I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Damn, I like it, good fight!"

"Comfortable, comfortable, the male lead is owed!"

"Before Xuecai, I felt so sorry for her. I still bear the ass. My boyfriend betrayed her for the second time. She was still going to forgive him. Dongma is really a good girlfriend, and it made me look very cool to the Xuecai party. !"

"But Dongma Hesha is too miserable. I hurt my hand. I ran to this place where I remembered with Chunxi and stayed alone......I really don't know what is good about this hero, I It is the male protagonist who must abandon the Xuecai immediately and be with Dongma!"

"Brother, although I am the Winter Horse Party, what are you saying... I can only say that you didn't see the essence of this work at all, and... the male protagonist is not good, but You are definitely better than him!"


In the animation plot, after Dongma and Sae's violent beating of Kitaen Haruki, Kitahara, who was worried about Dongma and Sashou's second injury, forcibly pressed Dongma's hands on the ground, and the two lay on the ground in such an attractive posture.

"Didn't I make you come several times, several times? You liar..."

I have to say that on the plane of the Dragon Kingdom, the dubbing technology of the animated voice actors is much stronger than that of the parallel world. At this moment, Dongma Kazuza's unwillingness and anger in the words of Dongma Kazuza's reprimands crying, all Blended in this sentence.

One second before the barrage came up and laughed and said that the male lead deserved it, the next second, the screen full of people turned into distressed Hesha!

Dongma and Sa were crying loudly like a child.

"Too much, woo...too too much...Do you hate me so much? Why don't you come..."


The sensational plot, sad music, and exquisite animation pictures are combined at this moment, so that everyone who sees here, whether it is the winter horse party or the snow vegetable party, can't bear to watch it.

"Brothers, who has the gastritis spirit...I don't have the courage to complain."

"Is Teacher Shui Xin a human? This is even more torturous than the last words of the first season..."

"Tongma and Sa are too infatuated. They just like the scumbag Uekitahara. It's not worth it!"

"Kasa don't cry, come to my brother's arms..."

"For some reason, tears came out of my eyes...I can't stand a girl!"


"I can't bear it. You hate this kind of thing...I don't want that!"

"Enough is enough, no matter how entangled we are, it will just keep you hurt..."

Beiyuan Chunxi was shaking. Although he said so, his eyes, the previous determination and the determination to end Dongma completely, were gone.

"Don't ignore me, I am not as strong as Xuecai, even you ignore me... I really don't know what to do!"

"In the past five years, haven't you forgotten that I came here like this?"

Kitahara's strength to hold Dongma and Sasha is weakening, and the two only see each other at this moment.

"How could I forget...why did I want to appear again, for patience...The high wall I built so hard was destroyed like this!"

"Why should I have expectations? Why should I have the illusion that happiness is at your fingertips? Why do you have to escape at the end every time! How can I endure such heart-wrenching torture... ...."


In the animation playback barrage, the number of barrage is drastically reduced.

Everyone is completely immersed in the animation plot, whether it is the Winter Horse Party or the Snow Vegetable Party, even Gu Yan has forgotten the existence of Chu Yu, and only the existence of Dongma and Sha in his eyes.

The winter horse and yarn in the animation at this time are too weak and too attractive.

Her liking for Kitahara Haruno is too pure and too heavy......This is why the number of fans of the Winter Horse Party will always be higher than that of the Snow Vegetable Party, whether it is Parallel World or Dragon Kingdom.

Yukiso Ogiso is a goddess who is more realistic. Although beautiful, she is not so perfect.

But Dongma Hesha alone, from the perspective of a lover, she is perfect...From the beginning to the end, her feelings for the person she likes have never had a hint of scheming... ...


"I was determined to be completely separated from you after the concert ended, but...why didn't you come...The concert also messed up... .Whether it's the person I like or everything else, I...have lost it."

"Let go... Chunxi, whether it's you, me, or my hands, they are all destroyed!" Dongma and Sa became a little calmer.

"No!" The male lead who was worried that she would hurt herself again did not agree to her request.

"Let it go, if you don't let it go..." Kasa's voice was trembling.

"Just... I kissed you..."


The confession of Dongma Hesha's heart-breaking mood instantly made the Dongma Party excited.

"Let's kiss... Although I'm sorry Xuecai, but I really don't want to see Dongma so sad!"

"The Winter Horse Party has won a big victory.... Kitahara can't possibly be able to stop it, right?

"I am a woman, and I will be sent by Dongma. I can't resist this kind of girl!"

"What is the feeling of depression and joy in the heart? Is this double depression?"

"Why can't I be happy... Obviously Hesha has already touched her favorite, but I, a Hesha party, actually feel sorry for Xuecai at this time..."

"Me too. It's so uncomfortable. It feels...I am happy for Kazuya, but sad for Yukiso Ogizona...Is this the soldier of love, Suizin?"


The fans were discussing fiercely. They thought that Beiyuan would definitely fall immediately, but then, in the entire White Album 2, Chu Yu felt the most sensational confession... appeared.

In the animation, Touma Kazuya's pupils clearly reflected Kitahara Haruki's face.

