I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"What's wrong, any other questions?"

Huang Ming doesn't know why Chu Yu is bothered by this kind of thing anyway, but in his opinion, Chu Yu's worries are simply meaningless, just like the world's richest man worrying about how to spend so much money, spend it if he spends it. , If you can't spend it, then just let it......If you really get in, you will be fooled.

"No problem!"

"Then is my answer helpful to you?"

"Basically not..." Chu Yu paused and said.

"But there's still a little bit... Regardless, let's watch this kind of thing then."

After all, Chu Yu is thinking about these issues from the perspective of comics. If the system exchanges for him a lot of works suitable for animation... Then he won't have this kind of problem. Need to worry.

Then it should be Huang Ming's troubles. If seven or eight animations come out... he is exhausted and Huang Ming can't handle so many works.

"By the way, the New Year is almost here, what are your plans?" Chu Yu asked.

"Arrangement? What else can be arranged!" Huang Ming sighed.

"Last year, at least a year ago, Madoka Magica was over. Everyone organized a trip. You still picked up a girlfriend for nothing. This year... I may not be able to leave until the Chinese New Year!"

"But at the end of the year, I suggest that you send more bonuses to the people below. After all, people nowadays talk about feelings that are empty...This is my personal experience in the workplace!"

"Don't worry about it. I'm not the one who knocks the door. I just don't like to spend money on meaningless things. This kind of thing...I have already considered it!"


The conversation between Chu Yu and Huang Ming soon ended.

Anyway, even if Chu Yu had any new actions, he would finish the three serialized works now. The trouble of rewarding too much would be quickly forgotten in the following busy work.

Soon, two weeks passed, and the time entered into February.

The performance of Chu Yu's works is still so stable.

The rebellious Lelouch has been serialized from the second season to the sixth episode. So far... the plot of the second season is in full swing.

Zero and the Black Knights returned in the plot. In order to rescue Nanali, even though Lelouch was suspected by the emperor of Britannia, Suzaku and other insiders that the newly-appearing Zero was the one who had restored his memory... ..I still play the role of Lelouch whose memory has been tampered with in the school.

Of course, that fake brother Lolo was used by his fake family to instigate rebellion and use, and the story of becoming a double spy made fans look very happy.

Even the fandom's love for Lolo gradually has a tendency to surpass Lelouch's sister Nana...

After all, Nanaly's role is too soy, and it's also a Virgin...

This can be seen in the plot of sending Nanaly over to become the new governor of the 11th district in the Britanian Empire.

Lelouch spent a lot of energy, leading the Black Knights to attack Britania's fleet, and even ran into the airship alone, with the goal of saving her.

She was good, saying that zero is a bad person, and what she did was wrong and meaningless, completely negating Lelouch's efforts.

Even between Zero and Suzaku, who was dressed up by Lelouch, Suzaku was chosen...Even if he was as strong as Lelouch, his spirit was close to collapse.

He desperately risked his life to pretend to be a grandson in school, just to wait until the moment he had a chance to save her, but...Nanali took the initiative to choose to stand by Lelouch opposite......

Although Nanaly did not know that zero was Lelouch at this time, at least... the Britanian Empire sent their two brothers and sisters hostages to the enemy country, and even aggressively attacked the enemy country regardless of their life and death. ...... Even if you consider your elder brother, it won't be like this!

This caused the condemnation of Nanali on the Internet to rise for a while.

She is also a Virgin, and innocent. She is not aware of being used by others to elbow her elder brother. He is still planning to do another administrative special zone Japan......totally mindless.

For a time, on the popular list of the main characters of the rebellious Lelouch, Nanaly's approval rate fell to the second to last, as for the first to last... Needless to say, from Lelouch's work After making this statistical survey, the one who couldn't be beaten was the Suzaku.

There may be more people who hate Suzaku than cc Lelouch. Perhaps it is possible to build a list of characters hated by the Dragon Kingdom animation in recent years, and Suzaku should be able to win the championship without any pressure.

