I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After experiencing the foreshadowing of the previous three episodes, the fourth episode of the third season of White Album 2 finally put the plot on the right track all at once.

The essence of this work, the framework of the love triangle is also officially unfolded.

However, compared to the ic plot, when Xuecai and Chunxi are dating, Chunxi and Hesha have a different crush on each other.

The current situation is that, on the one hand, Chunxi's relationship with Xuecai has progressed to the point of getting married, while on the other hand, his feelings for Xuedongma are gradually recovering and heating up...

In the fourth episode, if you send sugar to the Winter Horse Party, you are going to send sugar, but according to this plot, what will Xuecai do?

Although it seems hypocritical to consider this issue as a Winter Horse Party, to be honest, what the Winter Horse Party hates is only the arrogant Snow Vegetable Party. In fact, it is not very annoying to the Snow Vegetable Party..... ...Even if the hero is not cheating on Dongma, but someone else.......Even the Dongma Party must stand aside with the Xuecai Party and condemn the plot..... ..

After the excitement, some keen Winter Horse Party have felt a depressive atmosphere lingering on this work......

They don't dare to guess the development of the subsequent plot.

I always feel.... If this situation continues to develop, will it be more torturous than the break-up cannon plot in the first season.....


Leisure time is always short. After forcibly giving herself a day off, Chu Yu entered the mode of a hard-working model worker.

One day anime, comics studios run all over the sky, on the Internet, although Lelouch's animation shine is too strong, but the third season of White Album 2 can also squeeze a place in Lelouch's huge discussion enthusiasm.

After all, the two works belong to Chu Yu, and a considerable part of the fans of the two works have watched both works, so in comparison, although the two works are both the most popular animations since the beginning of 2024, And it's not the same type of animation, so in fact... there is no such strong competitive relationship with each other.

But for the new animations in the summer animation market, the feeling is completely different...

Even in the third season of White Album 2, the popular love animation, which has an average playing volume of nearly two million, seemed a little bleak under the huge heat of Lelouch.

What's more, the goal during these productions is to have an average of 4 to 5 million "small" popular animations?

Although this is a bit unsatisfactory, it is the fact that it is the case. If works such as Lelouch have more than 15 million views as a popular animation, then the white album is also a popular animation. Five million works of this kind can really only be called a small print.

However, if Chu Yu did not come in, in the spring and summer, this kind of work would generally win the quarterly popular animation championship...

Just in Parallel World, when popular movies like Wolf Warriors 2 and Wandering Earth are released, the box office of movies released at the same time will be relatively bleak....

The same is true for animation works. At this time when the second season of the rebellious Lelouch and the third season of White Album 2 are on the air... Compared with the estimated results, they have all been negatively affected.

Fans' purse is also a piece of cake. Most of the two-dimensional fans, if they are not picky about the type of animation, basically can only chase a few works at the same time, and the specific chasing a few, this is based on the purse and leisure time. Two factors determine the length.

Anyway, the two ready-made episodes are both over 10 million animations. If time and money are limited...the animation fans are very hard to come by.

So... many anime people are simply speechless to Chu Yu...

Can this guy not be so good? How about giving others a little room to show off?

Many producers are depressed, but watching the results of their own animations is rather depressed.

Now the new animation broadcasts..... First of all, the most critical fan Amway effect of a work is basically gone. In the second element area, there are overwhelming discussions about Lelouch's plot, figures, and surroundings. Stickers, summer animation? .....Who cares about you!

Moreover, when public opinion is more inclined to discuss Shuixin's works, the efficiency of advertising is also very low, and the effect is only about 70% of the previous...

On the Internet, many animators have a lot of complaints about Chu Yu and his animation studio, but after all, after being sprayed by Chu Yu fans in the closed comment area, they dare not come out to challenge Chu Yu. Up.

I just saw the results of the rebellious Lelouch and White Album 2...Everyone knows in their hearts, it seems that this year's animation market is the leader of the water.


Under such circumstances, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comics Chapter 73, Chapter 74, and Chapter 15 of the second season of the rebellious Lelouch were broadcast one after another.

In the fifteenth chapter of the rebellious Lelouch, there is a lot of information. One is that cc and vv, which have the ability to bestow geass to others, can be killed.

The premise is that there is a capable person with a geass ability above a certain level, taking away the coad ability from them, so that the original code capable person will die, and the geass capable person who killed them will become a new one. Immortal code.....

Furthermore, vv was killed by his younger brother, the Britanian Emperor Shaluru, and inherited his code.....

And the person who inherited the code ability, geass is invalid to him.....

Therefore, Lelouch was at an absolute disadvantage in the confrontation with his father Xia Lulu.

And cc, after knowing that Xia Lulu has the ability to kill vv, she finally revealed her wish...Hope to die... She hopes Xia Lulu will kill her , To end her life as an immortal witch...

But in the end, when Xia Lulu was about to fulfill her long-cherished wish for many years, Lelouch stopped all this strongly and desperately, and threatened that her true wish was... to be loved!

In the end, Xia Lulu's code ceremony for capturing CC~www.mtlnovel.com~ only progressed to half... and Lelouch escaped with CC, who had lost its modern memory and only retained the memory of the slave era. Go out...

There is no peeing point in this story, and if you don't concentrate, you will miss a lot of details. In the rebellious Lelouch's animation that is originally compact, it can be regarded as a more compact story.

Whether it's the relationship between code and geass, or the memory of cc, or the secret of Lelouch's father Xia Lulu, many Lelouch fans can see it in the cloud, and they have to go to the second brush to understand the plot.

It's just for the slave girl who lost part of her memory and regards Lelouch as her new master cc.....

Fans can only utter a roar with their soul...

cc is so cute! How can it be so cute? This is a crime

When the hand-manufacturer that cooperated with Chuyu saw it, he immediately had a hand-run release plan for the slave girl cc. Although this plan was just a concept gadget that didn't even have a finished picture, there were tens of thousands of hand-made appointments in one night. The quota was robbed, which really made many animation companies in the animation industry envy that there are so many Fat Sheep fans waiting to be slaughtered, how much money Shui Xin can make from this animation!

It's hard to understand, are the fans of Longguo Animation so profitable?

What's more difficult to understand is that even if the rebellious Lelouch who already has such a popularity, after the average broadcast volume exceeded 15 million, he still did not stop his feet, although it was slower than before. Some...but still firmly move towards the milestone of 16 million in average...

It's simply outrageous.....