I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The news that Jojo's bizarre adventure defeated the old-fashioned popular comics Bladewind and successfully advanced to the third place in Xuanjing Journal has not only attracted the attention of a group of practitioners in the comics industry, but also has a lot of discussion among the Chuyu fan community. .

"Damn, jojo fans are really strong, aren't even Bladewind an opponent?"

"The main reason is that Yiqi is so handsome. I never thought that a dog could be so handsome... In the two words of words 75 and 76 yesterday, Yiqi and that pervert The battle of the eagles made me hold my breath..."

"That's not an eagle, it's a falcon in the comics, okay!"

"What's the difference? Anyway, it looks like it's fine... But to be honest, Teacher Shui Xin is too powerful. The eagle portrayed in the two comics can make so many people Hate it."

"Who told it to abuse the dog, and also wanted to kill children, and then the comic strip of Teacher Shuixin... The first time Ikky thought he had escaped the hunt of the eagle, but turned around. The head... Behind is the eagle's cone of ice.....And in the sewer, Ikky also thought it ran away, but turned his head again. What a big bird is here Behind it, I was scared to death when I read the manga... I thought I was reading a horror manga."

"But Ikky is also very handsome. After being injured by that eagle, even though he used the sand of his own sand fool to pretend to be a scene where he was killed... originally the bird was about to run away. Yiqi endured more and more anger for a while, but still didn't persuade him, and gave him a big paw when the bird was not paying attention.......That page of mirrors really made me handsome, I At that time, he said, "How can you be so handsome as a dog!" "."

"I am now more and more looking forward to the follow-up plot of Jojo's manga...I feel that the quality of Jojo's manga is really getting higher and higher in the past few weeks...This I have seen the feeling of chasing the initial D in a few weeks..."

"Chasing the initial D? How does it feel?"

"How do you say that feeling? It's that kind, fresh and refined. Teacher Shuixin poured you a big pot of cold water when you were at your best....Yes, it's just because Jojo is basically this kind of comic with two stories and a short storyline, so you can't feel...the horror of Master Shui Xin's out of chapter Dafa!"

"Out of chapter Dafa +1, I still remember chasing the initial D, almost never suffered internal injuries."

"By the way, after Jianfeng knelt, the next thing is Jiexing and Era of Disappearance! Think about it a little bit of excitement!"

"What's so exciting about this?"

"There is a feeling of fighting the boss, I feel that Teacher Shuixin is like a dragon slaying warrior. Next, I am going to slap a dragon."

"If you reach the top of the Tianji Comics Club, the next step will be the Longguo comics industry, and then add the achievements of Teacher Shuixin in the animation industry... Then this should be the birth of the legend."

"Don't milk..."


Under Chu Yu's Weibo, Jojo fans were discussing the topics of Jojo comics with extraordinary enthusiasm. For a time, there was a feeling that they could compete with Lelouch's popularity......in the entire comment area. The number of speeches is definitely at the forefront of the Weibo big v group at the moment.

Chu Yu returned from diving in the animation group he had joined, and as far as he felt, everything was pretty good.

Jojo's bizarre adventure comics have officially entered the final stage from this issue.

Starting from the battle between Ikky and the pet eagle falcon, the hiding place was drawn, and then... the third part of Jojo's bizarre adventure, the most exciting battle story kicked off.

This battle was only a one-night event in the comics, but the whole plot was high-powered, and Chu Yu seemed to be passionate, moving, and sensational at its peak.

During this period of time, Chu Yu was also very serious when drawing the comics of this plot.

Moreover, not only Jojo's bizarre adventure comics, but also the rebellious Lelouch's second season, and the third season of White Album 2, the plot has gradually entered a white-hot stage.

In addition to putting a lot of energy into jojo comics, Chuyu is the same in the other two works....

So there is no way. This kind of thing can only be solved by compressing sleep time. Chu Yu is now waking up an hour earlier in the morning than before, and working at night for an hour and a half longer than before.

I often go home, it's already after ninety o'clock.

The hobby that used to beg for clothes in my leisure time was temporarily dropped, mainly because my body was hollowed out during the day. At night, I just wanted to go to sleep.

Because of this, even people like Chu Yu who are very resistant to fatigue after being possessed by the system feel a little strenuous.

Moreover, this situation will continue until the end of the three works... In this case, Chu Yu has to take care of school graduation.

But in fact, it wasn't just Chu Yu who was busy. Whether it was the two assistants in the comics studio or everyone in the animation studio, this time was much busier than before.

Like Huang Ming, in order to save time on the road, a bed was set up directly in the office.

And Gu Yan, affected by Lelouch's quality requirements, the work of dubbing cc is often getting longer and longer, and she also has other animation dubbing jobs....

So after two days of get off work, the two of them returned home and sat there, both with big eyes to small eyes......

And time, just passing by bit by bit.......

Soon, the 16th episode of the second season of the rebellious Lelouch aired.

In this statement, Lelouch integrated the Chinese Federation, some European countries, and some small countries oppressed by Britannia, attacked more than 100 countries, formed a federal government, and jointly resisted Britannia. ...Single the military strength of this consortium has not lost to Britannia at all.

And the first thing that this United Nations family has to do after its establishment is to retake Japan.......

From the plot point of view, Lelouch...This young man who was still incognito a year or two ago, fearing that his prince's identity would be exposed, and being used by his father again, at this moment, finally got it. The power to destroy and change the world... Among them ~www.mtlnovel.com~ has the credit of geass, the help of cc, and there are many chances to escape from the dead, but more of it is himself Wisdom.......

In the animation, when Lelouch announced the official establishment of the Super United States, countless Lelouch fans were caring.

Although you can't scrutinize the plot carefully, what high school students save the world... But putting aside these a little unreasonableness, at least this animation can make you feel good after watching it, Lelouch It is the standard template of my own fantasy in the secondary two youth and adolescence.

Of course, after the last ed song, there is a small propaganda theater for jojo comics.

However, after fans got used to the existence of this small theater, its effect was much worse than before.

Before, there was a kind of accident in it. Now, under the popular science of a large group of people on the Internet, even if you don't read the Jojo comics, they are almost brainwashed by a bunch of stalks.....

But overall, the effect is still strong. At least in the past few weeks, on the bullet screen of Lelouch's animation, many people have been playing jojo on it. Now the two works, I feel that the fan overlap is quite high!

But for Chu Yu, this was enough.

After all, it is the feat of climbing to the top of the Tianji Comics Club. It is only a matter of relying on a certain work or advertising on a certain platform to achieve it. Obviously, it is a naive idea.

Jojo Manga wants to reach the top of Tianji Manga, the ultimate key factor is the quality of its own works.

And these operations by Chu Yu just gave it a better exposure platform.

As long as the exposure is to a certain extent, Chu Yu has no worries about the quality of Jojo's comics.