I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Under the trouble of all kinds of locks, Chu Yu's workload has increased sharply, but the daily comic work is nothing to him now. As long as he concentrates more and throws his phone aside while working, he can basically complete it. Various comic drawing tasks, but after the time has entered mid-March, for Chu Yu, it is no longer a matter of pursuing the quantity of work, but a matter of pursuing quality.

In this week's serialization of jojo comics, it really entered the classic chapter of the original...the gambler Darby.

In the plot of this chapter, there is no battle, some... only Darby's superb gambling skills (thousands skills) and the soul that is used as a bargaining chip...

It can be said that there is no pee in the whole plot, and the whole plot is all psychological war...

Two Joe Josda and Darby take turns putting coins into a glass full of wine, and whoever lets the wine spill out will lose.

This kind of plot is not so much better than gambling, it is better than whose physics is better, but who knows... who will win in the end, and whose tactics are dirty?

When it was his turn to put the coin, Josda secretly squeezed out part of the water from the absorbent cotton soaked in water hidden in his hand, and added a coin he put down. At this time... .The surface tension of the water has reached its limit, and even half a coin can no longer be put down. Next time, it is Darby's turn to put the coin...

I thought that Josta was sure to win, but who would have thought that Darby had stuck a very tiny piece of chocolate on the bottom of the wine glass......In this way, the glass would have a very tiny angle of inclination. .

Josda thought the surface tension of the cup had reached its limit, but in reality... when Darby moved away and let the sun shine on the cup, the chocolate melted, the inclination disappeared, and the water tension also went from its limit. The state subsided, so...he could put another coin again...make the surface tension of the wine in the glass really reach the limit...but then Down, it was Josta's turn to put the coin again.

Josda lost, and at the same time......he also lost his soul!

Both are seniors, and neither of them is prepared to win by conventional means, but there is no way. Darby is obviously more professional than the seniors.

When his grandfather Er Qiao's soul lost to the other party, Cheng Taro had to sit at the gambling table and use his soul to bet back the soul of his companion!

It's a pity that this plot has a full length of four chapters comics. Because of the two-story update, fans happened to be stuck in the classic out of context plot.

For a time, jojo fans also joined the larger team. Now, Chu Yu's three works have entered an extremely important link.

The first episode of the third season of White Album 2 has been aired, and the plot continues to the end of the second season. As fans expected, the meeting between Touma Kazuza and Kitaon Haruki is really.... .abnormal.

Hesha accidentally saw Kitahara on the street in a taxi. In order to catch up with Kitayuan Chunxi, she ran away from behind her shoes, and then looked for him barefoot in the snow, and her feet were completely frostbitten..... ...And Kitahara Haruhiro put his girlfriend Xuecai's pigeons. She was going to pick her up for Christmas, but at this moment, she helped Hesha's feet with medicine......

The whole process is very fascinating, at least it is enough to control the welfare.

Of course..... If you know that Harunaki Kitahara was planning to spend Christmas with Xuecai tonight, and then proposed to marry him like Zheng Xuecai, but at this moment, she is holding Wasa's foot here.... ...While helping her get medicine, we will talk to her about life and experience.......That may not be the same!

On the night when the first episode of the third season of White Album 2 was broadcast, countless peasants were howling, but there were also countless wolves howling of Winter Horse Party!

Everyone has a hunch in their hearts, Kitahara Haruki, a weak-willed male protagonist, seems...have a tendency to derail and veil a second time...

And as long as the thought of that possibility...everyone feels a little frustrated in their hearts.

Then there is the rebellious Lelouch in the second season. After experiencing the Black Knights going to the Chinese Federation, using the contradiction between the federal **** and the emperor, coupled with the cooperation of Lolita, Lelouch helped the emperor of the Chinese Federation eradicate The eunuch, and formed an alliance with the Chinese Federation.

Then... Lelouch returned to Ashford College.

However, Mr. Orange was given the ability to eliminate geass by vv, which can restore the person controlled by the effect of geass to normal.

In order to deal with Lelouch, we used the ability to eliminate the orange of this ability indiscriminately to the people in the academy........It happened to be used by Lelouch and Xia Li to forget his geass ability. .....failed.

The plot made the fans depressed. Xia Li recovered her memory. Didn't she remember that it was Lelouch who killed her father and enemy?

I don't know what Ms. Shui Xin arranged for this plot? There is already a Zhenggong cc, Xia Li let her go!

Of course, in the next chapter, the thirteenth chapter...the idea of ​​this group of fans can be realized, Lelouch did let Xia Li go, forever, let go... .... Although Xia Li fell in love with Lelouch for the second time after losing her memory, she did not have a third chance.

From the next episode, the plot of the rebellious Lelouch's second season will be different from before, and the plot of this work will be revealed one by one after the thirteenth episode.

Of course, this process must be accompanied by the tears of fans...

As for the third season of White Album 2, the next step is to abuse from beginning to end......

After the jojo comics from Darby, it was a big climax, and it was also the only long storyline in the third part of jojo...The protagonist group finally came to the city where Dior is located, and will have a head-on confrontation with Dior.

This duel will continue until the third part of Jojo is completely finished.

And Chu Yu's confidence in Jojo comics' ability to reach the top of Tianji Comics comes from this plot. It can be said that the ending plot of Jojo's third part is a chapter that completely sublimated the third part of Jojo's bizarre adventure, and it was also born. A chapter of countless jojo stalks!

Kakyoin, Ikky, Abdel...the next encounters and choices of these protagonists will earn the tears of jojo fans.

It is fully explained that the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, which is the spirit that runs through the entire series of jojo!

However, Chu Yujing settled down and thought about it carefully......he was speechless, and his mood was not very good.

It seems......none of the three works have a follow-up plot that makes people happy, all of them are heavy and **** sacrifices.....

But after another thought, Chu Yu changed the angle of thinking...

My fans are so happy! I can actually taste the serial impact of the three works...This kind of encounter, even in a parallel world, few people can taste it.

But then, he shrank his head... He had a hunch that in the next few months, he should be sprayed **** by fans during this period of time.

And the name of the warrior of love, the popularity may become even higher than the current popularity.

Therefore, Chu Yu is actively working overtime during this period, temporarily giving up the weekend break, and all three works have progressed to the key plot. Everyone is busy. He is the core creator of the three works, plus three more. The works have been serialized to the turning point of the plot, and naturally it is difficult for him to catch fish and go lazily by himself.

The details of the supervision did not let Huang Ming check it by himself~www.mtlnovel.com~ Look at it for yourself, rest assured, the key animations of the animation need to be extra budgeted as long as they are not excessively approved. Although Lelouch is biased towards wit, but The war can't be too trifling, it's impossible to have a mecha battle screen, really make it as simple as ppt!

Therefore, for the rebellious Lelouch's second season of the battle plot, Chu Yu was more willing to spend money to ask an artist to draw it, and regretted the saving, and fans complained about the exaggerated model of the character in the original work. One hundred catties of weight, ninety catties belong to the legs.

Naturally, Chu Yu didn't make such a mistake. After all, Chu Yu didn't want to leave any serious flaws on an animation that was destined to be a god.

Now that all the work is ready, Chu Yu is waiting for the next three works to be put into play........
