I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   Obviously, not only Kawasaki Mahiro knows the goods, but the audiences who have seen the first episode of Dragon and Tiger have discerning eyes.

   Among the 17 works aired on the first day of the Chinese New Year on January 1, Dragon and Tiger is not the most popular and broadcasted.......

   But when the day was over, the Japanese animation industry discovered strangely that the work of Dragon and Tiger was outrageous.......

The score of this animation is not lower than 9.5 in the scores of works on major websites on the whole network. On Doudou.com, the authoritative cultural works score website, as many as tens of thousands of people have rated the first chapter of Dragon and Tiger, Dragon and Tiger The rating data of scam is fixed at 9.6, and on this website, the second-ranked new Safran Moon broadcast on January 1st has a rating of only 9.1......

   The low popularity is related to the production company's not well-known and poor publicity, but only the fan's rating data is not deceiving. After all, the cost of scoring is high, and no company is so stupid.

   That is to say.......This animation is really real, has the potential of a dark horse?

   Many people in the animation industry in Japan have such guesses.

   The audience who had watched the first episode of Dragon and Tiger on the Internet rushed to promote this work.

   Many wait-and-see parties are directly into the pit...

   And Nakamura, who made a bet with fans, suddenly became nervous...

   In his fan base, a group of people are already discussing the live broadcast of women's clothing.

   "Lao Long can't think of it, the three works of gt animation company have attracted a good start!"

   "It's just the first thing, don't be too happy, I can guarantee that the rhythm of this work will break down and return to the prototype!" Although his conscience is guilty, Nakamura's mouth is still very hard.

"Hahaha, don't deceive yourself. I don't believe that a work with such a high score will not even be popular in the top 20 works in January! Ah Long, you continue to deceive yourself, but I think you can consider mail-ordering women's clothing first. Come here! Or our fans can crowdfund and give it to you!"

   "You must pay for crowdfunding. Long Ge's women's clothing does not have my contribution, so how can I be worthy of my die-hard fan status."

   "Oh, what are you doing so happy so early? Can you be satisfied with just women's clothing? I look forward to running naked!"

   "Yes, three works, the first one to be broadcast performed so well, what about the remaining two works?" A certain fan didn't think it was a big deal, so he booed.

   Nakamura Ryu's fan group suddenly became a mess.

   He also whispered in his heart, took out the trailers of the three works of gt animation company and watched it over and over.

   There is always a bad feeling in my heart...

As for the gt animation company, after the results of the first episode of Dragon and Tiger came out, the employees in the company became excited... Judging from the broadcast data, as of January 2nd today , Ranked sixth among the 27 works broadcast...Of course, this data will continue to fluctuate, and it may rise or fall as the subsequent plot progresses.

   But with this result, it is already the best work produced by their animation agency in the past ten years.

   In the entire company, the production staff were basically not changed, so they changed to an animated version of the screenwriter Zhao Qinyin and the team members and funds brought by the boss.

   I really deserve to be the legendary boss of the Long Kingdom. Although he only came to run the company, the boss is the boss, really powerful.

   Many employees who originally disapproved of Chu Yu gradually became convinced of him.

   And Chu Yu, he casually understood the results of Dragon and Tiger's first episode, but his expression did not change much.

   "Hey, Chu Yu, your expression doesn't seem very happy yet?" Su Lu wanted to come over to see Chu Yu's smiling face, but it was obvious that she had miscalculated.

   "The current results can't decide anything!" Chu Yu said.

   "This work is quite long, so let's talk about it later!"

After all,    is a classic love animation of Dragon and Tiger in a parallel world. Chu Yu certainly doesn't care about the result of the first episode.

   Anyway, there will be a surge of popularity in the future, and it's useless to watch so many now.

   But for Su Lu, she naturally felt very dreamy.

   So creating a work recognized by fans is that simple?

   Su Lu, who has dealt with many street comics in the past, always feels that this matter has developed too smoothly, and feels a little uneasy.

   But Chu Yu ignored her feeling, after all, this kind of sigh will appear frequently in the future, just get used to it!

