I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Many boys feel inexplicably distressed when they see this place, let alone girls with richer emotions.

And watching animation, novels, movies, etc., can move people mainly because the audience feels the resonance.

Although everyone is not Heinuma Shuangzi, the misunderstandings between Heinuma Shuangzi and friends that were discriminated against by the people around him do not understand, and the ridicule of the people around him can more or less find sympathy for many people.

And the kindness, pure thought and character of the heroine are also envied by everyone.

Although there are many candidates, many people will certainly not be willing to be purely good people. After all, this kind of person is too disadvantaged in society, but this does not prevent everyone from liking this kind of person.

So why does it seem to tell you why you can be so successful in the parallel world, because it is indeed the character design of the heroine Shuangzi Kuronuma from the beginning to the end, bit by bit, everyone from the beginning was caught by her Sadako's nickname smiled, and then to the back, she knew her heart. After her life experience, she felt sad and sad for her Sadako's nickname.

Putting aside her optimistic character, Kuronuma Shuangzi is just an ordinary girl who longs for friendship and love.

Therefore, in the animation plot, when Kuronuma Shuangzi decides to stay away from Yoshida and Yano, away from the queen dowager Feng Zaosho, when she is lost, in tears, and sad, the first warm man of the whole work appears in front of Shuangzi Kuronuma again.

"Why avoid me!" Feng Zaoxiang asked.

Chong Chong Chong!

Male lead, good job, you're the one at this time!

A large number of fans, including Zhan Jin, cheered.

I feel that the scriptwriter, the hero, is really well set, his boyfriend is max, gentle, smart, innocent, and cute........

In reality, I really hope to have such a boyfriend!

"Please don't talk to me...!"

Heinuma Shuangzi obviously couldn't help it!

Then don't have to bear it anymore.

Zhan Jin thought fiercely, pounced on him, kissed him, and raped him!

"Sure enough... I still can't say it! I can't say anything against my heart... I'm sorry, your popularity has dropped!"

In the animation, the style of painting changes suddenly, and it took a long time for Shuangzi Kuronuma to establish a psychological line of defense, only to be disintegrated by Feng Zaoxiang's eyes.

I just cried out, really like a child!


On the animated barrage!

"So cute, I can't stand it anymore!"

"Where can I find this kind of girlfriend? I also want to find one like this. She pretends to be a ghost and scares me every day!"

"Feng Zao is so cute. He had a serious face just now, but now he is panicking!"

"Ah, I can't stand it anymore. When did these two people confess? In the first episode, I thought it was going to be fast. Why is this the fifth episode? I hope Teacher Zhao will work hard! Six words confession, seventh words marriage, eighth words giving birth!"

"Ms. Zhao, is it already called that way?"

"Teacher, this honorific title is given to those capable animation creators, but I really want to tell you that this work has conquered me in one night! Then naturally call her like this, just like calling Shuixin teacher!"

"Speaking of which, the age of the screenwriter Zhao Qinyin seems not too old!"

"According to the news disclosed by Xinman.com, she seems to be twenty-three years old, speaking like Teacher Shuixin!"

"It's amazing! Although the creative style of Mr. Shui Xin is different, but she feels that she is very difficult and powerful in the theme of love. I have seen this type of work for many years, and a few of Long Guo The works of master creators of love works are basically all to see, and it is hard to say later, but as of the fifth chapter, I really want to tell you that the works of those people have really exploded!"


On the animation screen, the tentacles are typing while watching the animation. The densely populated barrage is much more than the zero point when it was released. Tonight is a victory for the staying up party.

And the animation plot continues to progress.

Feng Zaotao didn't even know what Kuronuma Shuangzi was crying for?

Let your popularity drop?

What nonsense reason.

The audience burst into laughter, and Feng Zaoxiang was too directly blinded.

Until Kuronuma cried and explained that because he was with Fengzao, Fengzao's evaluation was lowered. After the popularity of girls fell...

And Feng Zao Shotai, at this moment... grabbed the hand of Kuronuma Shuangzi who was out of control...

"This kind of thing shouldn't be decided by Kuronuma. If I want to talk to Kuronuma, I will talk to you. If I don't want to, I won't talk to you like this!" He said in a hearty voice.


"Ouhuooooooooo!" Zhan Jin was extremely excited.

It's not easy, see the fifth chapter.

The two finally held hands.


Zhan Jin, the second adolescent girl, started various fantasies.

"It doesn't matter whether it is rumors or anything. To me, the black marsh I saw is the real black marsh!" When Feng Zaoxiang said this too seriously, let alone a girl like Zhan Jin. Many boys can't stand it.

On the barrage, the barrage of all kinds of secondary two teenagers apprentices came out.

This is youth, not just a campus environment, but a pure face of heroes and heroines!

"I'm so happy..... It's like saying, it doesn't matter if you stay by my side like this!" Heonuma Shuangzi stared at Fengzao, thinking like this in her heart.


The animation plot came out of the previous gloomy ~www.mtlnovel.com~ entanglement, but Yano and Yoshida really care about it.

Obviously I feel that Shuangzi likes them, but the rumors are good. Shuangzi was not talking about friends. The next day, Shuangzi apologized to them and moved out of the classroom seat next to them, and deliberately did not speak to them..... ...

So annoying...

The two want to make friends with Shuangzi, but...everything is pointing. Shuangzi really doesn't want to be close to them.

The next day, in the girls' toilet on campus.

Shuangzi made up his mind to confess his wishes to Yano and Yoshida, hoping that they would continue to be friends with him.

But outside the toilet door, a group of girls in the next class were talking there, talking about the rumored rumors of Yano and Yoshida's "Hundred People" on campus, and the rumors of bad girls.

And Heizuma Shuangzi hurried out to explain...

But she was forced to the wall by the leading girl.

"It's really annoying... Yano and Yoshida are they!"

The girl looked at Shuangzi maliciously and provocatively, and said with a smile

"That unscrupulous girl and the adulterous girl, right!"

Shuangzi's eyes widened. In the whole work, only at this moment, her expression...maybe angry.

In the next scene, Shuangzi, her fist is clenched.......

The story of just half a minute, in an instant, provoked the anger of countless animation fans.

Beat her, beat her!

Support you, Shuangzi, hit her!

Can't bear it, this girl owes k!

Zhan Jin's anger rose in his heart.

However, the next second......ed song rang!