I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"I told you, you don't understand!" Although Chu Yu was drunk, it was impossible to tell such things as the system.

Of course, no one will believe it, but Chu Yu himself has always had a doubt in his heart. Since the system will suddenly find him, will the system suddenly disappear one day?

Although the possibility is not high, Chu Yu actually has this kind of psychological preparation in his heart. Although the people around him are praising Chu Yu, he knows in his heart what his current achievements depend on.

It was a joke with Su Lu, but it wasn't Chu Yu's own words.

And it doesn't matter whether they cooperate or not, as long as the relationship between people and people does not become unfamiliar due to time and distance, what does it matter?

But the three on the wine table all treated Chu Yu's words as a joke.

It was different from the last time when I was full of expectations but was told that Chu Yu had a girlfriend. One year later, both of them accepted this fact. Now when I talk to Chu Yu, I feel different again.

I felt that Chu Yu had changed a little before, but now I feel that Chu Yu has not changed.

Maybe Chu Yu hasn't changed all the time, but only his mood has changed!

Zhao Qinyin was the only person on the court who remained absolutely awake, but after seeing Gu Yan fainted, he blushed and leaned his head on Chu Yu's shoulder and wiped the corner of his mouth with a paper towel. Stains.

An inexplicable feeling rose up. In the past, a couple of people walked on the street. In the TV series, men and women were in pairs.

But now, it feels very real...

I really want to wish Chu Yu to find a girlfriend with a beautiful personality, but it is true...I can't bless him from the bottom of my heart.

So I can only pour myself three times the wine, but I can't realize the taste of drinking wine in the book, just like drinking Coke.

When Zhao Qinyin's head was thinking about it, Chu Yu was the first to fall to the ground.

Then Gu Yan fell to the ground a second time...

As for Su Lu, although the two stopped drinking after being drunk, the stamina came up and she couldn't control it.

Fall directly to the ground.......

Zhao Qinyin looked at the three of them, and Gu Yan hugged Chu Yu tightly when he fell asleep. Su Lu lay down in a big font. If it weren't for the face value bonus, it would be too unfair to be a lady.

After looking at the mess on the table, Zhao Qinyin was also thinking about what to do next after tidying up the table.

Normally speaking, Chu Yu and Gu Yan were sent to the hotel, but the question is, how did she send them?

Although Zhao Qinyin is 1.7 meters tall, she who weighs only 96 kilograms wants to help Chu Yu, who weighs at least 130 pounds, to help her over. This is true.

And ask someone to carry it...in case someone recognizes you on the way to the hotel...

With Chu Yu's popularity, Japan is drunk, three women and one man... are being used by someone who is interested, that is really breaking news.

Zhao Qinyin's room is next door. She thought about it, and it is safer to move the two of them to their own room next door to rest.

Then I slept in her room with Su Lu, a drunkard.


Zhao Qinyin went to move Chu Yu's body... Gu Yan hugged Chu Yu and couldn't pull it away...

With a bang, his feet slipped and fell directly to the ground... and then directly pressed on Chu Yu, Gu Yan, and Su Lu.

She quickly got up to see if the three of them had noticed her awkward behavior. When they saw the three of them sleeping like pigs, Zhao Qinyin was relieved, and just looked at Chu Yu's peaceful face in his sleep... ...And stayed for half a minute.

Then he recovered and shook his head quickly to get rid of the distracting thoughts.

But....... Zhao Qinyin also knew that it was unrealistic to want to move these two people there, so he tried to move Su Lu, which was almost the same, he couldn't move at all.

The body of a drunk person is beyond your imagination.

"It doesn't matter, I drew comics all night last night, and I haven't slept for a day during the day. I have to rest too!"

I went to my room next door, brought two quilt pillows, put a bed for Su Lu, and a bed for Chuyu Guyan, and then she hit the floor directly... after all In Japan, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu have thoroughly implemented this point of laying on the floor without sleeping, and following the customs in the countryside.

As for why Zhao Qinyin didn't go to his room to sleep, one was that it was too pitiful for Su Lu, a single dog, and Chu Yu to live in the same room, and the other was that he was afraid that the three of them would be drunk and vomit and cause suffocation in their sleep. It's good to take care of it.

In this way, Zhao Qinyin turned off the light, then put on the quilt and went to sleep.

At this time, it was midnight, and the bodyguards of Chu Yu who were waiting outside this building watched the light of Chu Yu's house turn off, thinking that he was finally going back to the hotel.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but ten minutes passed...

There was still nothing moving in that room.

What are you doing?

What's the matter?


The male bodyguards looked at each other...

