I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"Brothers, draw your sword!"

"Hey, where do you step on shit?"

"Feng Zaoxiang don't pretend to be a gentleman at this time. The women's toilet should also rush in, and use your hearty fists to defend the hostess!"

"The boxing champion is early? It will blow up if you make this animation!"

"I want to burn this woman's hoofs in red!"

"Oh, I'm so violent, the Coke can in my hand was...Oh!"

"The old man's hands couldn't help shaking!"

"The one in front? You are great!"


Obviously, this episode aroused the anger of almost everyone.

Everyone is looking forward to the reaction of Kuronuma Shuangzi...

But even so, the heroine still did not use force.

"The two of them were only with you because of fun, and now they are probably bored, aren't you the same? You approached the two of them only for the purpose of getting close to Fengzao!"

The girl stepping on the black marsh Shuangzi laughed at her wantonly!

"Now they have become a stumbling block, it is an eye-opener, please leave everyone as soon as possible, and stay alone, if that's the case... we can also let you go!"

"not like this....."

"You don't have to let me go! Take back what you just said..." The hostess was very firm.

"Ah, what are you talking about?"



"Everyone knows nothing, how the two treated me tenderly......you don't know anything!"


It is also the classic Heinuma Shuangzi's inner monologue and calm and slow words, but the audience did not feel tedious in this passage.

Obviously, if any other character in the animation is so long-winded, and a little bit of **** is still not resolved, everyone must have given up right now.

But I really want to tell you the difference. Although I can't tell the difference, I saw the heroine Shuangzi Kuronuma working hard to defend her friends and help Yano and Yoshida to defend...

A kind of moving slowly in the depths, and then slowly growing......Finally......

"How much I like Yoshida and Yano-kun...No, I don't like it, not so much like..."

"It's better to say...that, I like them the most...they!"

At this moment, when the audience's inner touch reached the peak, the music and atmosphere were rendered to the highest point.

Yano and Yoshida appeared, and rudely removed the heads and feet of the girl from Class A from Shuangzi Kuronuma. The two of them, like a wall, stood in front of Shuangzi Kuronuma, and the other dozens of students in Class A. A girl confronted.....


"Tears, old lady's tears!"

"The evil Asashi!"

"Is this the friendship of high school students? Envy, pity my junior high school students are all intrigue and cry!"

"Oh, I like these three girls!"

"What the **** is this, I am a loyal fan of Teacher Shui Xin, I can't fall into it... I feel I am in love with this animation, and I am in love with the screenwriter Zhao Qinyin too!"

"If you can think of a screenwriter girl with such a warm plot, and create a cute and simple heroine like Kuronuma Shuangzi, she must be a kind girl in her life."

"I am a tauren (ntr) lover and one day I watched Pure Love and cried. There must be something wrong in this world!"

"Here it is!"

"My sister, get out of the way, don't come to ruin the touch of others!"

"I wanted to see shoulder falls and whirlwind legs, but now I just want to cry! The heroine is really distressing!"


"It wasn't made by Sadako, it can't be said by Sadako..."

Heinuma Shuangzi's words solved all the misunderstandings in the triple room.

Yano and Yoshida looked at the girls who were bullying the heroine on the opposite side.

"Everyone is a junior high school student, you can't help it, the record of ninety-nine consecutive victories against the men's competition!" Yoshida Chizuru clenched his fists, his knuckles crackled.

"If you dare to shoot at Sadako, I won't let you go!"

Just one person, the opposite group of girls backed up, and then ran out of the toilet.

There is no violent plot that everyone expected before, but for some reason, fans including Qiao Lin, the hostility in their hearts almost disappeared.

Yes, it was originally a pure love animation, it is really not suitable for fighting and killing!

It was mainly the touch brought by the friendship between the hostess and the three of them, which overwhelmed the previous soaring resentment.

It turns out that the girl's love animation......can still be created like this?

In the works I saw before, the plastic friendship molding inside is a bit unbearable to look directly at it, Zhao Qinyin!

In the animation, after a girl like that exited the toilet, Shota Kaze directly said something next to him.

"I hate boring rumors the most, and the people who spread these rumors..."

Feng Zao said very loudly.

And the girl who bullied Kuromaru obviously liked Fengzao. When she heard this, her expression changed.

This makes the audience feel so dark!

In the following plot, the repressed anger in the first half of the story has been transformed into a warm one.

Shuangzi Kuronuma was in the toilet, crying like Yano and Yoshida apologizing...


"If there are misunderstandings in the future, no matter how many times, I will eliminate these misunderstandings, so...can you become friends with me?"

Heinuma Shuangzi's words lasting several minutes, once again aroused the tears of fans.

"So this animation, I have to move Lao Tzu several times!"

"Although it is a shameful toilet, why are you so moved!"

"I can't stand it anymore, Shuangzi is so cute!"

"The Big Three in the toilet appeared!"

"So.... Did this misunderstanding take three words to resolve?"

"It feels a bit bad, although it looks so cool and moving, but it continues like this... How long will it take for the male lead and the female lead to confess to each other! Ten words are okay? "

"Ten words, it should work! These are not six words that are holding hands, and another ten words...emmmm......like, compared to other animation works..... .... This progress is unexpectedly slow!"

