I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Early in the morning, Chu Yu was awakened by the sunlight shining through the gaps in the curtains.

For a person who can sleep as long as he wants to sleep, sunlight and light are natural enemies of Chu Yu's sleep. With these things, Chu Yu will definitely not be able to sleep.

After getting up to wash, Chu Yu and Gu Yan ran to a famous temple in Tokyo after breakfast.

Chu Yu is tired of shopping all the time. Neither he nor Gu Yan are the kind of people who are addicted to shopping. On the contrary, they are related to the religious culture of Japan. Gu Yan is very interested.

To be honest, except for those really peculiar topography, quite a part of the scenic area feels no different when you go.

At least Chu Yu himself is like this. He ran out for a round and didn't feel that the foreign tourist attractions are better than those in Longguo. It is better to feel it than traveling for the past 20 days. National customs and cuisines from all over the world have gone.

However, along the way, Chu Yu's probability of being recognized by fans on the street was much higher than when he was abroad. After all, in the inland areas, people who came here to study abroad like Zhao Qinyin and those who work here. Many people are true.

Although due to the network operator, logging on the inland website to watch Chu Yu's works here is as troublesome as going over the wall to view foreign websites, but even so, Chu Yu still has a huge population of fans on the island of Japan. There are quite a few.

Of course, things like walking on the street and being recognized by fans, taking photos, signing autographs, and taking photos together, will definitely be distributed by Chuyu fans to the joined fan groups and Weibo, so soon, a considerable amount of inland 'S fans finally know where Chu Yu went.

After traveling abroad, I went to Japan....

Seeing Chu Yu's photo of walking around the temple holding his girlfriend's hand, fans hated his salted fish.

"Why did this guy go to Japan again, but after a lap abroad, he should also do a lap at home, so when will he start a new game!"

"It's not like that. From previous interviews with Teacher Shui Xin, he is still quite a house. He really went to travel for two or three years and then came back to create anime. Mr. Shui Xin probably wouldn't do this kind of thing."

"It's normal to go to Japan. If you don't look at Mr. Shuixin's works, they are basically Japanese as the protagonist. According to the information, Mr. Shuixin is a native of Luoshen of pure blood. You can only say Shuixin. I really like that area, so I set it like this in my work!"

"Come on, I think it's normal. Anyway, the area where Longguo's animation industry first developed was Japan. Now 80% of the famous cartoonists in Longguo grew up watching their works when they were young. Yes, it's a pity that after the piracy is banned, I don't even have a chance to watch it now! I want to come to the teacher Shuixin to do the same, so I like to play the protagonist is the setting of the Japanese region! In this case, traveling to Japan island is also very good Is it normal!"

"And there is another reason. Isn't the ex-girlfriend of Ms. Shuixin who was posted on the Internet go to school on the island of Japan? Now that she graduated, she has a high probability of working there, so...you know!"

"Ms. Shui Xin isn't that stupid, is she taking her current girlfriend to find an ex-girlfriend? Is this something that humans can do?"

"Do you think that Teacher Shuixin is a human being? I stopped treating him as a human long time ago. He is cold-blooded, ruthless, a devil who likes to play with fans and alive and well. This kind of person can completely do things like this, OK!"

"Oh, I don't care about the personal affairs of Teacher Shuixin. I only hope that he will quickly return to plug some of the sprayer's mouth with his works. How long has this disappeared? A group of teachers Shuixin's sunspots have appeared on the Internet to spray him everywhere! "

"Maybe it's a navy recruited by a competitor, isn't that the case in celebrity circles? It's just that the animation industry also engages in this one. It feels really stupid. We watched the work of the teacher who woke up , These people can't blacken the work, what's the use of black work? Funny..."


Naturally, Chu Yu didn't know. Fans spread his whereabouts on the Internet just the second day after he came to Japan.

But there is one thing these fans guessed right. Chu Yu came to Tokyo, naturally planning to find Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin to retell the past, and he... really took Gu Yan over. .

After all, although it was casually mentioned in France, Chu Yu watched such TV series and animations and knew deeply that if the male and female pig's feet in the TV series and animation did not have so many misunderstandings, the length of those works would not exceed Three words.

That being the case, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Chu Yuzai and Gu Yan finished visiting the temple and bought some so-called temple artifacts by the way...decisively took Gu Yan and came to Su Lu. The location of the location sent to him last night.

Originally, Gu Yan was hypocritical. She naturally knew in her heart that Chu Yu and his two friends were nothing, and believed in Chu Yu's personality, but since Chu Yu offered to take her to get to know her, she thought about it. Refuse.

So in this evening, Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin's rental was downstairs, and the three beauties and Chu Yu met.

The bodyguards brought by Chu Yu who were hiding around this building looked at Chu Yu's plain face, and in addition to admiration, he still admired....

Sure enough, the work comes from life. The Shura field in the white album is not the personal experience of Teacher Shui Xin!

In the bodyguard group, a brawny man who is also a Chu Yu fan thought this way.

Chu Yu didn't want to scare Su Lu and the two of them, so that they didn't need to follow them, and they could just stay nearby. If they were hungry and wanted to eat something, they would be reimbursed by him.

"What's the matter? Let's go, I'm starving to death, Su Lu, you said you cook today, let me see if four years have passed, your poor cooking skills have improved!"

Chu Yu looked at Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu. Su Lu was wearing a black short skirt, Zhao Qinyin was wearing a white T-shirt top, and his lower body was a pair of denim shorts. Two pairs of white floral thighs almost shook Chu Yu. Eyes, in order to be afraid of his girlfriend's misunderstanding, Chu Yu quickly turned his attention away and went to see his girlfriend's black silk!

But I haven't seen it for more than a year, and I always feel that Su Lu hasn't changed much, even this guy hasn't changed much from four years ago.

I always feel that this guy has the ultimate biological potential of the Araki Old Demon, he won't be like this after forty!

"What are you doing in a daze? Let's go!" Chu Yu looked at his two friends.

However, the two of them stared closely at Chu Yu's side...Gu Yan.

"Oh, look at me, you have forgotten to introduce him. This person is named Gu Yan and belongs to me..."

"Girlfriend!" Zhao Qinyin looked at Chu Yu from Gu Yan, took a deep breath, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Although you are in Japan, you can't even understand your news!"

"Hello, Miss Gu Yan, this is Zhao Qinyin!"

"You...Hello!" Gu Yan also looked at Zhao Qinyin curiously, and both reached out and shook lightly.

"I'm Su Lu, Chu Yu's former manga editor!" Su Lu next to him also stretched out his hand and said in a sweet voice.

It seems to get along well!

Chu Yu nodded in satisfaction, that's right, there is no such a dramatic plot in life, and simply bring his girlfriend over to party with friends. This kind of thing couldn't be more normal.

If Chu Yu came by herself, Gu Yan might still be suspicious~www.mtlnovel.com~ Now she brought her, right now she has nothing to say.

It's best if Gu Yan, Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin have a better relationship. Well, I don't know if these two people have learned to play games in the past few years. After returning to Long Nation, I have time to call the two of them. Playing games together, presumably, the three of them will become good friends soon... Chu Yu focused heavily.

The four of them were just like that. Although they didn't say they were laughing or talking, they at least politely walked up to the second floor, which is Su Lu's rental house.

And this scene even more admired his bodyguards who were watching Chu Yu.

Compared to being liked by a few girls in life at the same time, being in the Xiuluo field makes people feel more powerful is that there is no tearing between the girls, and Teacher Shui Xin's appearance is not good, and he did not expect to be such a master.

Of course, for the convenience of Gu Yan, the two women among the five bodyguards cursed in their hearts, scumbag!