However, the popularity of Lelouch's works is still growing rapidly. After the sixth episode was broadcast, the average number of episodes has exceeded 12 million...

This kind of achievement, how can I say it, broke records in various senses. The average number of episodes in the second episode broke through 10 million, the fourth episode broke through 11 million, and the sixth episode broke through 12 million... ...

With this trend going on, can it be said that after the end of the second season of the rebellious Lelouch, the average number of episodes can exceed 20 million?

Many media use this kind of title to write articles. Although everyone thinks it is impossible, after all, the increase in popularity of works is not a simple one-off function model. Afterwards, the speed will definitely slow down, but it can give people this illusion. , We can see the confidence of Longguo animation industry in this work.

For White Album 2, the plot of the past two weeks is quite satisfactory.

However, at the end of the eighth chapter, because Dongma Kazuya came to Japan to perform, his mother Dongma Yoko gave Kitaen Haruki an invitation scroll... The location was right next to Dongma Kazusha.

It's a pity...The male protagonist Haruki Kitaon tried to redeem the broken love affair with Yukina, but did not go that night, and with the help of a good friend...again Snow vegetable confession.

This kind of plot... makes the Dongma Party cry out for vomiting.

If the male lead goes, 100% of the time, the love affair between him and Kaisa will definitely reignite.

But there is no if... In the follow-up plot, the male protagonist Chunxi admitted on the phone with Xuecai that he could never forget Hesha and would never forget... But he did. Ready to move forward, not indulging in memories with Hesha.

For the Xue Cai Party, the plot at this time is very clear.

Regardless of what role Dongma and Sa will have in the subsequent plot...at least...The current plot is to promote the relationship between Yukina and Chunxi... ...

It's just.... What will happen later? Will you still fall into the plot of Baixue and begin to abuse your heart? This is an idea that every fan of White Album 2 can hardly erase.

As for the jojo manga... this is nothing to say.

At the beginning of the serialization, everyone felt that this comic was not good, and the style was poor, and it would definitely have to hit the street.

But the serialization is now.... The plot of the comic has progressed to the Egyptian chapter.

The rich imagination of the old demon Araki was completely revealed, of course, his talent for funny is not bad at all.

In the chapters of Kurum and Thoth.

The jojo detail classic unlucky duo, Oyingo and Poingo appeared.

The elder brother Oyinge can change his face as a substitute, and the books of his younger brother Poinge will automatically reveal the comics, and the content of the comics is what he wants to achieve.

For example, if they want to kill the protagonist and a group of people, the comics reveal that as long as they go to the drink shop and pretend to be a clerk to poison, all the members will drink the poisoned tea...

The things shown in the comics will definitely happen, as long as they follow the content prompts in the comics, the content of the comics will definitely be realized.

This is not an ordinary stand-in ability, but a causal weapon.

At that time... the ability to guard against the sky has become a funny chapter.

The protagonists of the poisoned tea did drink it, but because of various misunderstandings, they all sprayed out before swallowing it.

The original language of the younger brother's book, Chengtaro's face would be blown in half by the orange bomb... This plot made the fans very nervous at the time.

After all... As long as the pictures shown in the comics, it will definitely happen in reality, but who knows... In order to pretend that he will not be discovered, his brother Oying directly changed his face into a commitment. Taro's appearance, sitting in the car where he had placed the orange bomb, was dragged by Polunaev and Erqiao and others, and finally got rid of the members of the protagonist group, but the orange bomb he made was thrown by the protagonists. In front of him... it blows him up...

Various coincidences throughout the whole process, the protagonist's various fortunes went against the sky and changed his fate, and the brother Oying was pitted by his brother's prophetic ability....

It can be said that it is a chapter where you will laugh at the end at the first glance.

Jojo comics are like this. You think he is a combat comic. Suddenly it gives you a funny story. You think he will go on funny, gambling, games, racing, psychological warfare... The plot of various elements is presented one by one.

