I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Time enters late January.

The weather and temperature are already very low, but for Chu Yu's fans, this week is undoubtedly happy.

The plots of Chu Yu's three works are on the right track.

For the second season of White Album 2, the protagonists Harunaki Kitaon and Yukiso Ogizou seem to have developed a passionate relationship from the previous Cold War.

No, the two people love each other themselves, and the current plot is just to gradually dissolve the relationship between the two that had been frozen because of the distance between Dongma and Sa.

For fans of Yukiso Ogizou, this kind of plot is naturally happy to see. Without winter horse and yarn, the relationship between Yukiso Ogizou and Chunxi has progressed much more smoothly.

For the Winter Horse Party, it can be said that the second season of the entire White Album 2 is so boring.

After the sixth episode was broadcast, a group of winter horse parties directly gathered at Chu Yu Weibo to question him when the winter horse and yarn appeared?

Even now, many Dongma parties are not thinking about when the role of Dongma and Sa will appear, but... Is there still a chance for this role to appear?

Ming Dongma's mortal enemy Xuecai has made progress so smoothly with Kitaon Chunxi, but Dongma is still playing the piano leisurely abroad... Fans of the Winter Horse Party feel that they are really for her. Broken heart.

Under this kind of resentment, Dongma's fans gathered more and more, and even hundreds of bounty questions asked Chu Yu's arrangements at this time. Chu Yu was not easy to fish, and made a statement overnight.

"In the second season of White Album 2, Winter Horse and yarn will definitely appear. Please don't worry, fans!"

After the statement was issued, a group of Winter Horse Party died down, but...At this time, the excited Winter Horse Party and the Snow Vegetable Party are not clear...When the winter horse and yarn in the second season The moment they show up, how big a plot impact will they bring to their hearts... And the charm of the gods from the house will begin to show at that moment.

On the other hand, jojo comics have also recently officially entered the essence of the original plot, the Egyptian chapter.

And as soon as the opening...In the Egyptian desert, the protagonist team added a new partner, a Boston Terrier named Ikky...an alias, Fool!

It hugged Polunaev's face as soon as he came out, and bit his hair and fart on his face, and, as a dog, his biggest hobby was chewing gum!

In the original setting, Yiqi would rather wander on the streets because he saw through the stupidity of human beings. It has its own way of living-"I just want to be free, or fall in love with a beautiful dog girl, and spend my life peacefully without wind and waves."!

This is a very individual dog, but at the same time, it is also one of the most tragic characters in Jojo's third and even the full series of jojo. In the parallel world, this dog does not know how many jo's kitchen tears have been earned. .

But in this chapter when the protagonist just stepped into Egypt, everyone only regarded it as a bad-tempered dog, but he played a key role in the war with the avatar who hit immediately.

In a battle with Endor, a super long-range blind stand-in messenger that can hide water in the sand to form a water-blade attack.

It used its ability to control sand unknowingly transported Jotaro from the air to the back of Endor, who was blinded...

At that moment, the standing and invincible faces of Jotaro and Endor sitting on the sand were so handsome at the moment they were ready to go in the comics.

Both of them knew that there was only one chance for each other, and this blow was both a victory and a life and death.

But in the end, Cheng Taro took a step forward and hit Endor's head with a punch, and Endor's attack, because of the attack, deviated from the track and hit Seitaro's hat..... ...

And, in this chapter, Endor before his death also said the famous words of Jojo's third part!

"The wicked also need the savior of the wicked!"

Until his death, he didn't mean to betray Dior. Not only did fans not hate this character, he even became more interested in Dior.

The opening chapter of the Egyptian chapter, which is serialized for two weeks, allows fans to clearly feel that the quality is significantly higher than the previous plot.

It is also because of the plot of this chapter that jojo comics can also successfully get the sixth overall ranking of Xuan Jing.

Of course, although the plots of these two works are more exciting than before, their popularity is still much worse than that of Lelouch.

After Lelouch's plot returned to the academy from Lelouch, the tragic heroine Xia Li in the first season seemed to have the feeling of resurgence with Lelouch, and his fake brother Lolo, although there is no evidence, But I have always been skeptical about whether Lelouch has recovered his memory, whether the so-called newly appeared zero is Lelouch doing a ghost, and has always been skeptical. In the fourth plot, Lelouch successfully relied on his IQ. Guessed that Luo Luo's geass ability is to control the body time of a person, that is, when the ability is activated, people's thinking is stagnant.

Originally, fans thought that Lelouch's head was pointed at by Luo Luo spear. I'm afraid no one will come to save him, so he will definitely donate it.

But in fact, in this sentence, Lelouch successfully let fans know what an actor is.

Through the mouth cannon, Lolo was shaken by drawing cc as the bait, and then he saw Lolo's desire for family affection, and then deliberately injured in the battle, so Lolo completely fell to Lelouch's side!

"Why are you saving me?"

"Because you are my brother!"

"Although it is a compiled memory, the time spent with you is not fake!"

A spy sent by the imperial emperor was instigated by Lelouch, of course.....Lelouch's relatives, there is only one, and that is Nanali.....All the dangers The situation was planned by Lelouch himself~www.mtlnovel.com~ to get Lolo into his trap.

Especially at the end of the fourth chapter, the wavering to Lolo, the confident and contemptuous smile on Lelouch's face, is truly handsome.

This kind of black-bellied protagonist... is really awesome.

"So, the heart of playing tactics is dirty, but I like this kind of protagonist!"

"It feels like Lolo is a bit pitiful. He really thought that Lelouch had treated him as a younger brother? He also violated the order and saved Lelouch dressed as Zero, but in fact, after Lelouch has used him, it is estimated that he will be Let him die in a certain battle!"

"That's why I said that the geass ability in this work is just a support. Those levers still don't believe me. They always say that Lelouch is based on the geass ability. Now this Lolo, the geass ability is not more inverse than that of Lelouch. God? With this ability, he kills whoever he wants in this world, but he hasn't been fooled by Lelouch's acting skills!"

"It's just that in this work, the ladyboy of the Chinese Federation is so annoying. Is this Chinese Federation mirroring our Dragon Country? How do I feel awake, the teacher is ready to let the Chinese Federation be the villain?"

"Oh, what do you do with virtual works? Although the person in charge of the Chinese Federation does look uncomfortable, Xingke is still handsome. Maybe the demon behind will be ruled by Lulu Xiu."

After entering the second half of January, the popularity of Chu Yu's three works has become more exciting because of the plot, and all have improved to varying degrees.

And Lelouch's broadcast volume score also smoothly exceeded 11 million, setting a new record on this data again.

The Dragon Kingdom animation market for the entire month of January has now completely fallen. Looking around, Chu Yu can easily say whether one can beat it.