I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

For the creators of Lin Fan, the manga, he is definitely in the top ranks for the level of Lunlongguo's understanding of Jojo's manga.

   But even so, the Jotaro Kazuo he imagined in his mind is not so handsome...

Although everyone on the animation barrage at this time thought that the static fragments in the space and the sound effect of the pendulum clock spring were just made effects, but Lin Fan clearly understood that this is the stand-in [World] that activates its ability. which performed.

   puts time still, and in the still time, can move freely.

   Damn, the boss is too bold. Just a few seconds of appearance is almost equivalent to completely exposing his ability to the fans...

But the problem is that the biggest mystery of this Jojo's main story will be revealed in the comic plot of Jojo Chapter 91 and Chapter 92, which will be released this Friday with the new issue of Xuanjing Periodical... ...

  Although it is certainly impossible for these jojo fans to guess his stand-in ability only through these few seconds of appearance, it is too hard anyway...

   But... this effect is also surprisingly good. Can you imagine that in Lelouch's animation, Jojo's barrage remarks will exceed those of fans who only watch Lelouch's work?

   Euler and Mu Dai, who are full of screens, and those Lelouch fans who have not seen the Jojo comics afterwards curiously asked what it was just now? And a large group of cool barrage.

It can be said that after seeing the fans here, they have completely forgotten that this is Lelouch's ed song, and forgot the reason they saw this, just want to see the next episode of Lelouch... ..

   Under the boss's salted fish's face, does he hide such a competitive heart?

Lin Fan was a little touched, and at the same time ashamed of himself who was more salty than Chu Yu, he was just satisfied that Jojo could get the second place in the Xuanjing Journal. The boss used to work hard in places he didn't know. , While creating major comics and animation works, I was still thinking about how to market and promote jojo comics in the middle of the night.....

   Just this propaganda song, who knows that it actually has two versions?

   When it was the first version, it was already amazing enough. Who knew it was only a few weeks ago, and there was another version that confronted Cheng Taro.

   Although it was only a few seconds of appearance footage, in Lin Fan's view, the style of the entire propaganda song was undoubtedly sublimated to a higher level......Seeing that his whole person is now excited.

   "Hey, have you eaten, are you still watching? Is the animation important or the girlfriend important!"

   When Lin Fan was there in a daze, her girlfriend was already unhappy, looking at him with dangerous eyes...

"Of course, girlfriend is important. This is beyond doubt. I was not in a daze just now, but I was thinking about where to take you to play after a short period of free time..." Lin Fan has a strong desire to survive. Up.

   But at the same time, he also feels sad. He is also a girlfriend, but the boss's girlfriend is always nice and beautiful, and my family is fierce.....


  Chu Yu asked Lin Fan and He Sheng to pay attention to Lulu Xiu this week, saying that there was a surprise, and the changes to the propaganda song were indeed a pleasant surprise for both of them.

   But at the same time, for jojo fans from all over the country, this... is also a surprise.

  As the story of the comic progressed to the most critical moment, the protagonist group entered the mansion with five people and one dog, and only four people escaped. The characterization of this big boss before the war has reached its peak.

Whether it's the evaluation of his wicked savior, or even Enya's mother-in-law is still loyal to him even if he is betrayed, the gambler Darby was shocked when he heard that Chengtaro was going to bet with him on the secret of his stand-in ability. Vanilla Aisi cut off his head with his own hands and offered the blood from the carotid artery...

  Jojo has so many parts in the whole series, and there are so many bosses, but why is it the most popular, even after so long in the parallel world, fans respect him as a dick, relying on this time and again to pave the way.

  It can be said that in the third part of jojo, the best portrayed by Araki is not the members of the protagonist group such as Jotaro and Ikky, but.

  In Long Country, the same is true. At this time, a group of jojo fans have been appetized by this big boss, and they are beating bowls and waiting for updates under Chuyu Weibo every day.

  Under this situation, a group of Chuyu fans went to this base camp and on the Internet to promote this issue of Lulu Xiu ed song, what will happen to that handsome new promotional song?

  The answer is......crazy!

In the parallel world, this propaganda song, which is when jojo's third animation op2 came out, has already set off a wave of enthusiasm in the animation industry. This is still a lot of people who have read the full version of jojo comics and are psychologically prepared. The heat generated by the situation.

   In Long Country, these fans are chasing the latest comics simultaneously, counting the days and waiting for the Xuanjing Journal to release the latest jojo comics.

   And now, this big boss hasn't made a few appearances in the comics, but now he has made such a handsome appearance in the propaganda song......

   Under the vigorous publicity of jojo fans, after Lelouch's 23rd episode ed song, the news that teacher Shui Xin was engaged in jojo show operation spread quickly.....

  As in the previous few weeks, a group of jojo fans are here again for Lelouch's animation tour.

  It's midnight, and those Lelouch fans who have worked overtime until now have time to see the rebellious Lelouch's beloved animation before going to bed...

   But after paying, I opened the link to Chapter 23 Lelouch...

   "The jojo tour group in Los Angeles is here for a visit!"

"Jojo fans in Yunshen came to pay tribute to the new propaganda song of Teacher Shuixin! Although it seems to be said to be only a few seconds away from the version of the previous few weeks...So Mrs. Shuixin is too bad, right? The animation content of Su Miao was released a few weeks ago, which caused me to pay twice..."

   "Hahaha, why don't you guys not watch Lelouch, you don't watch such a beautiful animation, but it's the peculiar jojo that you can see!"

   "Twenty-year-old manga fans are here. The animations only watch manga, and the original works have no sense of substitution. If Lelouch has manga, I will watch it!"


A group of Lelouch fans who are at a loss don't know what they are talking about~www.mtlnovel.com~ They just know that there are jojo fans all over the barrage all the time, and they all think they have gone the wrong animation. .

  Wait until the end, the curious Lelouch fans will pay a visit to the promotional song that these jojo fans have been obsessed with.....

   As soon as it passed, from the beginning, the barrage was smashing high energy in front of it wildly, and irrelevant personnel retreated.

   By the time he came out, the number of barrage had already been increased compared to when Lin Fan watched it.

Anyway, everyone has to learn from it. Brush Euler from left to right, and large wood from right to left. Colorful and different sizes of barrage will block the entire screen, not even a trace of the original animation.... .....

Even many computers are not equipped, and even some are used for picking up trash from a certain fish. It has been used for many years. A few dollars of nuclear display cpu computer, shoebox as a chassis or real. The balcony is naturally air-cooled to dissipate heat, and it is completely naked. Yuanshen machine, watching the movie, the animation is okay, when so many bullet screens burst out at once, the screen immediately freezes, and then the blue screen...

   I can't see anything, I only know that there are many people who send barrage in this section, and those fanatical jojo fans are climaxing.

Is    so outrageous?

  Fuck me, when Euphemia and Lorothea died in Lelouch Animation, the scene was nothing more than that......
