I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

How should I put it, I stayed in the background for four hours, because Chu Yu, who hadn't anticipated this situation in advance, only ran out of battery at eight o'clock.

Although the show was great and there were many beauties in the backstage, it was a pity that Chu Yu was not interested in them. After watching the show all night boringly, it was finally time for Chu Yu to appear.

"Next, we invite Chu Yu, an outstanding graduate of our college, to take the stage and give a speech."

After the host on stage read Chu Yu's name, a group of drowsy students sitting in the meeting suddenly cheered up.

Many people directly took out their mobile phones and aimed them on the stage. What's more, they started the live broadcast directly.

"Hello everyone, the time has come for much attention. Chu Yu, the outstanding graduate of our school this year, do you know that it is the famous cartoonist and rich man. You can see that the masters of Chenggong learning often use examples. That person...He will be on the stage soon. My fans have his anime fans. It would be nice to give me a gift!" A sweet-looking Chu Yu's daughter of the same level Classmate, that's what I said to the live camera.

Conveniently, the title of the live broadcast room was also changed from "This fairy's school graduation party live broadcast!" to, "A genius in the animation world, this fairy's classmate, and teacher Shui Xin's graduation live broadcast!"... ....

And she didn't expect it at all. It was just a playful move. After she changed the title of the live broadcast room, in the next two minutes, Chu Yu fans who were bee pupating from all over the place directly let her live in the deserted live room for an instant. It's hot.

"Damn, it's true, teacher Shuixin's graduation live broadcast? How old is he, hasn't he graduated yet?"

"What kind of school does a cartoonist of this level go to? The money he earns is enough for him to talk for ten lifetimes. It's not worth wasting time to study!"

"It turns out that Teacher Shuixin created so many works while going to school? How did this happen!"

"Do you only know about this kind of thing now? Didn't you report it before?"

"I'm still a good graduate, is this guy a human? He created so many works during college, and he can take care of his studies. This is a monster, right?"

"No, still people think that Teacher Shuixin is not a monster? We usually tease him to let him do more work. Don't be lazy. Actually, it's just ridicule. In fact...everyone knows that this guy is already. It's a model worker in the animation industry! In terms of output, it is estimated that noble sows can have such a high output!"

The host of Chu Yu's student at the same level had never seen so many people in his live broadcast room. He was a little dumbfounded at once, but immediately became excited.

"Thank you for your support. I didn't expect so many viewers to support me tonight. I am really touched..." she said to the live broadcast room.


When Chu Yuzhen took the stage, the scene cheered.

At the school where Chu Yu is located, many people don't know the principal's name, but if you want to find someone in the school who doesn't know Chu Yu, it is indeed much more difficult than going to the boys' dormitory to find a female lady boss.

Even Chu Yu saw directly with the help of the light effect, many of his peers, who directly cosed the anime characters in his works like Madoka, came to this graduation party.

Chu Yu is already sleepy, just want to find something to finish the party and go home to recharge the phone, see how Jojo's performance is today, and then take a good night's sleep.

However, it is obvious that the host on the stage also understands the effect of Chu Yu's appearance. Chu Yu thought he was on stage as a cutscene. In the college, he took some videos and photos, and then Gao Cheng posters were hung in the school's Lover Lake. Show the aisle to the younger students, or post it on the official website in the future.

Chu Yu didn't care about this kind of thing, but like now, it's not interesting to have been hosting small talks on stage and next to him.

But for his classmates and alumni on the scene......now this scene is much more interesting.

And those Chu Yu fans who watched the live broadcast wanted to laugh when they saw his perfunctory expression and sleepy state on stage.

"It seems that Ms. Shui Xin is really Liu Xiahui. Such a beautiful girl is next to her. She has a complete expression that she wants to end as soon as she doesn't care about her!"

"You have a prettier girlfriend. It must be the same indifferent!"

"I said why Ms. Shuixin didn't move tonight and didn't call on fans to support jojo. It turned out to be here!"

"It's started! Teacher Shuixin has begun to perform!"


On the stage, Chu Yu finally waited until the time for her performance, and took out the graduation speech speech that she copied on the Internet......

Although he has tried very hard to show a serious feeling, it is a pity that Chu Yu's acting skills are not good, but for the students and fans watching the live broadcast, this is enough.

