I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In fact, this idea was also slowly figured out after staying on the island of Japan for a few days.

Previously, my mind was focused on animation and manga, so I didn't have much thoughts about things other than works.

But helplessly, the environment forced Chu Yu to think about these things.

Before in the magic city, Huang Ming asked him if he was interested in going to Japan to work together. At that time, he still had some expectations for drawing comics. After all, there were only comics, which were drawn by Chu Yu one by one. For animation, except There are many things in the play that he can't control, plus he didn't expect to buy the company instead of re-creating the company by himself...something went into a misunderstanding of thinking.

Moreover, Chu Yu can only afford to buy animation companies.

A comic company, even the HG comic company that Zhao Qinyin serializes works, Chu Yu doesn't have enough money to buy it. Like Jiniao, a company that has a comic magazine with a weekly sales volume of 7 million, but this journal is priced. At fifteen yuan, the sales of one of its journals are billions of dollars a year, not to mention the additional copyright value of past works. Chu Yu's money is a drop in the bucket...

Chu Yu's thinking is that the more he thinks, the more clear.

But Su Lu... was shocked by Chu Yu's words.

"What can I do for you...... I am a comic editor, why are you calling me on a trumpet?" Su Lu was deceived by Chu Yu.

"Just like you said, you should find someone in the industry who is at least a bit like when you open a trumpet, right? Otherwise, won't it be revealed soon?" Su Lu said.

"Oh, it's not right, it's not right, how come the discussion has gone to this point... Buying a company, then making animations, walking to the pinnacle of life, it is as simple as eating and drinking in your mouth. You have a few dishes, don't you drink with my back secretly!" Su Lu shook his head, his hair fluttered, his eyes rose, and he looked inexplicably cute.

"Of course it's not that simple, but those more difficult steps will be resolved by the ability of banknotes.....Although I am not very rich, but......to complete my goal , I think it's enough!" Chu Yu said seriously.

Su Lu was speechless, only then realized that the handsome boy in front of him was not ordinary in his pocket.

But Su Lu knew very well in his heart that since Chu Yu told her this kind of thing, he really trusted her.

This point made Su Lu feel warm in his heart. Chu Yu was so good. It was like this a few years ago, but it is still like this a few years later. Although he has become famous and rich, but how those things seem to change him. .

"But what you said is correct........I really want to find someone to be the vest on my face. I have to be trustworthy...and have. A certain foundation for creation, so you don't have to be doubted by others."

Two people couldn't help but point to one person in their hearts...Zhao Qinyin.

The female cartoonist on the street has transformed into an anime screenwriter for the Japanese island girl's romance......

If the work really catches fire later......maybe it is another Japanese island version of the story of the rise of the heart of water.

It's just a female version of the water heart...

The question is...will she agree?

No, how come I'm already thinking about this kind of problem...The point is, can things go as smoothly as Chu Yu said?

Su Lu raised a big question mark in his heart about the feasibility of this matter.


When Chu Yu and Su Lu returned to Su Lu's residence, it was already dark.

Zhao Qinyin leaned on the railing, and the night wind blew her hair and skirt corners. When Chu Yu was coming, a smile appeared on her face. It was really more beautiful than the moonlight tonight.

Su Lu was sad to see this scene. The two had known each other for six or seven years, and Zhao Qinyin had not seen her expression so brilliant when she saw her.

Zhao Qinyin received the message from Su Lu and prepared the food in the rental house in advance.

Beef hot pot, spicy...but in a light-eating place on the island of Japan, for them, this may be a devil-level cuisine.

But the three of them feasted.

In the meantime, Zhao Qinyin asked Chu Yu whether his submission went well today, and Chu Yu told her about it.

"Don't be frustrated. There are still so many Nihonshima Manga Clubs. Not all companies will reject you. With the quality of these three works, I must go to any company... Yes!" Zhao Qinyin also comforted Chu Yu.

But... after Chu Yu repeated what she said to Su Lu again.

She was stunned by it... even the chopsticks fell on the tatami.

"How about it, are you willing?" Chu Yu asked.

Actually, regardless of whether Zhao Qinyin agrees or not, Chu Yu will do this, but Chu Yu believes in her...If she disagrees, she can only ask someone else to act as a stand-in.

The hot pot soup gurgled, Chu Yu looked at her nervously, looking forward to her next response.

For Zhao Qinyin, who has always been upright, would she agree to this kind of thing?

"This is a lie, right!"

"Yes! But...For fans, who the author is, it never matters. The heart of the water can be me or anyone in this world. The work is the most important... ...I am not maliciously deceiving the audience of the works, but if I don't do this, it is difficult to say whether the video sites on the island of Japan will have the same concerns as the comic companies today after the works are produced!"

"Is this a very important thing for you? Even if the author's name of the work is prefixed with other people's names, as long as they can be published...does it matter to you?" Zhao Qinyin stared. With Chu Yu.

"It's very important... How many three years are there in a person's life? Do you know how many works can be created in three years? In the four years of the magic city, I created ten years of animation and comics. A few come out..... It has only been five years since I entered the animation industry, and three years... is a bit long for me! I feel a bit guilty for wasting time! This is a waste of my talent..." Chu Yu said.

Zhao Qinyin blinked.

"I don't care if your plan will succeed, but why did you choose me..."

"Because of the people I know, you are suitable..." Chu Yu said.

"Except for this reason, is there nothing else?"

"I believe you..." Chu Yu paused before saying.

But what he didn't notice was that Zhao Qinyin's hand shook unconsciously.

"I...I think about it!" Zhao Qinyin lowered his head and poured himself a glass of sake.

"No problem..." Chu Yu said.

After all, Zhao Qinyin's goal is to be a cartoonist, and Chu Yu rushed over to be her gunman. She was not suitable for this honesty, and it was normal that she was unwilling.

And Chu Yu didn't mention remuneration. A gentleman loves money and gets it in a good way. Whether it is Su Lu or Zhao Qinyin, they are all this kind of people. Although money is loved by everyone, it is not without a bottom line.

If you look at the money, Su Lu's conditions are to find a rich uncle to marry easily. There is no need to come to Japan as a small comic editor. She is still single. Zhao Qinyin is directly engaged in her professional work and wants to compare paintings. Her street comics are more profitable.

But what Chu Yu thought was right......for someone else to ask for this kind of request, Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin blasted him away no matter who it was.

But Chu Yu....... Zhao Qinyin is really thinking about this issue very seriously.

The work is not popular, but fortunately, it's popular...what should I do?

In other words... how likely is it that the three love works will not be popular?


Without sleep all night, Chu Yu began the next day...and officially began to implement his ideas.

He told Huang Ming who was far away in the magic city of his thoughts, and he made it clear that he would come over immediately.

Then he went to learn about the situation in the animation industry on the island of Japan...

After all, what Chu Yu wants ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is an animation company that has production strength, connections, and the company can operate normally, but is about to go bankrupt due to poor management. It is best to not have the copyright of any famous works in hand. Chu Yu also has to spend money to buy those additional assets.

That kind of company is cheap to buy.

What Chu Yu wants is the structure of a complete company. If a certain aspect of the company's strength is not good, you can spend money to dig people, but it must not be nowhere. There are no talents, and those who still owe a debt will definitely pass... .... It is best to be an animation company that can create immediately as long as the project plan is in place, the manpower is in place, and the money is in place....

And this kind of company..... With the help of Su Lu's contacts, there have indeed been several companies with good conditions.
