I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

As soon as time passed, it was June.

For Chu Yu, this period of time allowed him to regain the feeling of being in the magic city.

At the beginning, he was a manga and anime guy. He had to attend various events, such as live interviews, autographs, etc. After he came to Japan, he switched to animation. Although the output did not decrease, in fact, Chu Yu's personal workload has been reduced!

After all, after Chu Yu produced the script of his work, he only used to control the progress and quality of the animation. A lot of troublesome things, so many employees in the company are not in vain!

But now... after the production of cnnad is on the right track, for Chu Yu, his personal work intensity is much higher than before.

However, Chu Yu was accustomed to this kind of work intensity since he was in the magic city, and now it is still used to it.

Up to now, the two animation Dragon and Tiger that gt animation company is serializing are now coming to an end.

I really want to tell you that although it is expected that there will be some content in the follow-up, but it will only be two or three months. Before cnnad airs in October, I really want to tell you that it will end, and then... the whole gt All the power of the animation production company will be concentrated on cnnad.

For Dragon and Tiger, its production will be over in nearly a week. At the same time, the members of the Dragon and Tiger animation production team will also be included in the production of cnnad!

After all, as Chu Yu had planned at the beginning, he was going to let cnnad proceed at least at the same pace as the three episodes of the week when it started broadcasting. After all, Chu Yu had already discovered it.

When the work level reaches the A or S level, apart from your name, the animated film works of Sky City are both S-level works and short-form works. Basically, the other works are medium and long-form works, but this Naturally, there are works with this kind of evaluation in the system space, without a certain length, how can they accumulate popularity? Nobody is angry in the parallel world, the system will definitely not give it such a high rating!

Chu Yu is not interested in being like the cartoonists and animation creators in the parallel world. It takes ten or eight years to serialize a collection of works. Therefore, like this, it is necessary to control a company and expand the recruitment of manpower to concentrate on the production of animation. On the way, as long as there are sufficient funds and personnel, don't say anything for a week. After the animation that I really want to tell you is over, another part of the manpower will be freed up. It is not impossible to be more efficient! Moreover, the network broadcast has this advantage compared with the previous TV broadcast mode. You only need to consider whether your fans have time to watch the animation, regardless of the schedule!

It's just a bit difficult for the employees of gt animation company to understand.

After all, they used to produce weekly animations. They broadcast at least three animations a week like this. They really haven't encountered this kind of rhythm... But the manpower is really enough, but they cooperate with each other. There is a slight flaw in the time, but the overall progress is still following.

However, if you do this, the entire company is indeed very busy now, and Zhao Qinyin, as the nominal screenwriter of this work, basically runs between the production team and Chu Yu's office. Not only must Chu Yu's requirements for animation, but also the details To the production staff below, Zhao Qinyin, the script editor of this work, also took on most of the work.

Huang Ming and Su Lu are responsible for some of the company's external commercial activities.

For example, reporter interviews, negotiations with partners, after all, the current gt animation company wants to tell you that it became famous in the animation industry in Japan.

It is also famous in the Tokyo area, and the cnnad of gt animation company is one of the animation works with the largest investment on the island of Japan this year. It has also been manipulated by the media and turned into a head-to-head confrontation with the inland animation industry.

Many businessmen have also seen business opportunities from this. Peripheral manufacturers have come to Huang Ming early to discuss matters, and those advertisers will not let this opportunity pass.

However, Chu Yu is very cautious about the placement of advertisements. He himself is extremely opposed to such things as advertisements, but it does not mean that it is completely impossible. Chu Yu can still accept things that do not affect the viewing experience of works.

You're like the protagonist drinking a bottle of soda. It's okay to make an advertisement for a certain soda company, but don't think about what kind of underwear production company you are. Is it possible that Chu Yu asked Furukawa to wear **** underwear to give the audience benefits... ....emmmm! Although Chu Yu was a little excited at the time, he immediately killed this idea in the cradle!

However, although animation production keeps everyone busy, other things have not stopped.