The enemy's abilities are strange, but there is only one thing, which is the truth in this work...

That is, the last person who said he was invincible has been overturned by Chengtaro!

This is a protagonist whose combat power is proportional to the pretending strength.

In the serialization up to now, those who said that this comic will hit the streets in the early days of jojo comics have disappeared. On the contrary, under the promotion of comic platforms, the Internet, and various spoof ghosts in the two-dimensional world, the popularity of jojo comics has been compared The first phase is high.

At the beginning, everyone thought that its potential was the top ten of the Xuanjing Journal, but it didn't take long for it to rank one by one, and move forward. When it reached the eighth-ranked enemy, everyone thought it was this one. The limit of the work was reached, but next week, it jumped to seventh place.

And now......Before the last issue of the comic series a year ago, jojo comics ranked in the top five for the first time in the popularity of Xuanjing Journal.

By this time... the entire Dragon Kingdom comics world can no longer ignore this comic.

As a comic with the strangest style of painting, the strangest narrative structure, and the **** picture in the Xuanjing Periodical...why can it achieve such a result?

Not to mention that other comics are not clear, even Tianji Comics itself is very confused.

The popularity of jojo comics is just like this. It accumulates bit by bit, and when it accumulates to a certain extent, fans will explode. All kinds of spontaneous propaganda and spoofs. In fact, Qin Bei, the editor-in-chief, does not give a lot of resources... At least compared with his current results, it is undoubtedly not enough... but it is inexplicable. The results of this work are good.

Although the initial growth was slow, but now, the popularity of each issue will increase. Unlike other comics, it has almost stabilized after the growth.

Because there is no sudden burst of results, many people don't pay attention to it, but when this work suddenly makes you no longer able to ignore it, you find that......unknowingly, it has grown to a point. This point.

What's more, what everyone can't think of is that... Just such a comic, when the reader counts, 30% of the fans are women...

This tm is nonsense. There are so many beautifully drawn comics in Xuanjing Journal, and the retention rate of female readers is only 10%. Why can such **** comics like jojo attract so many female readers?

No one can tell this kind of question... It's like jojo's original work was surveyed in a parallel world, and female fans accounted for 48%....In Dragon Kingdom, jojo comics It is still developing, and it has not reached a balance between men and women.

If you ask those female fans why they like this manga, no one can answer, anyway, they just like it!

When Qin Bei held the last meeting a year ago, watching the results of Jojo's comics, Qin Bei was also lost....

Therefore, the retention of female comic readers is high ~www.mtlnovel.com~ That is, jojo comics can rely on the spontaneous amway of fans and the spoof of the Internet, step by step, to increase the number of fans, and come to this fifth smooth The reason?

The editors under Qin Bei's head also became serious.

After all, the top ten comics are all old faces. What happened last year, and the situation is similar this year. Only jojo is a comic, how weird it looks!

Many people think of Chu Yu's top rhetoric at the anniversary celebration.

It's only been two months... the ranking of comic works has gone from ninth at the time to fifth now... but everyone still feels that it's not very obvious. It's not the fifth overall pick. It's too high... Maybe many people still ignore this comic.

Many people have a funny idea in their minds.

Shui Xin, this comic, won't really have a chance to reach the top.

No, this idea is still too optimistic. Although Jojo is currently ranked fifth, the comics in the first three and the back of Xuan Jing are not a one-dimensional work. We still leave it to be observed and don't make any conclusions.

But in any case, at least in this memory, Chu Yu's top rhetoric and the rumor that Chu Yu circulated in the comics world once said that the jojo comics are no worse than the initial D.

If this manga is really not worse than the initial D, I dare not say that it will at least impact the position of the third-ranked work, blade wind, which is completely hopeful.

If Jojo's bizarre adventure can really overturn Bladewind...Even without reaching the top of the Xuanjing Journal, it will be a record-breaking thing in the comics industry for a cartoonist like Chu Yu.. ...