"Chunxi...likes you!"

"That's just your misunderstanding of yourself..." Beiyuan Chunxi was still struggling.

"I really like you!" Dongma and Sa are no longer hiding their feelings.

"That's just attachment. At that time, you were a person, so that's why..."

"I like you the most..."

"You are just sick, I will take you home!"

"I love you...."

"I, just someone who betrayed you, will only make you sad..." Beiyuan's expression was tangled.

"I don't want to be separated from you..." After Dongma and Sa calmed down, they finally didn't intend to let Kitahara flinch.

"Chunxi, you are all bad, so...you have to make compensation and don't run away anymore!"

"It's just now, it's just that you can love me now, whether you hate me or not interested, now, just hold me..."

"I have given up on getting true love, which belongs to Xuecai, so, even if it is false love, please leave it to me, speak sweet words to me, and keep deceiving me!"

In Dongma Hesha's eyes, only Kitaen Chunxi, the words spoken in his mouth were so weak and helpless.


The seventh chapter of the animation is over...

Although the conversation between the two is brief, it touches the soul.

The words of Dongma Hesha not only melted the hero, but also melted the hearts of the audience and fans.

"It's over, it's over at last, Lao Tzu's tears, Teacher Shui Xin, this big bastard..."

"Poor Hesha, how did Teacher Shui Xin imagine this plot? Is he still a human?"

"Is this the warrior of love? It's really amazing, my brothers say goodbye, I'm going to give up...I can't stand it anymore, it's too depressing."

"Can I still run when I see here? I can't run away. Although I know that the follow-up plot may be more gloomy, but there is no way...I have been poisoned by Hesha, and want to see her. A good ending..."

"As a snow vegetable party, I feel entangled at this moment. No matter who the protagonist chooses, the other person will be sad...No matter who is sad, I find it difficult to accept... .... Did Teacher Shui Xin ever think about opening the harem?"

"Above, don't discredit the Xuecai Party, you are a fraternity party, and you have the same virtue as the hero...Please don't speak!"

"This should be the classic case of Teacher Shuixin, but it's the first time everyone doesn't complain about his behavior!"

"Chasing? I don't know if I can come over next week? I was going to watch a chasing funny animation after watching the third season of White Album 2, Chapter 7... Now suddenly I feel boring. , I even thought that I would not watch anime or find a girlfriend anymore...What kind of mentality is this?"

"I have the same feeling. After all, there is no such perfect girl as Yukana and Kaisa in reality. When I think of this, I feel that three-dimensional women are scum..."


At Chu Yu's home, after reading the seventh episode, Gu Yan was silent for a while, and then took a moment to walk out of the plot.

Although Hesha is very infatuated and moved her, she is a firm snow vegetable party without the slightest change.

"Are you nothing to tell me?" Chu Yu asked.

On weekdays, after reading White Album 2 with her, she would complain about Chu Yu. Today is a bit abnormal!

"What's the point?"

Gu Yan got up, the floral skirt slid down from his thighs, his hair danced lightly, and the fragrance was fragrant.

"After reading this...I finally understand what kind of person the perfect woman in your mind is, and at the same time, I feel a lot more relaxed in my heart." Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu with a look in his eyes Full of smiles.

"A lot more comfortable? Why?" Chu Yu was surprised.

"Because, in this world... as infatuated as Dongma and Sa, there should be no perfect girls. Even if they exist, the possibility that these kinds of people will fall in love with you... ...Minimality, almost equal to zero! So...I finally understand that I, who wanted to pry into your psychology from this animation before, are indeed doing useless work."

"..." Chu Yu was speechless at the moment.

What magical brain circuit is this? Am I so bad?

But Chu Yu still said something of love by the way~www.mtlnovel.com~Where is the possibility that this perfect woman likes me is zero, don't talk nonsense? There is now..." Chu Yu said.

"Eh......? You mean, there are people...... are pursuing...you?" Gu Yan looked at Chu Yu with a look in his eyes Full of restlessness and tension.

"Of course..." Chu Yu stopped irritating her.

"Aren't you? A perfect and beautiful girl who likes me..."

Hearing this, Gu Yan stared straight at Chu Yu for ten seconds...

"What's the matter? Are you looking at me like this?" Chu Yu smiled awkwardly.

"To be honest..... Your earthy love story is really numb..."

Gu Yan blushed a little, lowered his head slightly, and then looked at Chu Yu, his eyes full of joy.

"However, if you think of it in the future, say more...I won't laugh at you!"

"..." Chu Yu.


What is different from the past is that after the seventh episode of the third season of White Album 2 ended, the heat did not drop as quickly as usual.

On the contrary, the discussion is getting more and more heated.

After all, in these words, whether it is Yukiso Ogizou or Touma Kassa, it is very distressing.

And this plot, although torturous, the plot of Dongma Hesha is undoubtedly in line with the yearning for the goddess.

The popularity of the Winter Horse Party was huge for a time, and many of the unsteady-willed Snow Vegetable Party and the Neutral Party suddenly strayed past.

Weibo's hot search on the water heart teacher is not a person and the two hot search words of Dongma and yarn quickly made the list