In two months, Chu Yu has been on the island of Japan for nearly a year. Speaking of which, Chu Yu has been doing various investments for gt animation company during this year, in order to tell you to wait for the works to make various investments.

But this is not to say that Chu Yu's overall economic situation this year is losing money.

After all, in the past year, Chu Yu has also benefited a lot from various channels.

For example, past anime works like Lelouch, initial D, Madoka Magica, Natsume's Friends Book, and Miss Kaguya. After all, they are all works that have just been completed not long after they have been completed, especially Lelouch Hemu. Magical girl Madoka, it's not much to say about the popularity abroad! So although the income of a single work is not good, but all together, the average monthly sales of various peripherals cost nearly 20 million after tax for a month. For these ten months, Chu Yu has earned 1.9 dollars. Billion.

And Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, although Lelouch is banned, it has nothing to do with it. So far, every month, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure comic book sales are still in the top ten of the Dragon Kingdom. The stamina of this work is beyond everyone's imagination. .

When Chu Yu left inland, the average sales volume of this work was just over 6 million, and now, the average sales volume of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure volume has reached 9.3 million, squeezing out the position of the demon heart... .... officially became the tenth-volume-selling comic in the Dragon Inland comics industry, and the sales volume of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure booklet is still very high now, a few years later, maybe this ranking will be a few higher. Ranking, after all, in the comic sales list, in addition to looking at the level of the work, it takes time. No matter how good the work is, it is impossible for the sales volume of one or two years to catch up with the sales volume of the old comics for decades. From this perspective, jojo's The annual sales volume of Bizarre Adventure is crazy.

And from the sales revenue of comic book books increased by Jojo's bizarre adventure, Chu Yu received more than 77 million yuan in revenue.

In addition, Chu Yu's past collection of old works have been stationed on the island of Japan. Until now, the rebellious Lelouch has an average of 6.5 million views on the island of Japan, and the two episodes of the white album have an average of 3.1 million. Hui Yeda Miss wants me to have an average of 3.05 million in love episodes, an average of 5 million in Madoka Magica's animation collection, and 4.8 million in theatrical version.......Chu Yu introduced a total of nine animations. The highest Lelouch episode on the island of Japan has an average playback volume of 6.5 million, and the lowest Miss Huiye wants me to have an average playback volume of 3.05 million in love episodes!

It can be said that within two years of normal Japan, there may not necessarily be nine works in the local animation market with an average broadcast volume of more than 3 million, but in such a short period of time, under the vigorous promotion of local video animation companies, Chu Yu and Japan Island's These animation video companies have blood washed the purses of the Japanese secondary apes. After all, the price of Chu Yu's works starts at six yuan per word in Japan, and the price of Lulu Xiu is eight yuan per word.

Although the broadcast volume may only be about one-third of the inland due to population reasons... But considering that the top of Chu Yu's works in this area, in turn, it is three or four times that of Inland Dragon.. ...

To be honest, after these works were introduced from the inland to the island of Japan, the income of the island of Japan alone is no worse than that of the inland area.

Chu Yu calculated this account at the beginning and estimated it, but he never thought about it, there are so many!

Moreover, this is not the case for one work, but the case for every work.

Although there is a huge gap between the audiences of the animation industry in the two places, in terms of financial resources and volume, the animation industry on the island of Japan does not lose the inland.

After all, in the last century, Japan Island was supported by the official funds of the Dragon Kingdom in order to undertake the economic planning tasks of the Dragon Kingdom. On the whole, the Dragon Kingdom has not completely entered the ranks of developed countries because of its large population. Large economy, per capita income ranks among the top 20 in the world, a proper standard for people in developed countries!

Otherwise, the Dragon Kingdom officials will not promote the integration of the cultural fields of the two places so seriously, it is indeed not in the interests of the Dragon Kingdom to have two circles in one country.

And in the end, after this bunch of works have been bloodbathed on the island of Japan over the past few months, after harvesting the pockets of the second apes on the island, the income after the tax is finally divided into...1.4 billion, and It is after tax.

This figure is exaggerated. After all, the total income of Chu Yu's works broadcast in the inland is almost so much.

