I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Huang Ming's office...

   Su Lu walked in directly and walked to the opposite side of Huang Ming in the lead.

   "Su Lu, why are you here?" Huang Ming's heart beat.

   "What did you say to Chu Yu!" Su Lu's expression was bad.

   "I didn't say anything!" Huang Ming blinked.

   "Then why is Chu Yu suddenly abnormal?"


   Alas, my brother, your acting skills are not good. I said that you can keep it as it is for the time being and pretend to be confused. If your acting skills are not good, I can't help it.

"Cough cough cough......I can assure you, I definitely didn't talk too much, but I just said a few words casually, maybe......probably Brother Chu has realized something by himself. !" Huang Ming looked righteous.

   "After all, a straight steel man is also a man.......Some things may come to my mind!"

   "However, I can't say how much he cares about it!"

   Huang Ming quickly cleared himself away, he didn't want to squeeze in Chu Yu's Shura Field.

  Anyway, these guys may have the opportunity to become their own younger siblings in the future, whether it is Zhao Qinyin, Su Lu, or Gu Yan from the magic city......

   Ghost knows who wins in the end? Anyway, in this case, the choice to support my brother is all it takes!

   He......get it?

   Su Lu had a dull expression, stood for a while, and then opened the door stupidly to return to his office.

   But as soon as I opened the door...

   At the door is Zhao Qinyin who is about to knock on the door!

   "Chu Yu also apologized to you?" Su Lu asked.

   "How do you know?" Zhao Qinyin exclaimed suddenly.

   Obviously, she also noticed something was wrong, and came to look for Huang Ming.

   is over, Chu Yu must have noticed something?

   This apology is not a pun!


   Next few days...

   Chuyu thinks that Su Lu and Zhao Qinyin are both weird, and they always look at him unconsciously when eating.

   It's also when he comes out of the shower, and when he gets up and takes it...also when watching TV!

   The atmosphere is very strange.

  And the two girls, they don't know how far Chu Yu knew?

   is guessing? Still doubt, or something else.

   But looking at Chu Yu's expression, it seems to be exactly the same as before.

   For normal people, if they know their thoughts, they will either refuse, and then ask them out of their homes. After all, the saying goes well, not marry He Liao.

   But Chu Yu didn't mean that at all... But if Chu Yu was not disgusted... I didn't see that he had any intention of approaching the two of them actively!

   Huang Ming's speech is ambivalent, which means he didn't say it, so he said that Chuyu's brother might have become awake, who knows what he thinks?

   And one night, Zhao Qinyin went out for a night run alone... Su Lu finally couldn't help it, she was not so introverted like Zhao Qinyin.

   Anyway, death is dead!

   "Hey, Chu Yu..."

   "What's the matter?" Chu Yu ate the potato chips and gave a little bit to the side. Watching the broadcast on the Internet TV, I really want to tell you the thirty-first chapter!

"Let me ask you a question...I have a junior high school classmate. She likes someone, but that person has a girlfriend. What should I do?" Su Lu's eyes raised, his eyes narrow and long. , Carefully observe Chu Yu's expression.

  Love consultation?

   Chuyu's heart was stunned...

   What junior high school classmate? You are talking about yourself!

   Like someone?

   Huang Ming!


  Gen Shizuka!

   Sure enough, Chu Yu confirmed her opinion again. No wonder she said that she was out to enjoy the cherry blossoms that day. She was so unhappy after she called Huang Ming over. It turned out that she saw Huang Ming's girlfriend Yuan Jingxiang.

   I am too sinful!

   "Uh...this question, we have to treat it dialectically!" Chu Yu's brain turned for a long time.

   finally sighed!

   To be honest, he absolutely does not support Su Lu and Huang Ming in his heart. Although he can't tell why he doesn't want the situation to develop like this, he just doesn't like it.

   But there are so many things he dislikes. As a friend, he still has to consider the interests of his friends.

   Su Lu has been in love with Huang Ming for so many years...let her give up? Doesn't it mean that people will be single for more than 20 years?

