I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

The plot rhythm of five centimeters per second is not as tight as the voice of the stars.

Because Star Voice was an animation independently produced by Xin Haicheng, in addition to the soundtrack, even the male lead lines were matched by him himself. It may be due to funding reasons, so the plot and everything are as concise as possible.

However, in the period of five centimeters per second, there is a certain amount of funds...so the whole work, the feeling is... delicate!

In fact, love works, once the plot is refined, the inner drama of the hero and the heroine will become a lot, just like I really want to tell you this!

The same is true at five centimeters per second, but this kind of plot also tests the author's level. After all, what everyone wants to see is the inner emotions of the protagonist who appears real and empathetic, rather than a funny worldview. The protagonist's personality is very important. .

But obviously, within five centimeters per second, the character of the protagonist who is confused in his heart for junior high school students like Takaki Tono is very immersive.

After all, who is not lost at this age? It's easy for everyone to bring it in!

When the screen enters one point, there are many discussions about style and plot in the barrage.

Of course, there are some inland people who seem to have seen this work a long time ago, frantically pinging signals,

"Energy ahead!"

"If you want to sleep well tonight, don't look at it, listen to me, I'm here!"

"Listen to brother, don't watch it, you will be uncomfortable then!"

"Fuck, don't you spoilers! Spoilers are boring!"

"Here I apologize to everyone on the island of Japan. Those in front are all inland fools. This is another healing masterpiece by Teacher Shui Xin. They are afraid that the work is too warm, and it will make you sleep too comfortable. It's a beautiful dream, it's unkind to tell you not to look at it!"


Sawai Misora ​​saw it inexplicably, but it is not surprising that there are many people working in the interior of Japan Island, and a lot of people from inland provinces go to work here, so many inland people who have seen this work have spoken. It is also normal.

But... Since you have all seen it soon, why don't you go to Japan Island to buy it again? More money?

Sawai Misora ​​didn't know at all, these people came to watch the animation, they were purely the first reaction of the people on the island of Japan being abused by Mizuhin's works.

These works of Chu Yu only went online for half an hour, but in fact, at the end of more than fifty minutes at a speed of 5 centimeters per second, many Chu Yu fans from inland China rushed to the bomb train..... No, there was a barrage at the end of the scene where the train was driving, and many people even communicated there with the barrage.

And it's not just that Qianduotu is fun, there are also some up-hosts of Xinman.com, seeing that the inland fans are so looking forward to seeing the islanders across the sea being abused by Shuixin's works. Someone actually did it for this. This event was broadcast live.

For ordinary people, the two networks are not the same operator that causes the network speed card to explode and cannot communicate with each other. Ordinary people do not know how to solve the problem, but for the technical house, this kind of thing is easy to handle as long as it is willing to spend the cost. Isn't it just a live broadcast? Then broadcast it!

These people deliberately clicked into the live broadcast of the animation page ten minutes late. At this time, there were more bullet screens and more speeches in the comment area.

Although this kind of behavior is very boring, but the two-dimensional fans are such a boring group of people.

After all, I was tortured by Shui Xin's works before, and now I am standing in the perspective of the prophet, watching this scene where the second apes on the island of Japan repeat their mistakes.......inexplicably refreshing.

The popularity of this kind of live broadcast is not low. Several live broadcast rooms have rushed into the top 100 popular late night live broadcast rooms of Xinman.com.

And a group of people including Sawai Misora ​​did not know that when they watched the animation, they commented on the plot and these things were actually exposed to the eyes of the inland secondary apes on the other side of the sea.

Five centimeters per second plot from Tono Takaki's junior high school plot, memories, getting on the train, being late, waiting, kissing, parting...

In the high school period, the development of Wazumita flower seedlings, the confusion of Tono Takasuki, and Akari's fading away.

Behind, Chengtian Hanae mustered up the courage to confess, the rocket's lift-off, the tail flame......

Cheng Tian Hanmiao knew that she would not succeed in her confession, but she couldn't give up her feelings and couldn't help but feel sad when she cried...

Unknowingly, Sawai Misora ​​burst into tears.

People who are impressed with their first love may feel that the separation between the male lead and Akari is very regrettable.

But for those who have had a crush on others, but did not have the courage to confess, watching the plot of Sumita, from the beginning of shyness and courage, to pushing home together, the sense of fear and fear rises.

Going to the back, I understand the kind of sadness that my love affair will never get a response........

Sawai Misora ​​was a person who came over, and instantly thought of the person she had crushed in love with.