Although it is very exaggerated, if you think about it, it is the total income of nine top animation works such as Lelouch and Puella Magi Madoka...This is nothing.

After all, the highest-grossing film in the interior of the dragon has a box office of almost 6 billion, and the production company has a share of about 2 billion.

So many top animation works are no better than a movie, it is more profitable to make movies!

Chu Yu sighed inwardly! When do I get those animated film works, such as the Ghibli Animation Complete Works, I can also go to disrupt the movie market!

Chu Yu's thoughts drifted past...but there is no complete works of Ghibli, all of them are split, just like Jojo's bizarre adventure, they are basically S grades, such as Spirited Away, Sky The city of these, and some of Ghibli's relatively less well-known animated films, such as the conversations of the years, the sound of sea waves, and the gratitude of cats, are all works with high redemption value in the A grade.

Chu Yu is still in cnnad and hasn't gotten it, so think about those things first!

However, the money went to the animation studio of the copy. Chu Yu and Huang Ming's income was ninety-one cents as agreed, so Chu Yu's actual money was 1.29 billion, and Huang Ming came to Japan inexplicably. Shima made an animation that he wanted to tell you, so he was credited with one hundred and four hundred million. These days, he was laughing from ear to ear.

Of course, Chu Yu's income is so large that he can't hide it from the Inland Dragon. The relevant information is normally kept secret, but, well, works such as Lelouch are so popular on the island of Japan. Those who are interested will pay attention to this information, and the companies on the island of Japan have formed a company to connect the copyright business of the copyist studio. To be honest, this kind of information is crowded.......also Just exposed!

So......on the third day after Chu Yu received the money.

This incident can be considered to have completely erupted in the interior of the dragon and the island of Japan.

After all... on Weibo, the news that Teacher Shuixin's annual income of 1.4 billion yuan this year is so eye-catching, so... let those Shuixin fans and It is so difficult for the sunspots to look away.

1.4 billion, what concept? An individual creator, not a team, or a company, can have so much income for one person? This is higher than the annual income of many listed companies with thousands of people.

seriously? Isn't Ms. Shuixin blocked? Still so tired outrageous?

When he was not banned at his peak last year, didn't he only earn a few hundred million dollars? Can this income be an order of magnitude after being banned?

Many people clicked into the information and looked at the sales volume and sales price of Lelouch's works on the island of Japan........

The income of each of the nine works is calculated......and then tax deduction.

tmd..... The last sigh of Shuixin's fans is that the attention paid to Mr. Shuixin's income is so high that Mr. Shuixin's tax payment this year is several hundred million yuan.

I can't help but complain when I'm in the middle of the circle. It turns out that the taxes of the rich are so high. If Teacher Shuixin pays taxes, tmd's efforts to break through two billion years of income is not a problem! Fortunately, my salary is only 3,000, and I can't pay the tax....Otherwise, I will feel distressed.

But fans can hardly see Teacher Shui Xin on Weibo's hot search again. Naturally, it is impossible to let it go so easily and speak freely.

"Teacher Shui Xin is really awesome, and it can still be so awesome when it's cold, how can the so-called creators like Longguo be so embarrassed? People who lie down and make money are money they can't make for a lifetime!"

"Heizi is mad! Those who hate the rich, after Teacher Shuixin was banned last year, a group of people said that the Dragon Kingdom society does not need the malignant tumor of Shuixin teacher, and the will of Shuixin teacher is decadent and infected after being unable to create anime. Habits are bound to go bankrupt quickly and become impoverished in old age. It's silly now. No matter how much they hate the rich, it's useless. Teacher Shui Xin can earn more than 100 generations of these people a year!"

"But this is too high, it feels so outrageous, one billion a year...Does animation make money like this?"

"It's not that animation makes money, but that teacher Shuixin is outrageous. Think about it, his works are normal. Perhaps three or five large animation companies may not be able to create so many top animations in two or three years! And these works, he is in Within a year, he invested all in the Japanese island area, and it happened that the otaku there was spending more and more expensive......He has made money in the Japanese island for almost the past four years in the inland for a few months, think like this Does it feel better? After all, this is a four-year accumulation. Once it broke out, it will definitely not be so exaggerated in the future! There is only one opportunity for this kind of quick money!"