Chu Yu knows Su Lu's character. She still yearns for love, but she will definitely not accept people who don't have a good appetite. She has said many times that she doesn't want her parents to urge her to marry, and she really doesn't like someone. It's fine to live alone in this life Words.

   So... At this time, we still have to support her. Otherwise, when she is in her 50s and 60s, Su Lu is still single. Isn't she a sinner?

"This...it's okay to have a girlfriend! Not a wife...Of course, it's not good to spoil the other person's relationship maliciously, but...you. ...Well, whoever your friend likes is her freedom, and whoever she wants to pursue is also her freedom, even if the other party has a girlfriend... as long as it is a legitimate pursuit , That's okay! As for the success or failure, it depends on their respective abilities! Anyway, marriage is important to come first, and fall in love... I don't think it is so harsh! There are so many couples who broke up in Long Kingdom, and even the divorce rate is It's rising steadily, cough cough cough...So...Come on!" Chu Yu vaguely said.

   After speaking, there was silence in the room for half a minute.

During the    period, only the voice of the animation was dubbed...

   "You...really think so?" Su Lu raised his head... his eyes seemed to be bright.

   "That's true!" Chu Yu said with a smile.

   "Don't you think this behavior is bad?" Su Lu asked.

  Of course I feel bad. If Gu Yan has other men chasing her during her relationship with me, I will definitely be uncomfortable, and I will definitely find that person single-handedly.

   But... Although I have a good impression of Huang Mingxin's girlfriend Yuan Shizuka, compared with Su Lu's happiness, those are not worth mentioning.

   At some point, Chu Yu was still quite double-standard, and he nodded heavily.

   "Compared to some indifferent opinions from outsiders, you... uh, your friend's own happiness is the most important thing! Why should you care about those things?"

   "This is...you said it yourself! Don't regret..." Su Lu paused for a few seconds, and his voice sounded.

   She has understood until now, Chu Yu, this fellow must be completely unclear about the situation, otherwise he could not have such an attitude, he must have misunderstood something......

   However, he said so.....I take this as his true thoughts.

That being the case, Su Lu let go of the last burden in her heart. Of course, she doesn't care about other people's views on people like Chu Yu who have a girlfriend. She cares... it's just Chu Yu's. view.

   Otherwise, how could she and Zhao Qinyin pretend to be friends with Chu Yu all day long like this, and pretend to be buddies when drinking!

  What is it? Who wants to say when you introduce me, Su Lu is my best friend?

   Since Chu Yu himself feels that this is the pursuit of happiness, true love, and even support... Then it's okay!

   "What can I regret?" Chu Yu's expression was indifferent.

   I apologize to Huang Ming in my heart!

   Maybe Su Lu will run into a wall with Huang Ming, but it's better than hesitating like this!

It's amazing..... At that time, she confessed that she had failed, so please accompany her to drink to comfort her, although I don't want to drink that thing......but for one of the few like Su Lu Friend, Chu Yu is willing to aggravate himself.

   But to be honest, although Chu Yu's mouth is hard, he does regret it a little bit in his heart and supports Su Lu to pursue Huang Ming! I always feel very upset...

Take a deep breath... Then Chu Yu's eyes focused on the animation~www.mtlnovel.com~Outside the house... Zhao Qinyin, who walked silently, ran back at night... ...Suddenly.

"I am back!"

   Chuyu and Su Lu were shocked!

   "Xiaoyin? When did you come back?" Su Lu looked panicked.

   Xiaoyin didn't hear the conversation just now...that would be too embarrassing!

   "Just come back!" Zhao Qinyin still has a calm expression.

   But when I look at Chu Yu, my eyes are more than before.......

   Chuyu's TV animation sounded loudly, and she didn't hear the sound of her key opening the door. As for how long she stood at the door, who knows except herself!

   Chu Yu slept soundly this night.

   It's just that he didn't know at all. In the room opposite him and next door, Zhao Qinyin and Su Lu, who hadn't fallen asleep until three o'clock in the morning, were thinking about it.

  Sometimes, it is not a reason to convince people around me that it is courage to take a step forward... but a reason to convince myself.

   At least Chu Yu didn't even know it, so he gave this thing to the two of them.


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