"Thinking about it this way, I feel impatient again. Do you feel that way when you watch this animation?"

"Just kidding, my gastroenteritis is about to come out!"

"you're not alone!"


At the end of the animation, the female er walnut reappeared, revealing a cute expression, and after giving fans endless reverie, the end of understanding this sentence is over.

More than 20 minutes of animation, the plot is flat and straightforward, there is nothing out of the ordinary, the plot is also very simple, but the audience is very satisfied after watching it.

Originally, the score of this work on Xinman.com was only 9.6 because of the malicious bad reviews of Shuixin fans, but now, after reading this, those fans seem to have rebelled.

They couldn't bear the inner condemnation, so they raised the score quietly, so they created the feat of telling you that the score soared from 9.6 to 9.8 in one night.

But one night passed, and as expected by Chu Yu, the entire Long Nation two-dimensional circle environment was full of hype about the sixth chapter that I wanted to tell you.

After all, there must be nothing wrong with blowing. Today, I will click on the barrage that I want to tell you the sixth chapter. That situation........The entire barrage is all in the high-energy episode.

Even Zhao Qinyin's Twitter account on Japan Island has gained 200,000 followers in one night. After all, many fans of the Dragon Kingdom are just lazy. It's not a difficult operation to fan a cute sister animation editor.

Colleagues, on Xinman.com, all kinds of short videos that I want to tell you have started to create.

Of course, due to the subject matter, it is certainly not as popular as Jojo and Lelouch at the beginning, but anyway, it is in all the animation works broadcast in the spring of the Dragon Inland and Japan Island.

I really want to tell you that after episode 6 is broadcast, it is undisputedly the most popular work.

And at this time....... I really want to tell you about the introduction, but only eight days have passed.

In just eight days, this girl's love work suddenly set off an upsurge of attracting fans.

This scene is familiar, isn't it?

That's right, wasn't that guy Shui Xin like this back then?

Debut is the pinnacle of life that ordinary people can hardly reach, but that is just his start!

But Zhao Qinyin... is even more exaggerated than Shui Xin's guy at the beginning!

To be sure, Zhao Qinyin's three works have their own merits, and Shui Xin's debut work is unheard of, but the current performance of Dragon and Tiger and monthly girl Nozaki-kun seems to be no different from that work. Up to now, the two works are only on Xinman.com, and the average number of episodes has exceeded the three million mark.

And it seems to tell you that it broke through four million and went straight towards five million.

Compared with the episode of Lulu Xiu of Shui Xin, which has an average of 20 million views, these are all miscellaneous fish data... But although the rhino is not as good as the elephant, the problem is the jackal in the new January animation. Not even tigers and leopards, just a bunch of golden monkeys...

Before the broadcast, all kinds of bragging, and now the animation debut of a girl in her twenties, has been slammed 360 degrees in all directions within a week!

To be honest, although everyone has been spraying Zhao Qinyin as not as good as Water Heart... But I really want to tell you the results of this drawing. Its final score is not even a set of 8 or 9 million, or 10 million. Really impossible?

Even if she is not as good as Shui Xin, it seems.......it has crushed the inland animation industry a bit!

Fans don't feel much, anyway, Japan Island is also the Dragon Kingdom, but many people in the animation world of Magic City feel shame.

Being crushed by a young man like Shui Xin, although he is shameful, he still has a bit of shame. After all, he is famous in the interior, he is his own...but now... The young girl is crushed, and she is still making her debut!

The inland media are just fans who have this idea, and they have no face to attribute Zhao Qinyin's achievements to the inland animation industry, let alone them!

If in the second half of the year there are few masterpieces of inland works ~www.mtlnovel.com~ I want to tell you what to do to reach the top of the Dragonland animation market this year, then everyone is really dumbfounded.

After all, Japan Island is also a member of the Dragon Kingdom. In the past, the Dragon Kingdom included the works in this region when it ranked the popularity of animation works in the country.

It's just that the work in this area was not on the list due to demographic reasons and the data was not good, but now I really want to tell you that after the introduction, there is no such obstacle, I really want to tell you that it was broadcast in the first two years. Among more than one hundred animations, whether it is popularity, popularity, broadcast volume, influence, they are all the first animations, and they are much higher than the second...

Although it feels impossible, many people still can't help thinking, isn't this really a genius who can challenge the heart of water?

This situation directly energized everyone in the magic city animation industry.

What's going on these years?

Genius took one!

But now, after all, Zhao Qinyin hasn't even finished a single work, so it's hard for everyone to say......

But judging from the number of searches and mention frequency of her in the inland animation industry, the media, and Weibo.......

Along with what I really want to tell you is the fire, and her screenwriter........

Throughout Long Country, fan groups about her began to form.

Although she didn't register an account on Weibo, it didn't affect the fans who wanted to tell you that the commentary gathered quickly.

The photos of Zhao Qinyin when he was in Japan began to spread wildly on the Internet, and even many fans of Chu Yu had defected.

Although they are still enthusiastic, but now...... Chu Yu has not heard for a long time, they seem to be more interested in this cute girl!