As for Huang Ming, he and Chu Yu have seen greater storms, and they also don't care about the results of the first episode of Dragon and Tiger. Even if the first episode of Dragon and Tiger is sprayed with blood on their heads, he does not care, because he I know that there will be a reversal in the future, because Chu Yu never engages in street-fighting works.

   This is the valuable experience Huang Ming has learned from the lessons of many works.......

   As for Zhao Qinyin, Chu Yu called her to the office in the evening and said to her earnestly.

   "From now on, you will probably receive a lot of people's attention. You still have the opportunity to go back now. If you go back now, it will have a lot less impact on you, but in the future, it will be useless to go back!

   "No need!" Zhao Qinyin's voice is clear, and she must have made a decision long ago.

   Chuyu originally talked about it casually, and understood that with her personality, since she had decided, she would not quit halfway through. This is to give her some psychological preparation first.

   After all, he is here...

   In the next few days, when he has two remaining monthly works, the girl Nozaki-kun and I want to tell you the first episodes, I'm afraid Zhao Qinyin's popularity will quickly spread.

   And from experience, if you want to be psychologically free from these effects, it doesn't matter how many people praise you, but you can withstand the attacks of the sunspots.

  Actually, many animation media now have their eyes on the screenwriter Zhao Qinyin of this work for the first time after the explosion of Dragon and Tiger performance beyond expectations.

   And Zhao Qinyin actually has two more works to be broadcast?

   will not be like Dragon and Tiger, they are all potential stocks, right!

   Many people are guilty in their hearts.

   But the three works of Chuyu were all aired in the first week, so when the monthly girl Nozaki-kun aired on the 3rd, this work obviously received much more attention.

   The monthly girl Nozaki-kun's work is a typical unit drama animation, in a romantic comedy style.

  In the trailer stage, this work has attracted the attention of many animation fans.

   After all, from the trailer stage, there are not many works that make fans laugh from ear to ear.

   and the feature film.......it really did not disappoint them.

   Sakura Chiyo, who was pulled over by the male protagonist at the beginning and blacked out for a few hours, naturally had an intersection with the male protagonist Nozaki-kun.

   Love elements, of course! But that is not noticeable.

   But the problem is......too funny!

   Is this a love work or a funny work...

   Can you imagine the unscrupulous laughter of an otaku from the corridors in the middle of the night all over the island of Japan?

   confessed that he was mistaken for a fan by the male protagonist, and the male protagonist gave her an autograph backhand.

   thought the hero accepted her confession and went to the hero's house, but was arranged to be a comic assistant for four hours.

My favorite girl manga home is indeed my favorite, and that guy is still a straight steel man. In order to draw a manga, experience what it feels like to download a girl riding a bicycle and create it into the work, pulling Sakura Chiyo directly on it. That kind of two-person bicycle.......

   The two seats are far apart, Sakura Chiyo can't hold Nozaki at all, and even feels embarrassed...

But Nozaki really found inspiration from it. He drew scenes of sweet plots in his own comics that made his fans enthralled, but the problem is... he needs to have the same emotional intelligence as the protagonist in his comics. , It must be out of order.

   But this guy... actually faced Sakura Chiyo's second confession at the end... and gave the heroine an autograph.

   In the expression of the heroine's crying face... the audience is laughing and hurting.

   Smile back to laugh...but after reading the work ~www.mtlnovel.com~ you still have to write the comments you should write, and you still need to write the score you should write.

   If it is said that the rave reviews after the launch of Dragon and Tiger on Wednesday, everyone still thinks it is accidental. After the broadcast on Friday, the monthly girl Nozaki-kun still got a score of 9.6 on the Japanese island professional rating website Doudou.

   and Dragon and Tiger are tied for the 56 highest-rated works of anime aired on the island of Japan from January to the present.....

   Can this be accidental?

   Fans do not pay attention to the information of the producer of the work, but the practitioners in the industry face competition all day long, so how can they not pay attention to it.

   The producers of these two animations are both gt animation company......

   And gt animation company, until half a year ago, was still a small company that was unknown.

Although it is said that the boss has been changed, it certainly has nothing to do with the explosion of the work. The two works can mainly stand out in January... The key point is that their screenwriters... .. Zhao Qinyin!

   is different from Zhao Qinyin's small popularity on the Internet before, this time, she really appeared in the eyes of people in the industry.