After all, take some video, or see if you can find a chance to take a group photo, and post it in your circle of friends.

Five minutes later, Chu Yu finally finished reading the speech in his hand and let out a long breath.

It's over!

"Thank you very much for Chu Yu's wonderful speech, everyone applauds and encourages!"

"However, compared to everyone's well-known, Chu Yu is not only an outstanding graduate of our college this year, but also a well-known cartoonist and animation screenwriter in the Long Kingdom... At the time of graduation, I do not know Chu Do you have anything to say to everyone, Yu?"


Chu Yu looked at the hostess next to her.

As long as you talk a lot, what can I say?

"For example, student Chu Yu, your successful experience, or your life experience?" The host added a few words.

"Uh, that kind of stuff... Basically nothing to say!"

"Just good luck..."

Have system possession!

"Work harder!"

After all, even with the support of the system, two comics a week is still very tiring, let alone taking care of the animation production.

"And, strong will!"

If you have money, don't spend it randomly. After all, you make so much money. Most people probably want to retire. They still draw comics and draw your sister. If they didn't really like the second dimension, Chu Yu would have learned to be rich and strong now! Isn't it fragrant to be a salted fish? Contribute yourself to the progress of mankind, burn yourself to light up other things, let others do it!

Chu Yu's personal feelings, absolutely dry goods!

"Well, that's all?" The hostess next to her was stunned.

"That's it, otherwise, what else?" Chu Yu looked at her and asked.

"What about the talents?"

"This thing is innate, it is difficult to change the day after tomorrow, and it can't be regarded as an opinion if it is put forward, and...I am a person with no talent, and there is nothing to say... "Chu Yu blurted out.

But immediately, he realized that his words were ambiguous.

Although in his opinion he does not have any talent for animation creation, he is a scum compared to the authors of the excellent works in the system, but the problem is... the rest of Longguo don't think so!

Sure enough, a burst of laughter broke out in the venue, and Chu Yu's fans also laughed in the live broadcast room.

"Ms. Shuixin, this is making everyone happy!"

"Luck, hard work and will, I understand, I will buy lottery tickets tomorrow and buy it for 20 years. Then I will succeed. Tell everyone from the live broadcast room!"

"Ms. Shui Xin is pretending to be forced? Why is it so fun? The problem is that he still said this seriously..."

"Look at that hostess, she's all dumbfounded!"

"I'm dumbfounded for me."


In less than ten minutes, the popularity of this mobile phone live broadcast room has risen to a million level... and the popularity is still rising.

After all, this group of people watching the live broadcast are all people of the house style, and among this group of people, Chu Yu has many fans of his works.

"Ahaha, classmate Chu Yu can really make a joke!" The hostess smiled.

If it hadn't been for the school leaders to ask her to hype up some topics as much as possible~www.mtlnovel.com~, she wouldn't have dragged Chu Yu to keep talking. After a while, the college entrance examination results would come out to choose the school. At this time, she would use Chu Yu's reputation to make the school. I'm afraid that if I get on the Internet, there will be a lot more students this year.

"Then I ask the last question, what is your ambition for the future of life, student Chu Yu? What kind of achievement do you want to achieve..." the hostess asked.

Finally, a topic that fits the graduates' discussion came out, and Chu Yu finally put away the impatience in her heart.

"Ambition?" Chu Yu thought about it after hearing the words.

"Um... draw the best comics in the Dragon Kingdom, and create the best animations in the Dragon Kingdom... let more anime lovers see me The work will be touched a bit, this is my goal!"

Chu Yu said flatly.

In other words, he wants to be the first person in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry...

Everyone present and in the live broadcast room understood what Chu Yu meant.

This is crazy, but the problem is that it was Shui Xin who said it. Based on his grade and achievements, he said it....Dajia, of course, feels that it is normal!

"Then classmate Chu Yu, you still have some way to go!"

"Well, yes, I am afraid that we need to create more and better works to achieve the goal!" Chu Yu sighed.

"Then Chu Yu is confident that he can still create two popular works that surpass you now?" The host appropriately guided the topic.

This kind of topic is very sensitive to Chu Yu, but it does meet the requirements of the leaders of the academy, and some topics are hyped up.

Chu Yu thought about the undiscovered works in the system, but was silent for two seconds, with confidence in his eyes.

"Not a big problem"