Three women and one man, living in the same room..... Two people are rumored to be a puppy love in high school, and one is a current girlfriend.


"Love Saint?"

"Banknote ability?"


The expressions of the three male bodyguards are about to collapse, and Shui Xin is worthy of being called a teacher by the whole network. With this method, how can the teacher say anything in case?

They also want to learn, as long as Chu Yu is willing to teach, the security fee will not be paid!

And two female bodyguards.

"The scumbag is no doubt!"

"It's really scum, but the question is, what Gu Yan thinks, that's her boyfriend!"

"Is it like this among young people? I feel like I'm only thirty-three. I'm not too old. How come I can't keep up with this era!"


Chu Yu in his sleep didn't even know that his image changed drastically in the eyes of a few bodyguards for some reason.

He only felt very hot this night and his body was very heavy, and then...when the sunlight outside the house hit his eyes in the early morning, he woke up.

I have a splitting headache, dizziness, and a heavy chest.

Turning his head to see, it was his girlfriend who was sleeping with his entire upper body pressing on his chest and hugging him. After observing the surroundings, the memory gradually recovered.

"What the hell? Did you sleep here all night drunk?"

Chu Yu looked to the right, it was a human face, he thought he had seen it wrong, and blinked.

It is a beautiful face, eyes closed, eyelashes trembling slightly, the lipstick on the lips looks beautiful and attractive, and the chest rises and falls with even breathing.

Bang Bang Bang Dang Dang!

Chu Yu got up, his girlfriend bounced off him and rolled twice on the ground.

"It hurts... my head hurts! Chu Yu, have you got my hair again?"

Gu Yan's somewhat confused voice sounded.

"Who, so noisy early in the morning..."

The face Chu Yu saw before suddenly opened his eyes and said, it was Su Lu who was still holding the sake bottle in his sleep.

"Chu Yu...ah, and your girlfriend...why are you still here?"

The three of them looked at each other and looked around......soon they understood what the situation was like.

And Zhao Qinyin, who stayed sleeping in the corner of the room, opened the quilt at this time. After all, she didn't sleep the night before, and she seemed to be languid, but after three pairs of eyes stared at her, she quickly recovered Come here.

"You were drunk last night and I can't move you, so I covered a bed with a quilt for you alone and just rested...How about it, are you sleeping well!" Zhao Qin While talking, Yin sorted out the wrinkles on his T-shirt, her delicate and white face was calm, but deep in her calm eyes, she was a little nervous.

And this suspicion is also in Su Lu's eyes... After all, although he is drunk, in short, everyone is no longer the Sanpu Street when he was in high school.

Although I don't think Chu Yu will be angry because of this kind of thing, what about Chu Yu's girlfriend? She was pulled over by Chu Yu, and then she was drunk here, and the four of them lived in the same room.....

Gu Yan saw what they were worried about, but he offered to say that he was generous and would be embarrassed and self-righteous if he didn't mind such things.

For a time, the four of them remained silent.

The atmosphere was a bit strange, but Chu Yu took the lead in breaking the atmosphere.

"Morning!" Chu Yu gave a simple and brief greeting.

"Morning!!" The other three people looked at Chu Yu, and after a moment of stunned response, they all responded.

"Gu Yan and I will go to wash up first, and then we will have breakfast later!"

The solemn atmosphere before seemed to disappear suddenly, and a smile appeared on the corners of the three people's lips.

Since this matter is awkward to discuss, then forcibly ignore it and pretend that it has never happened...this style is really Chu Yu.


"Come out, come out!"

"Teacher Shui Xin is really a god, and she seems to be in high spirits, but the other three girls don't seem to be in good spirits!"


The five bodyguards took turns to rest in nearby hotels overnight. After all, they were a well-known security company in Longguo, and they were still very dedicated. Everyone was stung by mosquitoes.

After the four of them were sober, Chu Yu and Gu Yan bought two new sets of clothes in a nearby shopping mall, changed their alcoholic clothes, and washed them in a nearby hotel by the way.

Then I ran to the residence of Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin...

The two involved in this matter also took advantage of this period to wash and change their clothes~www.mtlnovel.com~ For Chu Yu, it doesn't matter if he falls drunk at Su Lu's residence, but it seems that Gu Yan has no opinion, so he just Be relieved.

In high school, Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin also often drank alcohol and rested at his home. Chu Yu was still a little embarrassed to have this happen to other people's homes. It happened to Su Lu, then it was nothing.

As long as Gu Yan has no ideas, everything is ok!

It's just..... Originally, Chu Yu planned to bring two friends tonight and let them lead the way to play on the island of Japan for a day, but some unexpected events interrupted his plan... .....
