I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

On the plane of the Dragon Kingdom, the animation industry was originally developed on the island of Japan. In order to meet the demand for television broadcast schedules, these animation works are all played together in the four major months of the fourteenth and seventies every year. This is also a fanfare. Drama, the origin of these words in Xinfan.

Inland, because the development of the animation industry is accompanied by the popularity of the Internet, animation broadcasts have not formed such a phenomenon of crowded broadcasting. As long as you make it, you can publish it on the Internet at any time.

But the island area of ​​Japan is different. The habits formed during the past TV broadcast period, the habits formed by the two-dimensional group, the habits formed by the entire industry over the years, and the habits of the islanders in the entire region have also led to... ...Even in an era when the Internet has become so popular, TV broadcasting still has an influential force that cannot be underestimated, and the industry basically abides by the past one, four, seven, and fourteen habit of getting together online works.

Of course, don't think that you can make money when you broadcast animation works on TV. TV stations will pay you for the broadcast. On the contrary...many animation companies pay these TV stations to broadcast their works, just like buying advertisements. At the same time, trying to rely on the influence of the TV station to spread the influence of the work, to promote the peripheral sales, Blu-ray disc sales, and the second creation of copyrights. These are the profitable processes of animation works on the island of Japan.

Otherwise, so many animation companies would not go bankrupt every year.

However, after the video on-demand mode of online broadcasting and paid-on-demand video broadcasts in the mainland of China has spread to the island of Japan in the past few years, everyone has learned everything. It is true not to be exploited by the TV station.

And Chu Yu, after paying money, swiping a card, acquiring the gt animation production company, and retiring a bunch of middle-level worms from the company, he became the president of the company justifiably, and Huang Ming was called by Chu Yu to come to Japan. , Surely not here to be a **** on the island of Japan.

As in the past, Chu Yu directly let him invest more than two million yuan, and the company let him own 8% of the shares.

Then Chu Yu brought Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu together. After all, Chu Yu was inconvenient in his own identity, so he couldn't directly put the name of the screenwriter, so Zhao Qinyin would directly recite the title, and he would just be behind the scenes.

And Su Lu......she was a little hesitant at first, but Chu Yu said, working in a comics club is nothing more than digging out excellent comics. When I came to me, she could only dig out excellent animations. If your work is not inconsistent with your original intention to enter this industry... it convinces her. Anyway, if Chu Yu's company gets cold, it will not be difficult to find a job again with her contacts.

Moreover, under Chu Yu's "persuasion", Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin invested more than 400,000 and 200,000 respectively, accounting for 1.5% and 1% of the shares.

Chu Yu has always been a person of low affection and righteousness, which means that most people treat him well, basically he is indifferent, and it is difficult to get into his heart.

The meaning of emphasizing love and justice is that he is the kind of person who has developed himself and will pull up the people who he values.......

Huang Ming and Chu Yu have been cooperating for so long. Naturally, I know what Chu Yu's 8% shares mean. Chu Yu doesn't lack the money to join him. He just wants to make money with him, so Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin are brought in. In addition to the good relationship between these two people and him, he can also trust both of them. In the acquired company, Chu Yu would rather find someone with average ability and trustworthiness than someone with bad intentions. A capable person, otherwise you will be emptied when others run away with your own men.

But at least, Chu Yu can't do things like giving shares. The basic initial investment capital, within the limit, how much do you have... As for Zhao Qinyin because of that serialization. For more than two years, Poke Street Comics only saved more than 200,000 yuan to invest in shares, but she was able to have 1% of the shares. It was also because she would be the "author!" on the market for Chu Yu's works. There is a long way to go, and when a public figure is under a lot of pressure, Chu Yu has a deep understanding of it, so I don't bother to be so shrewd..... If you have more, it will be compensated.

Therefore, the eighty or ninety employees of this company, in some way, the sky changed, the boss of the company changed, many of the management were removed, and then replaced by another group of people.

The remaining employees are panicked. Is this going to be a major layoff?

Will the company be led by the new boss to engage in ergonomic animation?