"It's fine once, I have this opportunity once in my life!"

"Then you can be a partner of Teacher Shuixin. This news talks about Mrs. Shuixin, but not Huang Ming, the partner of Mr. Shuixin's copy studio. He accounts for one-tenth of the studio's revenue. , Teacher Shui Xin made 1.4 billion in half a year, then he made 140 million in half a year. Although the animation industry ridiculed him, he would report his thigh, but what's wrong with holding his thigh? Luxury cars, luxury houses, clubhouses have everything they need, It's impossible to become the second Shuixin teacher, but doesn't Shuixin have two legs? If you have a chance, you can hug the other thigh!"

"Envy......Oh, but compared to this kind of news, I hope that Teacher Shuixin will return!"

"Wait, come here almost a year, there are only two years left!"


Fans are all talking about it, and in the inland animation world, there are also all kinds of sentient beings.

In addition to envy, many animators are also pleased with Shui Xin's persistence.

It is no secret that the news of Tianxing's billion signing of the killer under the water heart is not a secret among the high-ranking groups in the animation industry.

Everyone is also talking about it, a discussion group for a big animation industry!

"Last year, Shui Xin was banned and I still think he is stupid. Now it seems that I am stupid. Why do people want to sign a 15-year and billion-dollar sales contract? Hahaha... "

"Yes, if you are banned, you will be banned. Isn't it good to travel in three years? But the "billion" signing is only a mere "billion" signing money. Shui Xin doesn't care, right! What kind of deeds are still being signed!"

"Oh, this is just one fat man, talent is self-willed, indeed, I also think that Shui Xin would rather be banned than sign the one billion Star Star contract is too greedy. Looking at it now, the price of tmd Star Star is an insult! "

"I'm looking forward to it, the day when the heart of water returns in two years!"

"Billions of net worth may not come back, I can't go to get married and have children to travel around the world, is the wife not cute or the world is boring? Come back?"

"Yes, but if he does come back, there will be no other explanation except his love for anime. I hope he will come back!"


The industry and fans talked about this time constantly this day!

However, Chu Yu's work has earned 1.26 billion yuan in Japan Island, plus 190 million yuan in revenue from each work. Chu Yu has 170 million yuan. It's only June, and Chu Yu's income this year has been As much as 1.43 billion.

Indeed......this is very outrageous, after all, like the monthly girl Nozaki-kun, it seems to tell you that the income of the three works such as Dragon and Tiger has not yet been accounted for, so it has not been included.

However, the bulk of Chu Yu's visit to Japan is 30 million yuan for the acquisition of an animation company, 30 million yuan for a house, and a total of tens of millions for the three animation works.

However, there are all kinds of fragmentary income, advertising endorsements and other income. When Chu Yu came to Japan Island, he was worth more than one billion yuan, plus the billions of income...and again. Exclude the production costs of the 90 million cnnad that has already been allocated.

Chu Yu now has as much as 2.4 billion in the bank's money.

It's a pity that Chuyu never watched the movie The Richest Man in Tomatoes in the Parallel World~www.mtlnovel.com~, otherwise his current doubts will be answered.

Why is my tmd deposit more and more after spending money so hard? I really don't want to work hard anymore! After all, in the second half of the year, I really want to tell you that the income of the three works will be paid in succession, 1.4 billion in income... just the first half of the year.

After all, the purchasing power is really converted into the two world currencies. Chu Yu's 2.4 billion net worth should be more than three Wang Duoyu!

Suddenly felt a little helpless...

Chu Yu looked at the works in his system space, and didn't want to think that he would continue to be a model worker and make animation works for a few years, and how much his assets would be in ten years.

let it go!

These things were just an episode, and soon, a few weeks passed by.

cnnad's animation production is progressing rapidly, and the trailer can be edited and released!
