I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   Originally, at the beginning, Chu Yu's obvious bold look out of the screen made the heroine Fengsaka Dahe swear that words, including Huang Ming, Su Lu, Zhao Qinyin, and everyone in the company felt too bold.

   Isn't Chu Yu worried that the fans of the glass heart will snap off the trailer video?

   But the final result was completely different from what they were worried about...

  , on the contrary, is the traffic data of the trailer of Dragon and Tiger, and it has a very obvious advantage in the animation that was also broadcast in January during the same period.

This situation makes the old employees of gt animation company excited. Although the trailer does not represent the final result of the work, even so, the animation produced by gt animation company in recent years has been slammed by various works in the trailer stage. Then he was hung and beaten all the way to the end of the work.

   Otherwise, the work is slightly popular, and it is impossible for Chu Yu to buy a company that has been established for 20 years at such a low price. It is purely that even the former boss of this company is not optimistic about the company's prospects.

  The employees of the company, they are used to street shooting, but that does not mean that they want to make street shooting animations for the rest of their lives.

This new boss really deserves to be a big man in the inland animation circle. Even if he has money, the female screenwriter I got here is actually so powerful........Many employees are already fantasizing about the animation going live. Later, the scene of many fans in the animation circle was received.

As mentioned in the previous tidbits, one of the three works can break into the top ten popular animations in January. I dare not say that those are the seats occupied by the big productions of large companies all the year round, and the works of small companies will not be seen in a year. A dark horse emerged......but the first twenty should be fine!

   Many people think so...

As for Zhao Qinyin, thanks to the excellent production and revealing of the monthly girl Nozaki-kun and Dragon and Tiger trailer, the very attractive plot......under the official website of gt animation company , A large number of fans came to leave a message to express their support......

   But judging from the situation of the trailer, whether it is the monthly girl Nozaki-kun or Dragon and Tiger......all are above the standard.

  This situation made Nakamura Ryuu and a series of up masters confused.

  What's the situation?

   How did the gt animation company get better all at once?

   Last year, you made one work at the same time to achieve that quality, and now you produce three works at the same time, is it possible that you can still make a hit?

I do not believe......

   This must be a trailer trap. The trailer is well done, but there are still examples of death after the actual animation went live.

  Gt animation company will definitely make trailers with heart, and use feet to make feature films!

   Although he is actually a little fascinated by Zhao Qinyin, a beautiful animated screenwriter, as a short video up host, his responsibility is to pit fans.

  Well, the main reason is that the previous videos have been derogatory to the three works of gt animation production company... Now that I suddenly changed my words, doesn't it seem that I am very stupid.

   So in his fan group, he spoke decisively.......

"I don't believe that an animation company that has been producing bad movies for the past three years will suddenly explode. Just rely on it to find a 22-year-old girl who just graduated to be the screenwriter of these three animations? You look at the islands of Japan. Well-known animation screenwriters, who are not only thirty or forty years old to achieve something... You would not think that the situation of the well-known inland screenwriter Shuixin is common in the animation industry. Right! Hasn't that kind of freak appeared in so many decades? Don't think too much!"

   But his fans were not convinced on the spot.

   "But I just think these two works are very interesting. Although they are only released in trailers, they feel completely different from the previous love works!"

   "Yes, everyone can look so good-looking, can't she be a genius animation screenwriter? Maybe she is an existence comparable to or even surpassing the heart of the inland water?"

   "You are always water-hearted. Who is that? What is there to pay attention to in the inland animation industry? If our works cannot be introduced in the past, I am afraid that the market over there will be blood-washed by our side!"

"You are arrogant when you say this. The situation in the animation industry over there is no longer the time when pirated copies were flying in the sky more than ten years ago. After the environment is formal, good works will come into being, although there is still a gap with ours. , But it's not big anymore, and there are a lot of good-looking works! Especially the freak of Shuixin.......Although the communication operators are different, the speed of the website we log in there is stuck, basically I can't see the video, but it's not difficult for you to travel inland........after you go and look at his works, it's really amazing. At the same time, our works are here. It was really blown up by his animation works!"

   "Really? I don't pay much attention to that side. You are not the navy invited by the water heart!"

   "Damn, that Shui Xin has been sealed, so please invite any navy, I am just recommending animation to you!"

   "It's sealed, what's the reason!"

   "It is said to be his pinnacle work. The pictures in the rebellious Lelouch are a little bloody, it seems that the Japanese island area is described as a country, and then the pictures are a little bloody..."

   "That's it? Then our works are also the sinking of various Japanese islands. What about the movies and TV series that samurai kills the leaders of the region with one sword, can they also be blocked?"

