I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In any case, these two people and Chu Yu worked closely with Chu Yu in his senior year of high school.

Although the three people gradually lost contact after they went to college, when Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu saw Chu Yu's expression, their hearts were immediately clear.

This guy, I'm afraid it's really a careful plan and ran over without even thinking about it.

But on the other hand, the two can also feel the confidence of Chu Yu's behavior. As long as they can conceive a good work, it doesn't matter whether they plan or plan.

"Then...Let's go first!" Su Lu sighed, too lazy to complain about Chu Yu.

"Where to go?"

"Looking for a place to live! You don't have a place to stay here. Tonight, I will take you to find a hotel and stay first! Then I will explain to you the situation here!"

"Oh, that's troublesome!" Chu Yu said after thinking for a while.

"For the hotel, choose a place close to the dormitory building where you live. If you have anything you don't know, you can ask you. You know the situation. Please ask me to find a public security officer. A little bit, a hotel with better service will do!" Chu Yu and the two people are not very polite, after all, they are all so familiar.

"Understand, knowing that you are a local tyrant will not help you save!" Su Lu said.

Then picked up Chu Yu's suitcase, the three quickly got into the car, and after more than an hour's drive, they arrived at their destination.

From the historical perspective, although there are many differences between this world and the parallel world, in fact, many places are the same.

At least in this world, a small island like Japan Island is still so prosperous. The entire Tokyo metropolitan area is like a parallel world, with a population of nearly 40 million, covering about a quarter of the entire population of Japan Island.

The population density and the pressure of population competition are no less than the parallel world, but under the impact of the Dragon Kingdom culture, at least the status of women has improved a lot on the island of Japan in this world. It will not be the same as the island of Japan in the parallel world. After marriage, women Just be a full-time wife and suffer all kinds of discrimination in the workplace, whether it is promotion or salary, there are all kinds of malice brought about by social customs.

Otherwise, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu would not be able to work here.

But from another aspect, the advantage of the Dragon Kingdom plane compared to the parallel world is that the entertainment industry in this world is relatively backward.

Although science and technology have been developing along the way, the entertainment industry is far less exciting than the parallel world. This is also the root of the golden age for the comics industry in the Dragon Kingdom and even the whole world after the new century. Netizens, teenagers are looking around, there are too few entertainment products to pass the time... and the proportion of teenagers in the population is significantly higher, otherwise it will be difficult for Chu Yu to stay in the magic city. It has accumulated so much popularity in four years.

It was close to the evening. After everything was settled, Chu Yu and the two beauties were tired after a busy day. Chu Yu came to Zhao Qinyin to treat him a long way, but Chu Yu, who didn't want her to spend money, strongly demanded to be in a nearby ramen restaurant. Solve the problem of lunch for the three.

"I said Chu Yu, you can't do this like this. You don't even have a manuscript, how can you contribute it!" Su Lu ate a piece of barbecued pork and began to talk about business.

"I know..." Chu Yu drank a glass of water and said!

"Boss, have another bowl!"

I have to say that the number of shops here is really small. This amount is like eating instant noodles in Longguo. One pack is too small, and two packs are slightly more!

"But I am not completely out of ideas. Tonight I will sort out some scattered thoughts in my mind. In a day or two, I will be able to give you a very clear answer!"

"But can you tell me what is the situation in the comics world like here?"

"You log in to the search engine here to search for this kind of thing. It's very troublesome to say it all!" Su Lu gave Chu Yu a white look and said by the way.

"Boss, three glasses of wine!"

Soon, three glasses of wine were handed to the three of them, and Su Lu also picked up the wine glass, pursed his red lips and closed his eyes, looking very enjoyable.

"How do you say the situation in the comics industry here? Unlike Long Country, where the seven comic companies in the magic capital are famous all over the country, other small and medium-sized comic companies have resisted the impact of the comic journals of the seven major companies in their respective territories! In Japan's island comics industry, there are mainly two large-scale comic companies...Two large-scale comic companies, Polar Bird and kc. Under these two companies, there are more than a dozen medium-sized comic companies. Numerous small comic companies! The layout is relatively simple... But if the competition... then it will be very fierce!" Su Lu said.

"The HG comic company where I work with Zhao Qinyin is one of those dozen medium-sized comic companies!"

"HG Comic Company? I'm a bit impressed. I heard you talk about it before! I remember that Zhao Qinyin is serializing a work in this company, right!" Chu Yu raised his head and looked at Zhao Qinyin who was silent next to him.

"Ah, uh... that, right!" Zhao Qinyin said somewhat restrained.

"But...that work will be over soon!"

"It's over? Why?" Chu Yu asked.

