I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

If God gives Chu Yu a chance to choose whether to advertise Jojo comics through Lelouch Animation, then Chu Yu will definitely continue his decision...

But he will definitely not go up to the three most expensive male lead of the month, or even if he goes, the coser of the first role... He will let Huang Ming perform.

In fact, when Chu Yu first made this decision, he refused. He certainly didn't want to appear on the stage. But after all, the advertisement was to advertise his comics, and no one in the animation studio had any connection with jojo comics.

Although a group of people are all his employees, Chu Yu himself feels unreasonable if you let employees do things that are not in his scope, so he didn't let them come.

Gu Yan agreed to go out with Chu Yu to do that shameful action because he begged for a long time. Yin Xiaoyin was Xia Li's home court in Chapter 13. As a voice actor, she faced Chu Yu's interview request, so it's hard to refuse.. ...

However, Chu Yu couldn't think of it at all.

On Weixin's private message, he hurriedly broadcast the sequel jojo advertising series. There are a lot of fans. In his university classmates, a group of "good teachers and helpful friends" use his emoticons all day to spoof...... .

Even until one day, when Gu Yan sent a letter to Chu Yu, he directly sent a picture of his ecstasy, with words on it... [Do you see me sao? ]

Then I sent Yin Xiaoyin's emoticon picture of the air bag with the word "Don't look!" ]

Finally, I posted a picture of her smiling face in the picture of the three brothers, with the words "These two are carrying my eyebrows...what do you want to do?" ]

Okay...It looks like Gu Yan had a great time...

Chu Yu's expression turned black right away.....In one operation at the moment, her signal was blacked out.

Two minutes later, Gu Yan called.

"Wrong wrong, I was wrong, don't block me, Chu Yu, if you block me, I will lose my lovely girlfriend!"

"It's not a pity to lose such a foolish girlfriend..." Chu Yu said blankly.

"Okay, no kidding, I just thought it was interesting and sent it to you. You won't be really angry, are you so stingy..." Gu Yan asked on the phone.

"Not angry..."

"What are you doing to black me out if you're not angry? Get out of my dimension signal, I have more and more interesting emoticons to send to you!"

"..." Chu Yu!


In terms of results, Chu Yu's advertising effect is very strong.

The quality of jojo comics is actually very strong, but it complies with the old saying, the smell of wine is also afraid of the deep alley.

The style of Jojo comics is that deep alley, but now, the spontaneous actions of this group of fans have really spread some of the fun of Jojo comics. For the alcoholic, the smell of wine is so deep. The alley is naturally not a problem.

Out of curiosity about the three brothers under the moon, of course, these people will not admit that they actually want to imitate these magical poses... After all, there is no original comic book, how to imitate?

The scene of the three brothers in the jojo comics is just a scoop of water in the bucket. Although classic, the more classic is not useless... Chu Yu is on fire, but at the same time, jojo imitates it. The trend is also on the rise... Whether it is the protagonist or the enemy in the comics, imitating the material......not a lot!

Many people endured the uncomfortable style of their paintings and went to the bookstore to buy the Jojo booklet.... With the mentality that a comic that can cause such a sensation must have something to do, they started to make up for it. ....

At least this week, fans of jojo comics gave Tianji Comics a very large number of feedbacks, and in major bookstores, the sales data of comic booklets of jojo prequel and jojo main story increased by at least 70% compared with the previous week. .

After the length of the jojo comics itself, the sales of the single-line books have increased a lot. Before this week, the average sales of its five volumes reached 2.7 million copies......

For a comic with a prequel work that was born less than one and a half years ago, this kind of single-line sales data is already a machine exaggeration.......

But now, the data fed back from all parts of the Dragon Kingdom have told Tianji Comics that the sales of jojo comic booklets will continue to rise sharply.

Although this week, jojo comics ranked fourth in popularity in Tianji Comics........But Qin Bei, who knows the background data, understands that jojo's bizarre adventures this week. How much has the gap between the two comics and Bladewind been narrowed?

Not only the number of fans has increased, but also many diving party comic fans, under the influence of the emojis of the three most expensive brothers and the devil Shuixin on the Internet, do not dive anymore. There is no joke about diving. Teacher Xin is fun.

After all, the comics of Tianji Comics Club must vote for a certain work on the Internet to leave messages and comments on this work. Therefore, the operators of Tianji Comics Club discovered strangely that Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comics, not only Fan activity has increased significantly, and... the feedback from fans has nothing to do with the plot discussion. Instead, they are all begging Shui Xin to draw more, more interesting, and more magical jojos.

For such a result, Qin Bei is indeed a little confused.

He has been in the industry for decades and has never seen a comic in this way.

What fans care most about is not the plot, but about the characters, actions, and poss in the comics... For a while, he felt that he could not keep up with the rhythm of the times.

But one thing Qin Bei understands is that Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comics will continue to develop in accordance with this momentum......The three major comics of the Xuanjing Journal have maintained a stable pattern for several years, I am afraid it will not be the case. How long will it be broken.


Even Qin Bei is so confused, for other practitioners in the comics industry, it is even more confused.

In just one week, Chuyu's various short videos, ghost and animal works, and emojis became popular in the two-dimensional circle, and they are rapidly radiating outside the circle.....

Liu Ling, the main icon of Hyungui Comics, can no longer deceive herself at this moment. She has seen the potential of Jojo Comics to leverage the inherent pattern of Tianji Comics.

Now, the people who mocked Chu Yu for not knowing the height of the sky and wanting to reach the top of the Tianji Comics Club a week or two ago have almost disappeared...Who can guess that the comics are actually very good at propaganda. Is there such an operation?

And Liu Ling was filled with regrets in her heart.

What's ruined is that this work was lost in front of her at the beginning. What I hate is that Chu Yu actually walked so decisively at the beginning. Such a work really ignored Xuangui's discovery of his kindness and invested it in Tianji Comics... ....

Of course, she would definitely not go back to think about a series of her own operations, it didn't make sense to her.

Today, she was seriously questioned by people on the board of directors at the meeting.......Her enemy was just about to directly put the phrase "Editor Liu's vision is very low, and she is not suitable for the editor-in-chief of Xuangui Comics Club! "The sentence came out.

But the main reason for not saying it is that the current results of jojo comics are not too outrageous. Although the storm has caused such a big disturbance, it is actually driven to a greater extent by the popularity of Chu Yu and Lulu Xiu... ...But if Jojo Manga really defeats one or two of the three giants of Tianji Manga, then Liu Ling's position in Xuangui will really be in jeopardy.

And if Chu Yu really made it to the top of Tianji Comics...

how to say?

If this happens, her fate is beyond doubt.

Compared with the birth of one of the top comics of the Dragon Kingdom, the weight of the editor-in-chief of a manga agency is not enough.

An editor-in-chief who rejected this kind of work twice for serialization...

She will definitely be questioned by all Xuangui colleagues about her ability...


As for Liu Ling's good partner, Ye Chun~www.mtlnovel.com~, he has always had his channel for the inside information of the comics club.

Originally, when Jojo Comics surpassed his fifth place in the Skyline Comics Club, he was very uncomfortable.

And now, when the backstage data of this week's popularity rank is known to Ye Chun, he is stunned.

The Skyrim Big Three comics have been born for so many years, and there are many comics ranked fourth in the list......

But how to say it? Those works still have a certain distance from the third blade wind.......

But in this issue of Jojo, although it is still the fourth...but its data in this issue is definitely the closest to the third-ranked comic blade wind in the past few years. The fourth in the comics.