I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Of course, what Chu Yu released was the personal information of the first season.

After all, the second season of this animation has not been produced there yet. Information like the hero's daughter Okazaki Shio will definitely not be played back, otherwise it will be too spoiler, even the daughter has appeared, you say Nagisa Furukawa What is the ending of Tomomi Okazaki?

After all, the first one is about the shameless love story of a man and a woman on campus! Self-spoiler, Chu Yu would definitely not do this kind of thing!

But after all, during this period of time, whether it is inland or Japan, there is too much news about the two works of Skystar Animation's Ao Xian and GT Animation Company.

Perhaps the production staff of the two works are not the strongest among the animations broadcast on the Dragonland market in October, but after this period of time, it can be said that anyone who has a little knowledge of the Dragonland animation market is basically familiar with these two films. Works have an impact.

gt animation company invested, the famous romantic novel writer Li Xiaojun's Qingxian animation part of the information has long been disclosed.

Li Xiaojun is best at campus love themes, but this is also an old story. Basically, the time of the protagonist in love works is basically concentrated at the time of high school, and there are very few junior high schools. After all, the love of high school age is different. There will be a resonant time in high school for all ages.

Young people will look forward to it, and older people will miss it, and Qing Xian's work is as always high school and campus love, but to be honest......From the information disclosed, Qing Xian's animation The style of painting is really gorgeous.

The real ones are pretty boys and girls. The style is very similar to idol animation. This style is easy to attract the student party, but it seems a bit uncomfortable for adults. After all, adults Even if I understand anime, I like the kind that is more stable.

Tianxing Animation Company has been in the industry for so many years, and naturally knows the truth. Choosing this kind of hype is obviously the main target of the student party market. After all, the main sales group of Li Xiaojun's past works are students, even if she turns to animation, she I also know where my strengths are, and I have a clear positioning of myself.

But it's different...Although it's a love animation, the characters are a bit cute, and the style is not sharp, very sleek, and there is no such thing as a awl face and chin at all.

At least from the perspective of the senses, people of any age will not feel uncomfortable with this style of painting, that is... the vividness of the characters is definitely not as high as Qingxian.

After all, Chu Yu basically borrowed from many parts of Jingani, an animation production company in the parallel world. Many of the characters in the animation works of this company are carved out of a mold. Fans call them Jingani's face, which is The face is basically the same, and the biggest difference between the different animation protagonists is the hairstyle.

But in this world, there is no Jingani company, and naturally no one will complain about it. However, as Haruhi Suzumiya, Qingyin Girl, and Zhong Eryi have to fall in love, Bingguo and many other well-known animation production companies, In the parallel world, the Japanese island animation market finally moved towards the cute style, and Kyoni also contributed a lot of strength.

Because this company, such as the light sound girl and many other such easy and cute animations, finally achieved good results that everyone could not imagine, the Japanese animation industry in the parallel world has "Oh, it turns out that this kind of work is so popular with waste houses. It's so profitable!" After that, many companies imitated it, which can be regarded as a great change in the ecological environment of the industry.

So obviously, it is not a problem for Chu Yu to continue Jingani's animation style in this world, but everyone feels that it is not gorgeous enough.

But it doesn't matter, what gorgeous style does this work want? The plot is enough for tears!

But although Chu Yu is ready to be criticized by the industry and fans.

However, from the effect point of view, it seems that everyone's tolerance is still good.

Under Zhao Qinyin's Weibo account, many fans privately sent her to ask questions, wanting her to reveal a little bit about the plot of the work.

Many media outlets on the islands of Japan and inland have also compared the information disclosed in the two works.

Although Chu Yu thinks these people are quite leisurely, the two works have not even a synopsis up to now. Does it mean to compare and contrast?

But the end result is that Zhao Qinyin's fans and Li Xiaojun's fans are quarrelsome under such an article. After several weeks of confrontation, the two fan groups on the Internet are now considered to be very hostile to each other, everywhere. It can be seen that the fans of the two are pinching and tearing, which also causes the smell of gunpowder between the two to be very strong.

The current situation is really embarrassing who loses! And it's not just as simple as losing. Zhao Qinyin was named the strongest genius after the water heart by the media because of his rapid rise at the beginning of the year. Qin Yin confronted because of the obvious difference in appearance and age, and the truth of the three characters for beautiful girls is a bit hard to tell.

But in any case, in the eyes of people in the industry and even outside the animation industry, Li Xiaojun's popularity, strength, and qualifications should be better than Zhao Qinyin......plus he is still dead. The battle between the two escalated to the battle between the inland and the Japanese island animation world. If who loses in this situation, it goes without saying that the loss of fans must be very serious.

After all, if you want to step on someone in the upper position, you can't do it without any price...

Li Xiaojun still has this psychological preparation, so she is also very active during this period of time. Tianxing Animation Company has also learned the story of the rise of the heart of water in the past. Who knows you when engaged in animation, and arranged for Li Xiaojun to go to the inland. The animation program of Wang is occasionally scheduled to be broadcast live on Xinman.com. From time to time, the emotional scandal is manipulated and then quickly clarified. Of course, in these processes, I don't forget all kinds of mocking opponent Zhao Qinyin.

However, Zhao Qinyin on the other side of the sea has been relatively quiet since the previous video responded to her, whether it is Weibo, or the video account on Xinman.com, nothing has happened.

So over time, the enthusiasm of gt animation company and Zhao Qinyin subsided again.


Of course, Chu Yu didn't bother to pay attention to so many rumors on the Internet. As for Li Xiaojun's various ridicules of Zhao Qinyin's and gt animation company's behavior, Chu Yu was eager for the other party to do so.

Anyway, after the time it was broadcast, the work on the Internet is now so badly blacked by their navy, when the time comes to suppress savings and rebound, the stronger it will naturally be!

Now May is almost over, UU reading www.uukanshu.com really wants to tell you that the plot is about to enter the late stage. In fact, I really want to tell you that since Walnut was defeated, the plot has been scattered for a long time. Mainly about some small daily life of the male and female host and the emotional entanglement between the male and female friends, such as Sanada Ryu, Chizuru...

Although the plot is as exciting as ever, it is obvious that the tension that the fans have caused by the appearance of disruptors like Walnut has disappeared for most of the time.

So in this plot, I really want to tell you that the popularity growth is slower.

Three or four weeks ago, I really want to tell you that the average number of episodes is 9.4 million, and the data for the island of Japan is 3.3 million! But until last week's position, the average number of episodes on the island of Japan increased to 3.41 million, while the number of episodes on the mainland side of the dragon was 9.93 million.......It's bad. It only broke through the 10 million mark!

But today..... I really want to tell you the day after Chapter 21 was broadcast...It can be said that it is whether it is from the Japanese island animation industry or within Lu's animation industry is all concerned, I want to tell you the latest data.

Of course, Japan Island is paying attention here, mainly for regional honors. After all.......After almost a year since the cold water heart, the inland animation industry has not come up with one. Works with an average broadcast volume of over 10 million come out......If works from the introduced regions of the island of Japan really want to tell you to be the first to achieve this achievement, then everyone in the animation industry on the island of Japan has face, maybe Someone will meet to have a spine dinner at 8 o'clock tonight!

As for the inland animation industry...the mood is a bit complicated...