"The popularity is not high... It was...by the manga agency asked to end..." Zhao Qinyin blushed a little.

Although she is a girl and has a good relationship with Chu Yu, Chu Yu next to her is a big company with tens of billions of assets that feels a strong threat to suppress, and she has serialized works in a medium-sized comics agency. She was also slashed...This gap made her a little embarrassed.

"Don't be frustrated. When I was serializing the prequel of Jojo, I was rejected by Hyungui Manga Club twice. When Paotianji Manga Club was serializing, I was sprayed by fans for half a year. This work is yours in Japan. As far as Island's debut work is concerned, being able to serialize for more than two years is already very impressive! The next work, you will definitely be a big hit, come on..." Chu Yu and Gu Yan have lived for so long. If I didn't learn anything else, I learned how to talk to girls.

As long as he used to be, he will definitely only say one sentence. If his popularity is low, he will be cut in the middle. Fans of the province feel painful, and it is painful to paint by himself. Now, it will comfort people a little... .. But only for friends!

Zhao Qinyin next to him listened to Chu Yu's words and looked at Chu Yu motionlessly. Chu Yu looked uncomfortable.

Did she say something wrong again, or said she felt embarrassed by forcibly comforting the other party.

It's not good, Chu Yu also feels a little embarrassed when he thinks about it this way!

"Come on! Let's do it!" Zhao Qinyin came back to his senses, and the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

"I said you have changed too much!" Su Lu, who was next to him, looked at Chu Yu and said suddenly.

"I thought you would say that being cut in the middle is the market's choice, and you have to endure the ruthless words of this kind of result when you step into the comics industry... and come on? I'm all fooled. , Is this what you would say?" Su Lu next to him was very straightforward.

"In your impression, am I such a person who speaks unpleasantly?"



Two female voices sounded, one left and one right, Chu Yu was speechless...

"But...you sometimes have a more handsome performance!" Zhao Qinyin on the right whispered and quickly said, but Chu Yu didn't hear clearly.

"Anyway, the situation is very simple. The two companies that can barely meet your requirements on the island of Japan should be Jiniao and kc! After all, with your coffee position, it is impossible to run a comic company of HG's size. !" Su Lu said.

"Although the weekly circulation of Jiniao and kc in Japan is far less than that of Tianxing Comics in the interior of the Dragon, one family maintains a circulation of 7 million and a circulation of more than 6 million. At the end of the seven major comic companies, such as Orange Cat and Aoba, the gap between companies is not big, but in terms of the degree of fierce competition, I am afraid that it is no less than Tianji and Water Hedgehog. The two comic companies are even worse. !"

"How can it be so high? Seven million and six million... Japan Island has only more than 100 million people! Is there such a big market?" Chu Yu's impression of the parallel world Japan Island is at its peak. During the period, there were jumps of works such as slam dunks, dragons, full-time hunters, etc., but only had a circulation of more than six million!

"Of course it's not just the distribution and sales in Japan!" Su Lu took a sip of his drink.

"Isn't the inland side deliberately linking cultural works with this side in the past two years. Although the two sides have not issued an order to introduce works from each other, the company here does not have sales channels in the inland area, but at least the comics here. Journals can be purchased on the inland network, unlike before, they were not available on the Internet!

At present, every week in dozens of inland provinces, which province cannot have online shopping sales of tens of thousands, which has also caused the sales of the main comic journals of the two comic companies, Jiniao and kc, to increase a lot. If it is online shopping, the ocean freight will be more expensive than periodicals. The value of itself is much higher, so the wealthy inland secondary apes have the ability to chase the manga periodicals of Japan! "

"Moreover, unlike inland comic companies, companies like Jiniao and kc have some sales channels in some small countries in Europe, America and Asia. The sales of overseas periodicals also sell 4 to 5 million copies a week... .. Really speaking of strength ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Compared with the Magic City Seven, I am afraid that it is worse than Tianji and Water Hedgehog. On the contrary, it is the comic works of these two, which are in other countries besides Dragon Kingdom. In the market, the popularity is much greater!" Su Lu said a lot in one breath.

"So, what do you think?" She looked at Chu Yu.

"It feels a bit unexpectedly strong, the strength of the comic company here!" Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

"Of course, after all, it is recognized that the origin of Longguo comics is here. If it is not for the lack of sales channels and works that cannot be introduced, the inland comics market may at least occupy half of it!" Su Lu said.

"But this is your problem. Now Chiniao and kc have tasted the sweetness of inland online shopping and sales, and are busy opening up the inland market. If you rush to submit your paper, people may not be willing to accept it! After all, there is a real opportunity to introduce In the past, the creators who asked the company to cooperate were all normal people!" Su Lu said.