   "So there are differences between the two regions!"

   "What you said makes me very interested. Where can I see this Shui Xin's work? I'll go see it!"

"Inland, Lelouch is blocked anyway. You can watch Shuixin's other works, but the basic internet speed is too fast. You can order Blu-ray discs online, but the price is a bit expensive. In the case of Lelouch, it's not available abroad. You can buy the foreign version, but the letters are in English, which is annoying, but the spoken language is Long Guoyu, so it doesn't affect viewing! Of course, you have patience. Anyway, it is said that the works of the two sides are trying to introduce each other, maybe one or two years. The animation website here has brought in Shui Xin's work, maybe!"

   Ryu Nakamura looked at himself and casually mentioned the name of the water heart boss, which caused a heated discussion among the fans.

   can't help but sigh, it turns out that in the Japanese island, the water heart boss is so famous!

As an up-host who loves traveling, he was like a new breed in the group two years ago. He dismissed the animation works in the inland areas. He always felt that those were rubbish. Anyway, they are all imitating works from the islands of Japan. But painting a tiger is not an anti-dog, until he traveled there for half a month last year........

   Can you imagine that the half-month trip he originally expected eventually evolved into a work that lasted for half a month in the hotel?

From the Internet, I worked hard to find the pirated low-definition resources of Rurouni Kenshin's comics, and then to the initial D, Natsume's Friends Account, Second Five, the Voice of the Stars, Magic Circle, Lelouch, Kaguya... ...

   This is so tempting, I can't stop it at all!

   As a second ape on the island of Japan who has been anime for many years, discovering the heart of water is like discovering a new world.

  He is a loyal fan of Shui Xin Dao on the island of Japan. He is full of regret and anger at Shui Xin's ban, but there is no way he can do it.

However, I saw that someone in the group dared to say that Zhao Qinyin might be a genius at the same level as Shuixin. Although he was only taking Shuixin as an example, it was unbearable... ..

   Although the female vase looks good, as a pious secondary ape, I choose one of the two beliefs in animation in the cute girl and the heart, and the latter is undoubtedly the latter.

"I firmly disagree with you comparing the big water heart with this half-way monk screenwriter. I still have that point of view. This work called Zhao Qinyin's screenplay must be of inferior quality. Don't be fooled by the trivial trailer! After all, I am. It's for everyone's pocketbook. We are determined not to let the trailer killer cheat money from us!" Nakamura Ryuyu earnestly urged his fans.

   "What if someone is another genius screenwriter?" the fan questioned.

   "She was a cartoonist on the street a few months ago, but now she is a genius screenwriter? What do you think?"

   "This is called Zhao Qinyin, which is comparable to the water heart boss, I ate my computer screen on the spot!"

   Ryu Nakamura was fierce and stood in the fan base!

   "Who can't speak big words?" The fans booed.

   "Well, you have to believe in the beauty of the girl, turn a blind eye to the obvious facts, and be willing to be immersed in your own imagination, fantasizing that a beautiful girl is a big-time screenwriter, then I will bet with you!!!"

   "What to bet on?"

   "The charity gambling king that I love to hear is coming out!"

"I still remember the scene where he played the classic Dragon Kingdom game Doudizhu on the Internet, holding a pair of kings, but accidentally singled a king and lost millions of game beans! And the opening card, the hand Holding four bombs, the awkward scene of being taken away by other landlords!"

   "Stop talking, I'm already laughing!"

   Ryu Nakamura watched the ridicule in the fan group, decisively, blood flooded his forehead.

"There are 82 new works in January, and gt animation company has produced four animations in the past two years~www.mtlnovel.com~ The popularity ranks the 59th in the popularity ranking of the works of the quarter. First, 63rd, 77th, and third from the bottom, this is the company's historical animation record!"

   "If one of Zhao Qinyin's three works can squeeze into the top 20 in the final popularity, I admit that I miscalculated her! I apologize for the original women's clothing!" Nakamura hesitated and sent the text.

   "That's it? What's so good about women's clothing? You have such a thick skin, does women's clothing affect you?" the fans boiled.

   "I haven't finished yet!" Nakamura continued typing.

   "If one of these three works can squeeze into the top ten most popular in January next year, my outdoor womenswear live broadcast.......it's hard enough!"

   "Outdoor womenswear live broadcast......it's interesting, millions of fans up the main benefits?"

   "What if someone else has a work that is the most popular?" Fans are not reconciled... asked maliciously.

   "Then how about I go straight down the gt animation company office building and run around the office building naked?"

   It's impossible anyway. Ryu Nakamura didn't dare to stand up, typing and sending it easily!
