I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Forget Polunaev, it has never been a person who is afraid of death, but Ikky...it can stay and fight alongside Polunaev. This is true to all, including Yu Hong. The fans were touched.

Ikky and Ben didn't have any hatred. At most, the pet, the falcon that used the ice ability, broke his leg, but it also killed the eagle and took revenge.....So knocked down and took revenge on it. In terms of being able to do the best, but when facing the danger of life and death, Yiqi ran away. All the fans who read comics would not think it was persuaded. On the contrary, they would feel normal. This is what Yiqi would do... ..... After all, a dog!

But in this scene, the moment Ikki gave up his life and chose to fight alongside Polunaev, this dog was really handsome to everyone...

It is probably not critical for it to defeat it at this time, but Abdel died in order to save it. Even if it is a dog, its self-esteem does not allow it to escape. It wants to avenge Abdel... Even if you do this, you are likely to fall into the danger of life and death that it least wants to fall into...

It was just a shot of one person and one dog giving up to escape. Yu Hong felt that whether Poluna Lev or Ikky, the two characters seemed to be brought to life by Shui Xin teacher.

After staying on this page for almost half a minute, Yu Hongcai calmed down.

It's been a long time since he had this feeling when he read a manga. He didn't know how it seemed to other fans, but at least to him...he thought it was too good. .

There is no virgin, no brain damage, no protagonist supporting role, the villain was there before he died, and there was a plot that he could not die. An important member of the protagonist group died without any preparation, and there was no time to say a last word. .

The cruel, simple comic experience in this jojo world view made Yu Hong gradually high.

Continue reading, on the next page, in the space at the exit, Vanilla Ace's figure appeared from the void.

Yu Hong opened his eyes and realized that this guy is too sinister!

If Ikky and Polunaev are really greedy for life and fear of death, and ran towards the exit, they would definitely just hit his transparent dark space.....Death can't die again!

On the other side, Polunaev and Ikky on the second floor saw a big hole in the floor as soon as they came up. Vanilla Ais, they stepped earlier and ran up!

An enemy who is invisible, hurts when touched, and attacks by himself but is ineffective to others......

The tense atmosphere was conveyed from the comics. The dark comic images made Yu Hong feel a little depressed, and he could only complain if he was too poor and couldn't pay the electricity bills before he made his house in this dark style without turning on the lights. !

Continuing to watch, Polunaev was attacked and then frantically destroyed the site. Ikky used the simulation of the Sand Fool to fool Vanilla Ace to attack him, but Vanilla Ace reacted at the critical moment. come.....

The plot is tight throughout. At that time...Finally, one person and one dog lost to Vanilla Ais, Poluna Lev fell to the ground, and Ikky... was because of the use of sand. I imitated it, which is unforgivable for the extremely loyal Vanilla Ace.

The next episode is the scene of the furious Vanilla Ace kicking Ikky with a sturdy body.

Iqi, who was just a small dog, was directly injured and had a bleeding in his mouth and nose.

The picture is **** and cruel, which makes many jojo comic fans who saw this scene feel strongly uncomfortable.....

Teacher Shuixin, this...is the Friend of Animals attribute online?

md, the animals that appeared in the jojo comics, but tm died strangely, none of them had a good ending!

Ikky, who will never be a member of the protagonist group, can't escape this fate either!

Yiqi, the dog, has a huge popularity as soon as he appears on the stage. After all, this kind of violent temper when he refuses to accept is the appetite of many people.

Especially after the pet war with him, this smart, energetic dog is even more popular with many jojo fans.

It's just.... Judging from the current plot.... Teacher Shuixin, after Abdel, is it possible to use Ikky for surgery?


Yu Hong felt cold in his heart.

In the comics, Ikky was already seriously injured and unable to move, but Vanilla Ace still didn't stop his dog abuse behavior, kicking it on him.

But even so, Ikky didn't show a gesture of begging for Vanilla Ace... it aroused his anger even more.

"The determination of mankind has a power that cannot be underestimated, but you are just a humble dog. You are not worthy of any determination, noble, noble soul..."

Vanilla Ace completely lost his mind, he was deceived by a dog, and this guy pretended to be the adult he admired the most, and he admitted that he was wrong for a moment...

Ikky, in a pool of blood, looked at Vanilla Ace. Although he was dying, he still showed a mocking dog face...

Tragic, but handsome...

In return, more ruthless beatings.

This is too cruel!

Yu Hong can't stand it anymore. He has a hunch that Teacher Shuixin is really ready to let Yiqi be here to be able to use DHL!

Polunaev endured the injury and forced his stand-in to attack Vanilla Ace, so that he would stop his attack on Ikky!

Polunaev used his sword to lift up the dust, and judged where he was based on the signs of the dust being swallowed by the dark space......

Although at the moment Vanilla Ace appeared from space to observe the outside world, Polunaev did hit Vanilla Ace severely, but he was still unable to kill him after all.

And Vanilla Ais also learned well. As long as he hides in the space, Polunaev can't do anything about him. He controls his own stand-in, making his spherical dark space spiral indiscriminately. , Rolling towards the inside a little bit, every time he rolls, the radius will become smaller, so that he does not need to take risks, but also can ensure that he kills Polunaev!

And Polunaev, who was injured in his leg, couldn't move to avoid his attack. He could only see the spherical space, draw circles around him, and approach him a little bit...

There was no way, tried various methods, and Polunaev, who was seriously injured, couldn't make himself move.

He already felt that he might really be dying here, watching the enemy's attack towards him, and finally...recognizing his fate.

But at this moment, Ikky, in a pool of blood, moved and struggled to stand up, looking at Polunaev who was about to be killed by the dark space turning to the dot.

With a stubborn gaze, he used his last remaining strength ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to condense the Fool of Sand, but his body fell to the ground, the substitute immediately collapsed, and then stood up again, blood spit out from the mouth, and tried to condense the substitute again. ....

"Don't move, it's already like this. Use your substitute power to force the action, and the bones will plunge into your lungs. You will definitely die!" Polunaev loudly discouraged Ikky.

"Are you going to save me and die with me? Idiot..." Polunaev began to scold it.

When Yu Hong looked at Yiqi's appearance at this time, his eyes felt hot.

md, he never thought that one day he would be moved by a dog or a dog in a comic.

The character of Teacher Shui Xin is too portrayed...

But whether it's Polunaev or Ikky, don't die!

Teacher Shuixin, don't you want to climb to the top of Tianji Comics Club? If the dog is so popular, if you let it die, it will definitely lose its popularity. Let them defeat Vanilla Ace and leave the field. The rest will be handed over to Chengtaro... ..Stop doing unnecessary killings...

Yu Hong unconsciously began to think like this...

At this time, the dark space blasted towards Polunaev, and Polunaev looked at Ikky and stopped talking nonsense. His expression was calm and he said his last words.

"Farewell... Ikky!"

Ikky's eyes widened, and in his pupils, there were Vanillaes' attack and Polunaev's figure lying on the ground.

Next comic, Polunaev's eardrops fall

Yu Hong quickly turned to the next page attentively.

The expression turned black. The two comics updated this week are over!

It's broken, it's broken on this key plot