I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

To be honest, the face of the driver is almost invisible, most of which is blocked by various details, and the driver in the animation is not still a static view, but a distant view.

   But Lelouch's iconic smile is too obvious, and S2 is confident again.

   But the question is, is this really Lelouch

   It's like in a parallel world. Yang Guo looked for his aunt and found a few eyes that looked like. Why did you say that the driver is Lelouch and that Lelouch is not dead?

   Obviously, just a smile doesn't mean anything. Maybe it's just a coachman who smiles like Lelouch. The specious words may also be just talking to himself.

   But anyway, this is an animation, and it is impossible for the production team to notice this kind of thing, so this kind of thing must be deliberate.

   Lelouch was hacked with such a sword by Suzaku, and he was assassinated in the world live broadcast, there is no reason to live, and it shouldn't be Suzaku and Lelouch acting, otherwise Suzaku is not the actor

   Wearing a mask of zero, she shed tears of sorrow when he stabbed Lelouch. Judging from the Suzaku manga, there is no reason.

   For an instant, countless thoughts flashed through the fans' hearts, but no matter what they thought

   still have to go back to the original point, whether Lelouch died or not

   And for this question, it is definitely impossible to analyze the animation plot. The only person in the world who knows this answer is Teacher Shui Xin

   As long as he says he is dead, then Lelouch can only say that it is too cold, and if he wakes up, if the teacher says he is not dead

   As long as you just explain it casually, saying that Lelouch's IQ is easy to fool the world, then fans can fully accept this statement.

   "Damn, I'm going to explode, this ending, it's almost like"

   "My, Karen, I'm still looking forward to Lelouch's Harem, what is this?"

"To be honest, at the moment when the true meaning of Zero Soul Town was exposed, I really couldn't help it. I, a person with such a high tear point, couldn't help it when I saw Lelouch fall down, hope Teacher Shuixin, don't let him die."

"Hey, did you say that Teacher Shui Xin was preparing for the third part of Lelouch. At the end of the first part, the issue of life and death between Lelouch and Suzaku was not clearly explained. Now that the second season is over, this is also the case. A specious coachman came out and always felt that Teacher Shuixin was in the next big chess game."

"Perceptually, I really hope that there will be a third season, but from a rational point of view, what else can I say in the third season? Suppose Lelouch is not dead, but the world is peaceful, and all Lelouch's enemies are defeated by him. Now, what Lelouch is planning to do. There is really a third season, and it can only focus on the daily life of the characters in the production."

   "I want to see my daily life too, super super super super want to see"

  In the major fan groups, at this time, the fans all exploded.

   Under Chu Yu Weibo, thousands of people came together.

   Some people directly sprayed Chu Yu Keng, and some people supported Chu Yu's ending, saying that it was better than what they had imagined. The ending directly sublimated Lu Lu Xiu.

   But more people speak directly and ask Chu Yu Lu Xiu whether he is dead or not.

   And at this time, these fans only noticed that Chu Yu left a Weibo message on the episode of the animation.

   "Who do you think he is, who is he"

   At this time, fans understand what Ms. Shui Xin's words mean

This is the last suspense that Chu Yu left for Lelouch fans in this world. If you want Lelouch to be alive, then treat him as Lelouch. If you want Lelouch to die in the Zero Soul Town project like this Then he is a simple coachman.

   For the ending of Lelouch, Chu Yu felt it was a pitfall when he picked this work, but after a long time, he felt that it was a **** ending.

But without explaining a word, Chu Yu can guarantee that in the future, as long as he appears in any public place, Lelouch's life and death issues will be mentioned by fans ten times and a hundred times. Instead of this, Lelouch will use this sentence directly. Then answer this question.

   But it is clear that fans cannot accept this kind of answer.

   These two-dimensional enthusiasts can accept the ambiguity of many things, but only for the love destination of their favorite characters, the question of life and death must be clarified.

   "Who do you think he is, who is he"

   This kind of ambiguity is totally unacceptable

   Even if Chu Yu was only drunk, he said casually, in his heart that Lulu Xiu is still alive, that's enough

   In this world, only the author's thoughts can determine the attribution of such things.

   What the fans think is not important at all. Only the author's thoughts can make a conclusion about the fate of the character.

   Therefore, Chu Yu's carefulness was naturally noticed by the fans.

   "Ms. Shui Xin is playing with fire. He does not show up today to clarify this issue, then we will blast his Weibo comment area."

   "That's right, how many times have I tried to fool us because I have stoked our fans' appetites"

   "If you offend the fans and want to run, it's not so easy, brothers, just blast the Shuixin teacher comment area"

   "Yes, Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong.

   "If you don't perish in silence, just erupt in silence, I can't stand it, I will erupt"

   As Chu Yu and Huang Ming had expected, this time, the end of Lelouch made fans feel more resentful than usual.

   All night, under Chuyu's Weibo, under the rebellious Lelouch of major video sites, all Lelouch fans were expressing their dissatisfaction with the ending.

   One night, hundreds of thousands of people wrote to Chu Yu privately, asking him to explain the life and death issues of Lu Luxiu in public.

  Lu Lu Xiu students, naturally everyone is happy, Lu Lu Xiu died~www.mtlnovel.com~ Fans also complained that Chu Yu had passed in a few months at most, but who can bear this kind of thing?

   So when I got up the next day, everyone in the Dragon Kingdom animation industry was stunned.

On Weibo, the end of Lulu Xiu, the coachman, the zero soul of the soul, the pit is more than the heart of the water, watching Lu Lu Xiu's final words, I cried a lot of hot search words related to the end of Lu Lu Xiu squeezed into the top of the hot search list. twenty.

   And the fans last night were just a disturbance caused by fans who had time to watch the animation that day. Many fans who didn't have time to watch Lelouch's final remarks also joined the blasting of Chuyu Weibo the next day.

Nowadays, under Chu Yu's Weibo, there is no longer a hundred flowers blooming in the past. Everyone discusses anecdotes in the animation industry and the appearance of the plot. It is full of complaints and complaints from the rebellious Lelouch's grievance fans. Chu Yu wanted him not to be a remark.

   Although he wouldn't be able to scold Chuyu, it was obvious that the grievances between the lines were full.

   So after Chu Yu got up the next day, he shrank his shoulders when he saw the situation.

   Although the sun outside the house is just right, it is a good day for shopping.

   But if you run out in this period, will you be recognized by the fans and have a righteous Euler?

  Think about it, although the possibility is low, Chu Yu doesn't want to try the risk.

However, Gu Yan, who has already dubbed several animations, stayed with Chu Yu at home. She was lying on the sofa when she got up early in the morning, shaking her legs, watching the fans' comments on Chu Yu on her phone. , Laughing from ear to ear.