Emotions got out of control in the middle of the night, and the content of the barrage crackled out.

Communicating with a group of people watching this animation late at night seems to reduce loneliness a bit.

But... when I saw the third section of the cherry blossom copy at the speed of five centimeters per second...

The content of the barrage made her feel bad.

It's all nuclear energy ahead, a warning to run quickly!

In addition to the inland people who have seen this work a long time ago, there are also some Japanese islanders who have just finished watching this work.

Judging from the barrage, it seems......Isn't the ending very good?



Which one is it? The barrage ends up depressing, and it is cured!

Seeing an animation all have anti-string black?


Twenty minutes later!

"At this moment... If I look back, I can feel it strongly, and she will turn back too!"

When this line sounded.

The animation barrage was swiping together...

"Fry the train!!!"

In the beginning, only some Chuyu inland fans who have watched this animation are playing fun, but now, many Japanese islanders who have watched this animation have come back here to follow suit after watching this animation!

"Fried train? What do you mean?" Sawai Misora ​​did not know the calendar.

But... when the long, long, long train passed by, the opposite street was empty, only the sight of cherry blossoms falling...

Sawai Misora's heart is hollow...

She had only finished watching the Voice of the Stars an hour ago.

I was feeling a little collapsed, but now... it's all collapsed.

There is an unspeakable uncomfortable feeling, and the numbness is perplexed.

On the ending song, the barrage flashes one by one......

"Oh my god, how could this be? Akari and Guishu ended this way?"

"Wtf.... How did this work have been hurt by women before creating this kind of animation, but...why did he hurt me?"

"I can't stand it anymore, thinking of my first love, I can't hold back the tears!"

"Tears, I hope the author doesn't do this! Let's put them together in a second part!"

"Shui Xin... Is he a human? How could he be like this?"

"You don't know that Teacher Shuixin has a name in the inland, the warrior of love.......His works are very loving!"

"I want to send a blade to the author of this work!"


In the middle of the night, this scene was broadcast in the live broadcast room of Xinman.com through live broadcast.

Fans in the interior said it was comfortable!

"I never thought that one day, I would be so happy to see others being pitted by Teacher Shui Xin!"

"Facts have proved that if you have a hard mouth, you must be ruled by Teacher Shuixin. Before the broadcast, the secondary apes on the island of Japan threatened Mr. Shuixin to be famous. Now no one dares to talk about the barrage! They are all discussing the plot, and no one dare to mock Shuixin. Up!"

"The people over there are actually like this. You are really powerful and people respect you. The so-called works of my local friends who used to spray water before came to Japan Island, a place with a higher level of animation, and they revealed the original ....Now guess what news they posted just now?"


""The heart of water...the **** of depression! "Oh, almost didn't laugh me to death!"

"But speaking of it, it's really a bit sad, just such a talent, and disappeared like this, obviously his works are still so popular!"

"You said that Teacher Shuixin seems to have retired. I believe that Mr. Shuixin will be resurrected with full blood by then!"

"I can only say that I hope, three years are too long, who knows what will happen? Maybe Teacher Shuixin disappeared for a lifetime like this?"

"Bah, baah, don't crow's mouth! Teacher Shuixin was born to be a **** in the animation world~www.mtlnovel.com~ how could it disappear?"

"That's... If Teacher Shuixin really disappears by then, I'll come over and blow you up!"


This evening, many animation enthusiasts in the inland and Japanese islands were very active.

But after seeing the speed of five centimeters per second, Sawai Misora ​​couldn't sleep at all.

Over and over again, there is the sound of stars in my mind, the scene and the plot at the speed of five centimeters per second...

The picture of the green train and mecha driving towards the stars of the universe kicked out!

heart broken!

The brain is very active!

Three o'clock...

Three ten ten...

Three thirty...

Can't sleep...

Sawai Misora ​​sat up, her pupils looked like faint stars in the dark night!

She looked at the computer...

It seems that... this person called Shui Xin has another work called Initial D!

I can't fall asleep anyway, so why don't you take a look, maybe doze off after watching it?

After all, it's a racing animation, so there shouldn't be any depressive plots!

With such thoughts......Sawai Misora ​​turned on the computer.

And her behavior is basically equivalent to opening a Pandora's Box!

The initial D is nearly forty words, and I read three words in one hour, and I have to keep reading for 13 hours.

It is enough for her to see four o'clock in the afternoon from now 3:30 in the morning...

Still want to sleep tonight? Don't sleep if you have a nap...