I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

After all, they are two works that competed in the October animation market at the beginning, and it is normal for the two to compete.

   And indeed, Qingxian's animation trailers really give fans a much higher sense of expectation than ad. Although Zhao Qinyin's fans are very angry, there is no reason to refute it.

   "It feels so annoying, what is Li Xiaoyun, why does she have to take Teacher Zhao Qinyin with her speeches when she participates in any activities!"

"That is, teacher Zhao Qinyin created animation on the island of Japan without any movement, but Li Xiaojun talked a lot of nonsense a day. Originally, I supported the two works of Qingxian and ad. What is the dispute between the Japanese island and the inland genius animation girl? Not interested at all, but Li Xiaojun is really annoying now!"

"What else can there be? Hype, you can see the overwhelming news related to Qingxian on the Internet now! I now open the ud browser, and under the animation news section, the ud shock department is back in the world, and Sixty-seven of the news content, either shocked the high quality of the Qingxian trailer, or shocked the ad trailer's mediocrity, thinking that teacher Zhao Qinyin's genius girl name will completely collapse in this ad! "

"Just take a look at these news. Teacher Shui Xin didn't release a new work that year. These media reported in this way. The true genius will not be knocked down by the so-called public opinion... ."

   "Except for river crab Dafa!"

   "The one above, open the door and check the water meter!"

   "You know too much about the above, be careful across provinces!"

"But to be honest, although the content of these media reports is unpleasant, it is true that people are not chaotic. In addition to the quality of the ad trailer, it seems that there are really no bright spots, at least at the beginning. The trailer I really want to tell you is very attractive...I hope this work is also a work of teacher Zhao Qinyin! I don't expect this work to be able to tell you so much. , But to maintain the quality of Dragon and Tiger, I think that in the field of animation on the theme of love in the Dragon Kingdom, no one should think about questioning her like this now!!"

"I like her inexplicably anyway. I feel that she is very similar to Teacher Shui Xin. Whether she is talent or her creative desire and energy, she may have seen the shadow of Shui Xin in her body! I hope she is. Come on!"


   Zhao Qinyin's fans gathered together to discuss topics about her, but on the other hand, news was also released on Xinman.com!

Three days later, at 8pm, Zhao Qinyin will be a guest on Xinman.com's live interview.......to answer some doubts about the work, and......there will be more Interaction with fans!

   This is a temporary news released by Xinman.com. It was sudden, but there is no doubt that this news aroused the intense attention of fans and Zhao Qinyin's black fans.


   "Damn, the new comic network is awesome, do people send people to interview from Japan island this far?"

   "I can finally see my wife show up again, excited, I will definitely watch the live broadcast on time in three days!"

   "But what does it mean for Teacher Zhao Qinyin to suddenly engage in this kind of activity? Is it a response to Longguo's current online doubts about ad? The timing is quite coincidental!"

"Isn't Li Xiaojun like to provoke Zhao Qinyin on the Internet recently? He also belittles the ad, maybe Mr. Zhao Qinyin will fight back? I look forward to seeing Mr. Zhao Qinyin and The scene of Li Xiaojun tearing up each other......I miss it a bit!"

"Know what you miss? Miss Shui Xin's various scenes on the Internet, right? Although he basically didn't show up in the later period, he was scolded by a bunch of old seniors as soon as he debuted... . It looks really cool now!"


  The sudden announcement of Xinman.com caused some ripples in the inland animation industry.

After all, although July is coming, the July animation market is full of fish belly works. The big catfish, Shui Xin, did not swim in the ponds of the inland animation industry. The major animation companies are now very relaxed and new works. The quality is visible to the naked eye.

   Tianxing Animation Company!

   Li Xiaoyun looked at the announcement of Xinman.com, with a slightly disapproving expression on his face.

She is still serious about Zhao Qinyin, but Zhao Qinyin stays in a small company after all. It is obvious that the support provided to her works is very average. Although the two of them are pinching each other's works, but now in terms of public opinion, Her green string is much better than the opponent's ad.

   In her opinion, Zhao Qinyin suddenly did this, but just wanted to restore the trust in ad in the inland animation market. After all, if a work has a bad reputation, how can it attract cute new people.

   It's just that...I have participated in similar activities more than a dozen times, and you are only starting now... Isn't it too late?


   As for Xinman.com's interview with Zhao Qinyin, it had already been booked, and Chu Yu was not prepared to let Zhao Qinyin go to the troublesome network to explain directly because of these things.

   But since there is such an opportunity, Chu Yu will not be too low-key.

   The day before the live interview, Chu Yu had a long-lost vacation for herself and Zhao Qinyin, Su Lu, accompanied them on a trip around Tokyo, and then went shopping in the mall to buy a few sets of clothes.

After all, Zhao Qinyin's beautiful girl image is very helpful to enhance the popularity of the work and increase the stickiness of fans. If Chu Yu herself, it may be more casual, but Zhao Qinyin's words...Chu Yu I also specially invited a well-known makeup artist in the Tokyo area to paint her makeup.

The make-up artist is Hitomi Sato, who spends his days in the film and television circles in Tokyo, and specializes in helping the crew to make up the stars out of the country. However, under the temptation of money... occasionally she will come out to pick up some extra money. !

   But when I saw Zhao Qinyin who needed makeup and Su Lu who was with her, the fat woman's eyes lit up.

   After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Although Japanese makeup is known as the nickname of disguise, but if you really look like a pig, even a powerful makeup artist can't make you up as a person!

But to be honest, Hitomi Sato thinks that Zhao Qinyin's job is not easy to pick up, after all, her own conditions are already very good~www.mtlnovel.com~ Everyone often sees some beautiful women remove makeup, in fact, she has to take off the makeup. Plain makeup may look better than makeup.

The same is true for Zhao Qinyin. On weekdays, she and Su Lu don't make up much to go out. After all, they also feel that they were good at first, and a few things were wiped on their faces, which had a counterproductive effect. And...Chu Yu is also very venomous, at least not less than ten times saying that the two of them have become uglier after putting on makeup...

   "How is it?" Zhao Qinyin tentatively asked the makeup artist below.

She was actually quite shy. It was just a live broadcast. Chu Yu took her and Su Lu to buy a bunch of clothes, and stood at the clothing door looking at her and Su Lu and the clothes in the store. Going back and forth, both of them felt weird both physically and mentally!

   Now I invite a makeup artist...

   So troublesome! Is it so troublesome to just put the name of the creator?

   Zhao Qinyin sighed, but immediately, his mind went to other places...

  Chu Yu, he has been in the magic city for four years, and he has so many jobs to deal with these things. Sure enough, he is too good...

"Don't worry, although I charge a lot...but it is expensive! To ensure you are satisfied, it may take a few hours... You first change the clothes you are on the spot Go on!" Hitomi Sato showed a confident smile!
