I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In the next few days, I really want to tell you that the popularity is obviously growing much faster than before.

When Zhao Qinyin left work in the afternoon, many fans of works squatted down under the office building of gt animation company to give her gifts.

After all, the secondary apes on the island of Japan are notoriously active. Even if there are many fans in the interior, even if they really like it in their hearts, they often don't do anything in reality.

But the houses on the island of Japan are different.

Fortunately, I really want to tell you that most of your fans are girls, and Zhao Qinyin can handle it.

But when she returned to Chu Yu's house at night, her tired look couldn't be hidden.

After all, the two have moved into Chu Yu's home for several days. Although they didn't adapt at the beginning, Su Lu's adaptability was too strong, and she soon forgot that this was Chu Yu's home. .

One day I went to the supermarket to pick up bags of beer and drinks in the refrigerator, and sometimes I would climb the cherry blossom trees outside the yard when I was bored... I didn't care about the cold winter wind at all.

It is hard for Chu Yu to imagine that a 28-year-old woman looks normal on weekdays, but sometimes she looks like a child in private.

Under the influence of Su Lu's predecessor, Zhao Qinyin has gradually adapted to the life of moving here.

Anyway, the room has good sound insulation and concealment, even though Chu Yu is a man, and the room is very close to them.

But the same was true for the previous rental houses, where men rented upstairs and next to them. In fact, Chu Yu's privacy here is much better.

I just feel embarrassed...

"Wow, Xiaoyin, did you come back until ten o'clock in the evening?" Su Lu was wearing a big bad wolf furry pajamas, sitting on the sofa with his bare ankles crossed, and holding a bottle of milk in his other hand to make up. .

"No way, I was blocked by fans today, and I was delayed for some time, and in the evening I was pulled over by the person in charge of Xinman.com in Japan to shoot a video. After all, a few days later, with the broadcast of the fifth episode I really want to tell you, The inland side is also updated synchronously.......so I made a small video here to let fans of Xinman.com get to know me!"

While talking, Zhao Qinyin tidyed up the corners of his skirt, looking secretly at Chu Yu who was transforming to play with a mobile phone on the sofa next to him.

She admires Chu Yu. Zhao Qinyin's current reputation is far less than Chu Yu, but she finds it so difficult to deal with these problems. However, Chu Yu's fans in the mainland were much higher than her.

Dealing with these things every day is again comics and animation...

"Really, just take those videos casually." Chu Yu heard this and raised his head to look at Zhao Qinyin.

"On Xinman.com, since I really want to tell you episode 5, we will broadcast our company's three works simultaneously with Japan Island!"

"Yes, soon, your fans will feel the fear of being dominated by the warrior you love again. Although the vest has been changed, it is still you!"

"Don't talk nonsense about what love fighters!" Chu Yu's expression was a little embarrassed.

But fortunately, the two of them were not ready to provoke such an embarrassing topic here. Whether it was Zhao Qinyin or Su Lu, the two of them quickly fixed their eyes on the TV show, and I really want to tell you about the other three works. In the news, his expression gradually became serious.

After watching the two adjust to the life of living here, they nodded slightly.

It's just that he looked at Zhao Qinyin more, feeling a little guilty, if he didn't ask her to come over and do these things, otherwise she wouldn't have to deal with so many things.

Moreover, it seems to tell you the beginning of the fourth episode. Although many fans are discussing the plot, there are also some impatient fans who can't help but directly attack the screenwriter.

Even if Chuyu had a large number of fans and a huge influence in the mainland at the beginning, but in truth, Chuyu had tens of millions of fans, but the number of black fans might have exceeded one million!

Chu Yu was worried about whether she could bear the bad remarks made on her by the outside world.

After all......The fourth episode was just a little out of context and it was so appetizing that it was sprayed by many fans.

And the fifth chapter... Then there is too much too late!

Thinking of this, Chu Yu felt ashamed.

He earned the money, and Zhao Qinyin was scolded, which was really embarrassing.


On the other hand, when the Inland New Man Network processed the interview video shot by Zhao Qinyin overnight, it was released.

The group of new mannet gentlemen who had been appetite by Zhao Qinyin for a week long came naturally.

As an official recommended video, fans of the site can see it by opening a new manga. As long as you don't look dazzling, you will be attracted by a beautiful cover of a video processed by Zhao Qinyin's photo... ...

"Okay, all fans of Xinman.com are welcome to click into this video. I can guess for what purpose everyone clicked into this video. Okay, gentlemen, please type the word gentleman. On the curtain!"

A good-looking female host said enthusiastically.

The moment the fans clicked on the video, their eyes were all around, and they were a little lost when they didn't see Zhao Qinyin.

However, it was obvious that I understood everyone's ideas very well in the later stage, and soon, as soon as the lens shifted, Zhao Qinyin was captured.

In the video, she sits in a chair, next to a female interviewer.

At this time, those new mannet gentlemen naturally did not hesitate to type with both hands, expressing their innocence.

"Damn, I thought it was fake. The previous pictures were from PS. I didn't expect the real person to be so beautiful!"

"Loved, I feel I am in love!"

"Such a cute girl, why doesn't she develop in the magic city? If you run over there, if you are in the magic city, wouldn't it be the same as Teacher Shui Xin?"

"Maybe both of them are now blocked!"


Fans quarreled at the beginning of the video, but although Zhao Qinyin in the video was a little nervous, he still said clearly.

"Hello everyone on Xinman.com, I am the new animation broadcast on the island of Japan in January. I really want to tell you, Dragon and Tiger, the animation screenwriter Zhao Qinyin of the monthly girl Nozaki-kun!"

"After more than ten years~www.mtlnovel.com~ Japanese island works were once again introduced inland. This is a historic moment, and it was at midnight on February 1st! The first day of February, I really want to tell You, Dragon and Tiger, and the monthly girl Nozaki-kun's three works will be launched at the same time, and in the days to come, the follow-up animations of the three works will also be broadcast on time at the same time as the islands of Japan! Thank you for your support!"


The video is very short, only one minute, but many people who watched the video were attracted by the screenwriters in the video.......

Needless to say, the animation created by such a cute girl will definitely watch it...

However, many people sneered.

Just after leaving a heart of water, Zhao Qinyin also appeared!

Do you really think such a young genius is a bad guy?

This group of people regard Zhao Qinyin and her works as hype on the new mannet anyway!

However, at this time, some people who are studying or temporarily living on the island of Japan are starting to help spontaneously and want to tell you that they have spontaneously promoted.

They really think so.

What is the strongest anime in Japan's January new show!

Super beautiful romance animation!

A series of words such as the animation works that will be broadcasted inland during the New Year are all popping out.

And this naturally arouses many people's dissatisfaction...

When you look at the vase, look at the vase. Why step on the inland works to raise this girl?

You said she is talented, I can believe it, but if she blows her head over, it's a bit counter-attack!

In this case, coupled with the help behind the new mannet, Zhao Qinyin's popularity in the inland two-dimensional circle has risen at a much higher rate than expected.......