Will the company return to the era of outsourcing companies in the past as usual......

I don't know, but all these doubts disappeared after two months of payment of wages in arrears...

A boss who can pay is a good boss, whatever he wants to do...just give it money.

So when one of the shareholders after the reorganization of the company, Zhao Qinyin took the three works of Chu Yu, led by Huang Ming, and gathered everyone in the animation production department for a meeting......

The animation of the three works was put on the agenda in late September.

The production cost of the animation is lent to the company by Chu Yu personally without interest...Anyway, the goal is...In January of next year, more than three months from now, three works will be produced at the same time. , And can be online on the Internet.

This time is not unreasonable, but money can make the ghosts grind, if there are not enough people, hire people, if you can't hire people, or the cost of hiring people is too high, outsourcing.

After all, they are three romance-themed animations. Unlike fz, which involves fierce fighting, the production of animation is not difficult, and.....Although the company is small, there are many old animators. These are old fried dough sticks with rich experience, let alone Chu Yu, even Huang Ming has learned a lot of details.

In private, I sighed with Chu Yu that although the scale of the inland animation industry is very large, whether it is the maturity of the industry or the level of employees......It is really not as good as that of Japan.

When the time comes, both sides will completely remove cultural barriers, and the animation companies of Longguo......I am afraid the impact will be infinite.

Everything went smoothly under the premise that money opened the way. I really want to tell you that the three works of Dragon and Tiger and the monthly girl Nozaki-kun were quickly reviewed by the cultural department of the island of Japan.

The animation screenwriter directly hung the name of Zhao Qinyin...As for Chuyu, the president of the animation company...Who cares? After all, Chu Yu tried his best to hide his information...

And even if someone is concerned, what if they have doubts? Anyway, the inland did not prohibit Chu Yu from opening a company on the island of Japan, and the relevant inland institutions did not have the ability to thoroughly investigate the tricks on the island of Japan. After all, those institutions do not have the energy to order this side. Normally, if it is related to the inland organization. If you raise an objection, I will give you face and say that you will check it, but it will be checked three years later, five years later, or ten years later. It depends on luck. After all, the staff is insufficient and the information is not clear. These reasons are just random. .

So the work was named Zhao Qinyin, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin colluded the words.......There is no problem on the surface, the publisher of the island of Japan, the video website company does not care so much. thing.

Even Chu Yu still has the idea to sell the works inland after the works are produced...After all, now both sides are trying to introduce each other's works from each other. .....

Therefore, on a certain day, Nakamura Ryu, the senior two-dimensional element and well-known up master of the island of Japan, would search for new information on the island of Japan in January next year.

Discovered and added information about three new works.......

I really want to tell you........ Girl love animation!

Monthly girl Nozaki-kun........Girl's love animation!

Dragon and Tiger........ Love animation!

Look at the production company.......gt animation production company.

He almost laughed and peeed.......As a Tucao master of the second dimension world, he Tucao this company's new April film "Tackling Superman!" Two months ago, this movie was smashed out of the sky. At the time of the work... It can be said that there are countless fans receiving the goods.

Do you think mischief means naughty?

Wrong, the protagonist in the animation will really use his nirvana to "trick or treat" the monster egg~www.mtlnovel.com~ to destroy the monster's despicable "Superman!". It was originally an interesting idea. It's a pity that the production is too bad........The sales volume of the video disc market is said to be less than a thousand........The net broadcast income is sluggish, and the production of square pants is lost.

After all, the production is so bad, the screen is so broken, and the plot is so ridiculous. It is rare in Japan in a year. It is also because his complaints in that period are too funny. The amount of video playback in that period is played on multiple websites across the network. Break ten million.......

Therefore, Ryu Nakamura was deeply impressed by GT, the production company of this animation.......

And now, this company is not thinking about making progress. Not only is it not affected by the loss of the previous game, but it is preparing to send out three consecutive bad results with one click in January next year.......It is simply, awesome, This will definitely require a wave of video spitting, and the popularity of the previous video...maybe it will be able to increase fans again!
