouch's second season will be exposed to the entire animation industry.

Looking at Chu Yu's young face, Huang Ming could feel how much Chu Yu's existence had caused the group of colleagues.

Not to mention those people, even Huang Ming himself feels a sense of frustration. Genius is not forbidden, but at least he must behave like a person, just like Chu Yu... Going to comics and falling in love, I often call him at night, and I have never heard him say that he is conceiving the plot of the work, either playing games or lying down as a salted fish at home... Such a person has broken the various records of the Dragon Kingdom animation industry one after another. Sometimes Huang Ming doesn't want to compare with Chu Yu in depth, which is really a blow to his self-confidence.

"It's everyone's credit. You just say that I'm not fair to outsiders!" Chu Yu looked away from the statistics.

The two are studying these in the office~www.mtlnovel.com~ Be aware that there are dozens of people working overtime outside the office!

"That's right, brother, let's go!" Huang Ming then reacted.

"Where to go?"

"It goes without saying that the rebellious Lelouch had such a result at the beginning of the second season. We must not invite everyone to celebrate together? Go, go and drink!"

"Go again?" Chu Yu coughed twice.

"You are going to celebrate, I have no objection, but I will not go, I am a normal person, and you are not the same drunkard, I went home to rest, the money is credited to my account, how to celebrate you Arrange it yourself!"

Hearing this, Chu Yu wanted to slip away immediately, and went to celebrate with Huang Ming a few times. Anyway, it never felt good. People were dizzy before the food was on the table.

"How is this possible? You said that you didn't come here today, so I'm fortunate to tell everyone that you have something to do, but you have come and want to slip away. How is it possible?" Huang Ming cut off Chu Yu's thoughts.

Then he opened the door of the office. Outside the door, the employees of dozens of studios stared at Huang Ming and Chu Yu, who seemed to be a little twisted.

Although Lulu Xiu's results will be announced by major animation websites in a few hours, Huang Ming and Chu Yu, who are in charge of the studio, will definitely know the results before then, and everyone is looking forward to telling them from the two populations. Out of words.

Huang Ming did not procrastinate, and decisively informed everyone of the performance of the first day of the second season of Lelouch.

There was loud cheers in the not-so-wide house.

This result can only be said to be outrageous.......After they went out and told their colleagues that they were one of the production members of Lelouch, that would not attract the attention of a large group of female colleagues.

The evening celebration proposed by Huang Ming was unanimously agreed by everyone.